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After break up..? (5)

1 Name: Mingkki : 2016-02-19 12:09 ID:XhbC6sb4 [Del]

So, two days I had the most movie-like breakup of my life... I mean, it wasn't a really long relationship, but still, the breakup became kinda dramatic. He told me he loves me and will 'till the end but just can't go on anymore. Whatever, it ended. I felt hopeless and everything you feel after a breakup, but thanks to my friends I became normal again. It is still not perfect of course, but looking at how much I loved him ( and I still do, but I've learnt how to deal with it ... ) I'm pretty fine now.
We attend two different schools in the same town, but I do not live in the town I'm learning in. He does. I usually walk to the bus stop that is like 10-15 mintutes on foot, I don't know why, I enjoy walking ( even though there are two bus stops right next to my school...)
So, I did that everyday, and found out he often walked with his friends there just because he had time or was bored, I don't know.
So we met up there quite often.
When I arrived, I luckily found out he wasn't there. However, his classmates were ( two girls, kinda... I don't want to seem rude or anything, they are just not those kind of girly girls ... I even thought they were boys for the first time). I knew both of them, and we had good conversations, but they just stared at me like some kind of alien.
I also met another group of my friends, and one of them was my schoolmate, and another one was my ex's classmate and best friend. Of course he wanted to know what happened, and he told me that my ex told him not to talk to me anymore.
I actually didn't care about it, to be honest, I laughed when I heard it.
When I arrived home, I saw that my ex texted me the day before, one day after the breakup.
I asked him what he wants, and we ended up talking - it was a really... I don't know, feelingless talk. Then, all of a sudden I asked why he told his friend not to talk to me.
He was all like " that's not what I said',etc...
I don't really want to believe that he' lying, but it looks kinda like that...
I'm trying to ignore him, but it will be hard if things keep going like this.
Any ideas how should I handle it? And I'm not talking about how should I make him notice I don't need him or anything, I'm talking about how to handle it mentally, like, to really get over it and not be stuck on these kind of things. Thank you!^^

2 Name: Perpendicular !51RP04bYEo : 2016-02-19 13:37 ID:8iCiNYUn [Del]

Don't worry! You'll be happy again, you just need to forget about him and move on. You shouldn't feel so depressed for an idiot who probably doesn't even deserve it. Tell yourself why you're better off without him and think of what you hate about him. Did he ever discourage you or prevent you from taking care of yourself? Enjoy what you couldn't enjoy while you were with him. Focusing on the negative traits of your ex will help you get over him faster. Ask yourself, "Was he even worth dating?" And even if you decide to be friends with your ex after the breakup, try to keep your distance. Being around him will only make it harder to let him go. Try getting rid of anything that reminds you of him. If he gave you a gift, throw it away. If you don't want to go as far as trashing it, just put it somewhere you can't see it for a while. I hope this advise helps. Just remember, you'll find someone better. You're just one man closer to finding someone who will truly care for you.

3 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-19 16:06 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

While breakups can be rough, you just need to shake it off and move forward. Find the one who will like you for who you are, and no matter what, stay strong. Things will work out eventually

4 Name: Mingkki : 2016-02-19 17:19 ID:XhbC6sb4 [Del]

Thank you both ^^
What I actually meant was that I'm over our relationship, for real, but as I said I love him, I'm just not in love anymore. I just can't and don't want to hate him.
What I want to handle is this childish behaviour.
We just talked like a few moments ago, and actually he said he wants us to be friends, and my answer was that I'm not sure if I could be his friend.
I don't know why I'm acting like it makes me sad, but I know to get over him 100% I'd better avoid him...
Gosh this is so complicated...

5 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-19 20:57 ID:TrZYC3us [Del]

>>4 Sounds like you just need some time and space away from him. If you need to tell him that, do it. You should find things to keep yourself busy like take on a new hobby, make new friends, or focus more on school. Whatever helps you channel your emotions, be it listening to music or working out, go for it! Also know that what you're feeling will pass in time so don't stress out too much.