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This may sound petty... (2)

1 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2016-02-12 11:57 ID:O5ur8iMw [Del]

There's a lot of backstory to this, so please bare with me.

For about half a year, I was dating my sister's best friend. I loved her a lot, and she was someone I could find myself holding very close. But the thing was our age. I was 16 turning 17 that year. She was 14 going on 15. If we continued our relationship, it would have been illegal technically by law and her parents, who are both very anti-gay, would have contacted law enforcement and say I raped her. There was also another thing. She moved to another town that was about 45 to and hour away. I couldn't visit her because my mom needed the car. So I stuck with just texting her when I could. But it wasn't enough. She lied to me and said her father caught onto us. I had this sinking fear that he was going to beat her because of me. So great that I had five panic attacks within the first three hours of my day at school. And you want to know the best part? She lied to me. She lied because I wasn't giving her enough attention. So overall, I broke up with her because she was self-centered, lied to me, but yet to protect her. I still loved her, and I hated to make that choice. But I knew it was for the better.

Well, after a couple months, we said our apologies. We decided to be friends after that mess. And a part of me wanted to be her girlfriend again. But the thing is that it wasn't possible. I know it wasn't. And yet for some reason, she still pushed. She asked me out every once in awhile. So I ignored it. Even after all the harassment that her mentally ill mother pushed at me. All the pushing from our friends to make us date again. And it eventually got to the point she started offending everyone else. She would try and guilt trip us. Make us feel bad for her. She kept telling us, "I've had a hard life, you don't understand what I've been through." And well, it reached it's max when she edited a picture and made all of us trash bins. I told her, in a rather bitchy way, that I was sick of her and what she kept saying. Guilt tripping all of us to make her reasons plausable. To make her the ultimate victim while we were all suppose to just sit there and be there for her. We tried. But it's hard when all she does is call us trash.

Anyways, I feel bad about this because I don't feel bad about calling her out on this. She expects me to talk to her, but I don't really have the energy to want to. Because everything she has done up to this point is sickening me. But, what do you think... Should I apologize to her for calling her out?

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-12 12:16 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

Eh. Don't feel too bad for calling someone out on playing victim so long. Some people will play that card forever if you let them. At some point they'll realize everyone has shit on their plate. Until then just let it go as best as you can.