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hey lets not say bad words so much (7)

1 Name: keiko : 2016-02-04 19:51 ID:fa37jLZZ [Del]

um well i go on a bunch of random chats- all the time like 24 hours a day but what i seem to notice is that well lots of ppl use "bad words" whats my meaning of this well everone will be chating u know about why the moon is blue or some thing and then a troll joins he will say stuff like "out f**kers or some thing and ill be there like no bad words u know so well its kind of mean u know and dont get me wrong i mean if the topic is weird or some thing and u just need to say... wtf thats okie i mean like dont call some one rude words if not needed if u get mad just leave the chat or be like "nooooooooooo dont yell at me " or some thing (thats uslly what i do :3)noww u dont what to be saying bad stuff or ppl might start thinking your like part of the blue scarves or some thing ^.^ and rember be the best anime charter u can be

2 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-02-04 20:39 ID:Sv6DlASI [Del]

What? Is there a point to all this drivel or?...

3 Name: Yamato : 2016-02-04 21:10 ID:Pylzaggf [Del]

should this be in randomes?

4 Name: 4Lorne : 2016-02-04 21:33 ID:PkxgO/8E [Del]

I agree. Though I try to be pretty indifferent as to how people choose to respond or speak--whether they want to use bad words or not is their choice as long as there is no rule banning it.

Hey guys! Please, before you start hating on this person, please remember:
As much as you're entitled to your opinion, expression, and lifestyle, so are they! They're just stating their opinion and asking. They're not making you :) . If you don't like it, you're 100% entitled to proceed as you were. I just want to make sure this doesn't become a one-sided, hypocritical hate-bash on the opinion expresser :P


5 Name: Slip : 2016-02-04 22:38 ID:lHF7einD [Del]

i dont like swearing... but you know what, in my country and the web of the internet theres freedom of speech. so what ever. i wont do it but thats my chose and you can make yours, no rules or nuthin.

6 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2016-02-05 11:38 ID:mUjMlAK7 [Del]

Fuck that shit.

7 Name: Cody : 2016-02-05 13:17 ID:bfsqkf/Y [Del]

Lol to >>6 but in all honesty I do wish I cussed less. We should use biger words instead, sound smart that way.