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Who else feels awful all the time? (4)

1 Name: Kaito : 2016-02-09 13:31 ID:VHQxY1D2 [Del]

I don't really know why I'm posting this in the Dollars site, but hey here I am haha...
So basically while I've always felt pretty tired and kind of less-than-okay anyway, lately it's just been getting worse I think? I mean.. nothing really seems to have a point and I find myself feeling empty more than anything, because I find most things meaningless... and for some reason I end up feeling particularly awful after I've been hanging out with other people for some reason - I'll have a fun time with them and everything, but when I get back to being by myself I end up feeling worse, as if that awful feeling had been amplified in order to make up for the brief moment I hadn't been feeling awful? If that makes sense anyway? It's weird..
Honestly I don't even know what I want to ask from anyone reading this, I guess more than anything I'm just wondering if anyone else feels as hopeless as I do?

2 Name: 46-Inu : 2016-02-09 13:51 ID:wYLt2NEm [Del]

Sometimes I have the same feeling. I'm not sure how you want me to respond

3 Name: Migaharo : 2016-02-09 14:16 ID:GgaqBTzK [Del]

I can feel where you are coming from, Waking up in the morning wondering "What's the point?" then going along your day not knowing whats you can do. You have to go out and see what the world has to offer. Try out new things go to places that you haven't gone before, Meet new and interesting people. So in short what i'm trying to say is get out of your comfort zone by going to new places and meet new and interesting people. then you will feel that anew and can live your life the way you want (-'u'-)

4 Name: Sevn : 2016-02-13 20:35 ID:03Ers7Ix [Del]

Personally, my mood kind of just switches on me. I have felt emptiness before and it's not a nice feeling. The best thing to do is tell someone in real life how you are feeling. It tough, but trust me it made me feel better. There's only so many things that internet friends can do.