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Am I stupid? (9)

1 Name: N1C0 : 2016-02-08 20:54 ID:hPyvyC2E [Del]

So I really like this guy at school, but he doesn't feel the same way... in fact, he hates me. And won't talk to me at all... People that have talked to him have said that he's an asshole... but I still like him. Is there something wrong with me???

2 Name: Migaharo : 2016-02-08 22:06 ID:wmECeZF+ [Del]

No, there is nothing wrong with you. If he doesn't like you for the way you are. That's his loss ;)

3 Name: Kello : 2016-02-08 23:15 ID:JWfBw4XM [Del]

I think that there's something in him that you see that everyone else can't see... which is a good thing. The fact that you still care for him despite how he treats you is precious... he's stupid for not realizing what he has right in front of him.

4 Name: Adam : 2016-02-09 07:54 ID:nM/j9nfY [Del]

what??? how is it his loss, op clearly says he hates her. Just cause she likes someone doesn't mean they're forced to like them back.

To the main point. no nothing's wrong with you, it happens.

5 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-09 08:10 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I'm afraid you may learn for yourself eventually.

6 Name: Shizuku : 2016-02-09 08:35 ID:ynOIWW3U [Del]

There's nothing wrong with you, as Kello said, you might be seeing something others don't, but it also leads to asking yourself if its worth the effort, give it a shot if that's what you want, if you've made it clear you like him, and he simply responds with no then don't drag it out, don't hurt yourself over someone who won't consider you.

7 Name: N1C0 : 2016-02-09 20:22 ID:hPyvyC2E [Del]

Well I guess I'll see if it's worth it after Valentine's Day...

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-09 21:13 ID:wfnNMvUh (Image: 267x200 gif, 391 kb) [Del]

src/1455074035410.gif: 267x200, 391 kb
Honestly, I'm waiting for this to happen

9 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-10 09:52 ID:roLc7ij+ [Del]

Try Touching the Walls. *brick'd*