Dollars BBS | Personal
















Bye (14)

1 Name: Ella : 2016-02-15 22:40 ID:xtYIlkKi [Del]

I've decided to do it tonight. I'm going to hang myself in my room, probably within the next hour. I'm sick of life. I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave. some of you are the nicest people I have ever interacted with. Thank you.

2 Name: 46-Inu !2g2bA0WKo6 : 2016-02-15 22:59 ID:Ky1M0uHY [Del]

I'm sorry.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-15 23:18 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I'm afraid to die. It must be the scariest feeling...

4 Name: Annivras : 2016-02-15 23:21 ID:IRLdc0y6 [Del]

Hey, please do not die. You are one of God's wonderful creation. God made you for a reason. God never makes MISTAKES! Even if you are not attractive or smart, beauty and intelligence comes from inside of your heart.

5 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-15 23:23 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I feel like dying always hurts and is nothing like sleep. You're instincts take over and you struggle anyway... We'll never know how many people changed in their final moments...

6 Name: Flora !EuaL9hSxts : 2016-02-16 00:22 ID:U1vmR4yI [Del]

Well all I can say is that you'll regret it if you go through with it, coming from someone who previously attempted suicide.
Sure you'll be dead so you won't be around to care but even so if you stick through the tough parts of your life you will be able to experience all the good parts of life as well. Just aim to get yourself in the best situation possible and a life that would make you personally the most comfortable.

Attention seeking or not you'll find you'll enjoy life if you put yourself in a better situation.

7 Name: Izuru!7dnNk8Q.SM : 2016-02-16 00:41 ID:TEB2Wfa2 [Del]

No, Live dammit live!!!

8 Name: MoyashiSan : 2016-02-16 02:08 ID:/GIEpQ1B [Del]

Please don`t <3 We care about you!

9 Name: Seraphic : 2016-02-16 02:37 ID:SKkYMFIk [Del]

There's no point in doing suicide and there's no point in living. But I'd rather stick with living because you know where you are, what you wanna do, and other things. You don't know what my come after death, I'm not trying to talking you out of it nor trying to talk you into it. I'm just stating what I think and you don't have to with it if you don't want to. I may not know why you wanna do it, but i think it would help if I said that nothing is ever fair. I have more to say but I can't express it all.

10 Name: Kanra : 2016-02-16 02:48 ID:aV0HRU7a [Del]

You only live once bye!

11 Name: Nope : 2016-02-16 08:44 ID:q2MpSNd7 [Del]

I dont know if i have right to say this but there's time when its worth to live. I dont know if its when looking at the sunset or even petting a cat (Hey they're like the cutest thing on earth :3). try to at least do something you like before you kill yourself :3 It might change you're mind idk though :D

12 Name: EmoG : 2016-02-16 17:03 ID:hKstlOtG [Del]

Kid in my brothers high school did that a few days ago, it broke others hearts. I'm not going to say don't do it because I have never loved a day on anyone else's shoes nor do I plan to but I am going to say this: if you die, you may not know this but your gonna break someone heart. Your gonna tear up a piece of someone's life, their soul. So think and if your life still is not worth a single dime then die.
Also the guy at the high school hung himself too.

13 Name: Marx : 2016-02-17 12:55 ID:3tgtH0g+ [Del]

Idk if you did the do yet, but hey, just because life is boring, doesnt mean death is exciting either. In fact, its boring as hell, and there is nothing after death, you dont experience anything, you dont see anything, you can do anything, youre just a memory to other people. But before you die, think of those who care about you, and want only for you to live and do great!

14 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-18 01:07 ID:/3ca/0BS [Del]


Well, that's one person gone from this site