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Social Problem? #2 (6)

1 Name: Cheekie : 2016-02-21 02:13 ID:WFbfLYKN [Del]

If you guys haven't seen my other post,it was about two people in my close group of friends moving away and me not having anyone to hang out with. I took some advice about reaching out to people but I literally never get what they are talking about. They talk about and Fetty Wap music or whatever its called. I don't understand any of that and I literally have no interest. Some people in my school like anime but I just don't find myself really "getting along" with them even though we have the same interests. What do I do?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-21 05:15 ID:x8Fx4yZY [Del]

Recede into your shell called the internet

3 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-21 13:01 ID:vrT6h1I1 [Del]

Im sure youll find someone you can get along with at school. If not, there's always people here at the dollars like me who can help.

4 Name: Krawser : 2016-02-21 15:09 ID:8c0k1quF [Del]

I had a similar problem back in early High-School days. Common interests don't guarantee friendship. Here at Uni, I got my friends into Anime - we got more to talk about.

But people who loved anime already didn't necessarily become my friends (i.e the Anime society).

I tried to fit in, but that just changes who you are. You fake it too much. What I suggest is try going out more. No, I don't mean to people from school to "parties" or whatever, but school events. Public events. The park. Walking around town centre e.t.c. It takes time. I didn't like this certain person and his group of friends in Year7-8. In 6th Form (college: A-Levels) he was in my class and we eventually become really good friends.

You not only become used to being around people but inadvertently meet new ones as-well. Go to a bookstore if you like books.

5 Name: Cheekie : 2016-02-21 18:01 ID:WFbfLYKN [Del]

>>4 Ok thank you. I usually never go outside and just coop up in my house all day,talking to nobody. I think thats my problem,not having enough socializing experience. I'll try going to places and finding people to talk to.

6 Name: Krawser : 2016-02-22 11:24 ID:8c0k1quF [Del]

Great, try that!

Also, one more piece of advice. When you find a place you like to visit or become comfortable with events, you don't have to "search" for people to talk to. It eventually becomes natural and you do it without thinking of any external reason.

Don't wait for someone to talk to you, but don't eagerly start a conversation. Like, if I'm in a lecture at Uni and something funny happens, or I don't understand something or whatever, it's those moments that allow you to EASILY strike a natural conversation with the person next to you.

Think of how you might speak with a family member at home. I was nervous around girls a few years ago. I pretended that it's my sister I was talking to lol, and we becane friends.