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Self-harm (7)

1 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-17 22:11 ID:gfZ1QR9G [Del]

I was hoping I didn't have to post anything like this on here, but I really need an answer. It has been a few months since I've last cut, but today I relapsed. It wasn't even over anything major, a comment about my food intake just set me off. In the past, I wad bullied a lot, and it was really hard for me. Even so, I held off for about 2 years before the pains hit me, when I started cutting. Am I just being overdramatic? I could really use an answer.

2 Name: Chibis4Life : 2016-02-17 22:29 ID:a+gYXFqr [Del]

I don't want to be mean, but I feel like you're taking this a little too far. You shouldn't cut yourself ate a matter of fact at all. Cutting yourself is just another way of saying you want to kill yourselve. You probably don't want to kill yourself. So here's my suggestion, I'm gonna tell you something straight, life is a bitch. You don't need to hurt yourself over it. So please stop before you do something that you will regret.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-17 23:02 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

>>2 I was gonna stay out of it, seeing I've never cut.

If you can't see it from their perspective. You probably shouldn't give advice.

4 Name: Sid : 2016-02-17 23:25 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Well I don't think >>2 ever cut, since cutting isn't only about suicide.

There is a euphoric feeling when cutting that just lets all your built up stress go. It is hard to explain, but it is a hard thing to break out of. The last time I relapsed was when I was dealing with all my built up problems in my life from abuse.

One tip to break out of it is to deal with all your problems and depression. I did years and years of writing to do so. Just write anything and everything that comes to mind. Try to focus on your past and why somethings upset you. I found out a lot about myself and things I didn't even know about that were adding to my depression.

5 Name: Seraphic : 2016-02-18 00:27 ID:SKkYMFIk [Del]

Don't think your special, don't think you're no special. Just because there will be people who judge, and there will be people who do the the opposite. There are so many humans on the Earth that will love you, and there will be others who dispose you. I've cut myself before and I started to like that cut. There was a reason. I wanted to see if anyone noticed it before my family did, so you could call it a test. So it was either one friend win or family, well friend won! Of course you were being over dramatic because you can't just see the little things but then again you can. I can't remember Sherlock Holmes quote good but it had to do with a great mind can see any that nothing is small. So you either have a great mind or are really over dramatic. I can't really decide on this! But I'd have to go with over dramatic if you were crying. Usually when people cry they and go overload with that, then that's self-conflicting pain.

6 Name: Sevn : 2016-02-21 01:10 ID:03Ers7Ix [Del]

No. You're not being over dramatic. I don't think Dollars BBS is the right places to look for answers. Go to It has great support and better answers if you want to look there. Just Dollars BBS is not the best place, so start questioning there.

7 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-21 13:07 ID:vrT6h1I1 [Del]

It's a good thing that youre asking for help instead of holding it in. I know bullying is never easy to go through. I was actually bullied all through elementary and parts of middle school. Just hang in there and know that there's a few dollars here that will help out.