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Make it go Away (4)

1 Name: !!XI8GEi6V : 2016-02-13 02:37 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

I am having one of those times where you are just depressed. You can't truly pin point a reason why, but this depression I am feeling is just too intense. I do not want it to effect others. I want it to go away, I need it to go away, please help me. What can I do?

2 Name: Yui : 2016-02-13 08:50 ID:aGKcUv80 [Del]

try to figure out what are the things that makes you depressed. life isn't always as smooth sailing as it seems. there will be times when you're facing a wall. I know the feeling of wanting to tell everyone that you're not happy. Try to find a support system. depression isn't something that will pass. rather, it will grow. let out your emotions little by little.

3 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-02-13 12:26 ID:NW4OZR75 [Del]

>>2 Is right. As for any immediate action you can take, perhaps writing your sentiments/voicing your feelings and thoughts of the moment to yourself would help. I, personally, believe that doing so would at least help you clear your mind and slowly understand what might or might not be the cause of your sadness.

Of course, if you are proficient in any for of communication, be it art, music or etc, you might want to consider those too. Browse for a video that would resonate with you? Ultimately, if possible, consider sharing bits of your trouble to someone you trust.

I, personally, trust that you will overcome this (you have the strength to refuse to effect others even in this mood). Good day. :)

4 Name: kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2016-02-13 17:14 ID:ocvIox8E [Del]

maybe speaking to someone close to you about it will help, or even just doing things that make you happy to distract yourself for a bit. I also agree with the other two comments