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Family Trouble (7)

1 Name: Arisa : 2016-02-14 20:37 ID:YVmXJaGD [Del]

My family's been constantly at trouble for a long while and I don't even remember how many times my parent has said to the other that they'd leave or mentioned divorce. Not to mention my sister has social anxiety that our school doesn't help with and I have a severe depression that landed me in the mental hospital for week. Now today... my mom's been slamming doors and avoiding everyone all day. Apparently saying "I don't love you" or something similar to my dad this morning when he bought her roses and chocolate. I said something pretty bad earlier that ended in my dad yelling at me and my mom yelling at everyone... I have pretty bad mood swings that makes me think of extremely out of reason ways to deal with things, sometimes self harm or even suicidal thinking, but I'm not sure how I'm going to keep these down if this keeps going on. The MUTT team told my parents they should start going to family therapy but I doubt that's gonna happen any time soon. I guess what I'm asking right now is for some advice how to deal with this or what I should try telling my therapist this Thursday...

Thanks in advance.

2 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-02-14 22:38 ID:ycNah/xE [Del]

Friend (may I call you that?), as much as it will pain you, please tell your therapist as much as you can. Tell them what happened, how you felt and how you wished it could have gone. Tell them as much as you feel comfortable doing. People will remind you of this, but they are there to help you and their helpfulness is limited by the information they receive from you.

The situation described is very unhealthy, even without your intervention (I wonder if you felt guilty for what you said? You shouldn't. It was probably bad timing, and your parents mood is obviously at a new low).

There is little that I can recommend you do, other than hold your sister close to you, because for better or for worst, both of you are in this together. You need to mutually support one another. When those darker thoughts strike you, remind yourself that you are not alone in this.

As for more immediate action, consider the following options: 1- Limit your sister and your's exposure to their violent shouting/behaviors. If there is anyone, family or friend, whom both of you trust and whom lives close to you (and, perhaps, that your parents know well enough), consider asking them if they are willing to harbor you siblings when the situation gets turbulent.

2- If leaving during even for a small moment is impossible, distract yourselves (silently). It is the most terrible recommendation I can give, because it is not entirely effective. Perhaps your therapist or someone you trust will be willing to let you call them.

I will not tell you to hope. I will not tell you intervene, because depending on your parents temperament, it might be dangerous for you to do so. However, remember: you are not alone.

P.S: I hope that family therapy will start soon for you all, but even if it does not happen, I will continue hoping that there will be improvements in your situation. Good luck.

3 Name: Euphoria : 2016-02-15 03:37 ID:sp9S4Hz8 [Del]

Temporary relief could be to imagine a second life? I'm not an expert so what I say might make everything worse but this method helps me when I feel like the whole world should burn. You have us though so just come on and post your troubles :) I am horrible at advice but i think I'm not too bad of a listener, here is my email: if you want to vent out anything!

4 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-03-06 15:12 ID:b+lcVp5O [Del]

Hey! I don't particularly want to bump a dead thread, but I was wondering if OP was still around or if anyone have any updates? This is one of the situations where a periodic check up could actually help.

5 Name: Arisa : 2016-03-07 21:16 ID:7aIcZGDW [Del]

If OP means "Original Poster", sorry ^^' I forgot to reply back to my own thread.

6 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-08 01:11 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I don't have too much input on your situation. As for coping with it, I kinda just lock myself up in a room with food and a computer, then I'm set for the night. Not the best way to deal with it, but I've doing it for years now whenever my parent starts binge drinking.

7 Name: Arisa : 2016-03-08 08:15 ID:MGpQ+9O9 [Del]

>>6 That's what I've been doing while my parents are fighting with each other. It seems to be the best I can do at the moment. Yet, it doesn't seem to help when my mom comes in to yell at me about whatever topic it might be. Be it because of my room, my grades, or that I'm on my phone using Kik or on the DRRR chats... I'm not quite sure what to do about those other than try to bring it up with my therapist and hope she helps out someway...