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Going to college in Florida? (FIU STUDENTS HELP) (4)

1 Name: L : 2016-02-16 20:39 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

So I know this may breech some boundaries for some of you who like to remain elusive about their location (as I usually am), but I'll come out of my shell and put it out there that I'm a Floridian. I'll also throw out there that I'm going to college soon, and I need some college reviews because I'm a bit salty about my rejection letter and worried about my safety net choice.
So yeah, UF rejected me as they reject everyone (boohoo), and I'm bitter, of course. The main reason why is because my area of interest to study is sparse in Florida, and being dependent and stressed af from AP classes,clubs,etc. (which I realize mostly amounted all for nothing in the eyes of UF), I have no choice but to stay here upon the wishes of my dear old hovering parents. Now, my interest of study requires learning Asian languages (I'm asian) and I've been learning Chinese for a little over 3 years. My next pursuit is Japanese and Korean (if possible), so naturally, I did some digging around searching for programs that can study abroad and such. Last summer I earned a scholarship to travel alone to a new state for Chinese camp, and I've traveled to the motherland quite a few times during childhood, so I naturally kept an eye out for abroad programs that reach asia.
So my interests definitely narrowed my choice of colleges here in this state, and UF had checked off all the requirements (and included classes for me to brush up my aboriginal language as a bonus), so I applied, got rejected, and I'm bummed out. My other choice was also pretty close to meeting my requirements but I have a few concerns about 1)the area and 2)the school. I've read mixed reviews about FIU, and since I come from a small town, Miami is a big step for someone as small as me (I've always half-joked about buying pepper spray when I go). I like to think that I adapt pretty easily to new environments since camp, and I'm a "go with the flow" kind of person, but I still have some worries in such a big city. The main worry though is the institution. So far, the reviews I've read all agreed that the campus is gorgeous but parking's a bitch. All I want to know is if I can pursue my interests there with the intent for it to flourish? I'm happy that I was accepted, but I have my doubts upon hearing about the crappy staff and the student-teacher ratio. Being Miami, I have no doubts that I'll encounter shady students and situations, but I'm willing to take the risks if I the international/modern language studies program is good (or if the school is ok in general). It's my best option right now, and I'll transfer later if I have to (ideally I'd rather not), but I'd like to know what you've guys heard or experienced before I decide for good (please).

2 Name: Panther !/Ube37sWcw : 2016-02-21 16:36 ID:mfnyFfT6 [Del]

The pepper spray isn't much of a joke, but Miami won't be any different from anywhere else. My neighbor and cousin are both young women in college, and both have pepper spray in case a guy on campus decides to get handsy.

I have one more year until I go to college, but Miami is a great place to be because it's so interesting. You're bound to meet some great people. I've heard FIU is a good school, but as for Asian studies, I doubt you'll get much from South Florida. We have barely any Asians at all.

FSU is a great school too, but I don't know if you got into there. FIU is still great, though! I've heard Gulf Coast is good. I'm not sure what else, though...

But yeah, pepper spray isn't a joke. If you're going to be a freshman girl in August, then you'll need it.

3 Name: L : 2016-02-21 17:51 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

Thanks for the reply! (Love the name, it's ironic) But yeah, I'm pretty sure that the pepper spray is a requirement. I'm actually considering taking classes at the local shooting range after my birthday and perhaps try to learn some self defense techniques.

As for my interests, I kind of knew it'd be hard to pursue in Florida (and in general) but I'm trying to explore new fields through my interests in language and culture (maybe do a bit of business?) I know FIU is predominantly Hispanic, but I was talking to my cousin who goes to UM, and she says that her school does mixers with FIU students who are in some sort of Asian association (what I like to call the Asian cult), and I'm hoping that I can make that work for me as well as studying abroad with the language classes they offer (they have all of the languages I want). These classes aren't necessarily in depth, but I'll take what I can get for now. I also found out that they have some language lab(?) for interpreting/translating internships(?) but I obviously have some more researching to do.

Thanks for the advice!

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-21 19:32 ID:vrT6h1I1 [Del]

Im not too familiar with colleges in Florida, but I would recommend going into a field of work that youre comfortable with. Hopefully this helps.