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Jealous of cousin (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-02 16:39 ID:Eakni23P [Del]

I'm a regular high-schoolar. I have a few friends, regular grades and no enemies (as far as I know). I'm not handsome or hot, but I'm not ugly - I even managed to kiss a girl once or twice. I never suffered depression, even tough I feel lonely sometimes, but I guess that's ok. I do not practice sports and I have 0 musical skills, but hey, I can at least draw and I have fun doing it! Past year was kinda fun for me, I had a lot of troubles but I kicked'em all in the ass faster than I would imagine.

Thr thing is... A new year has just begun, and my classes also have. My cousin is studying in my school now, we are at the same period. He is really cool, he's closer of a brother to me than my own siblings! I like and respect him a lot, he visited me every vacation when he was living in another town, and when he moved here 2 years ago, we kept talking to each other very closely. But I'm jealous of him. A lot. I love him as much as I want to be like him. He's one year older, taller than me, a great soccer player, he is so handsome he receives compliments nearly everyday. His eyes are light blue, he is funny, he is fit, he is always surounded by his friends and girls literally (yes, literally) jump at him. He has more money, he has way more friends, he has some swimming medals he received when he was younger, he catches up in videogames really fast and sometimes manage to beat me at games I have put more than 400 hours on. His nickname in school is Master, because he could score a goal on soccer everytime he had the ball.

He outshines me in every single aspect. Except for intelligence. His grades are fairly low, but he is pretty smart, maybe even more than me. And my friends seem to prefer him over me, even though he doesn't stick with them. My male friends praise him like Jesus and my female friends would blowjob him in the first opportunity. Whenever he approaches, my self-steem drops to zero. It's not like I want to be the center of the attenion, but I can't even talk to him because everyone is buzzin around him like flies eating a rotten egg. It's like I'm instantly sucked up by a black hole.

So, what am I supposed to do? He is the only person in Earth I have ever felt jealous of. Damn, this shatters my heart.

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-02-02 19:12 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

I can almost see what you're feeling. I use to have nieces (yes, NIECES) in the same class as me. I wouldn't try competing with them but naturally they were *academically* smarter and overrode me.

The only thing I could excel in that they couldn't was creativity, other than that I was shit. If you're jealous, it's okay, SO LONG as it's a healthy one like you wanna compete. However there's always a downfall for having a relative in the same class as you. The year has just started for you so give it some time. Things will fall into place, but of course, monitor the situation.

Worst case scenario is that you move schools. Thanks to my people finding out I was dumber than my nieces my parents decided to make me move schools so that I wouldn't be compared.

Listen, there are twp type of leaders. Your cousin is seen as the leader of the people and you're most likely the leader of the individuals. He may be an idol but he's not an understand-er.

Interestingly I was much like you in school. I had friends, I was doing average in things, but then my nieces come in and everything is messed up. My friends left me in the end. But interestingly after that, I made contacts and friendships with other people who sort of saw me as someone they want to 'follow'. I wasn't a leader of the people, but of the individual, the community. Those that are leaders of the people aren't bad mind you, they set the agenda and are idols that set a rank, but they're not 'liked' on a personal level. That is something you most likely have however.

This year might be tough but just hang in there, you will gain something from this experience I 100% guarantee it. Your cousin won't really, later on he life he might feel as though something is missing. He started right at the top but he doesn't know how it feels at the bottom, so it'll hurt. You know how it feels however and are working your way up, just like me.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-03 02:52 ID:Eakni23P [Del]

Thank you, Kokkuri. Your words were really helpful. You understood the situation like I thought no one would.

You're right in so many ways. Thank God people doesn't compare hin to me. My mom used to say used to say things like "your cousin is so clever and strong, he ate all his veggies, take the example" until the day she found out thar his grades are not really good, his friends barely know me and only talk to me asking if he's fine. Once a girl told me I should be as gorgeous as him, but I don't get upset with those things coming from people who don't know me.

My friends are the same with me. They always ask me advice and my own opinion about a lot of things. One in particular told me I was an example he wanted to follow! My friends have their negative sides but I like them and they seem to like me a lot more than I expect sometimes. I guess that's just relative, my cousin might have an example he wants to follow who he considers 'superior' to him. His mom compares him to me becauss she thinks I'm super inteligent and quiet while he is one od those pranksters who always get in trouble. His friends buzz around him the whole day, I wish I could talk more to him, but one of his friends doesn't like me, he must think I'm a loser.

I guess I should stop comparing myself to him. I have friends who like me and I like them, they probably give all attention to my cousin because he's like one of those cool classmates who talk to you once a month. I should stop considering that as a problem, that is kinda egocentric. Instead, I will take my cousin as the person who has his own pros and cons while I keep my job trying to be the best person I can.

Thank you again for the help and encouragement, things seem to be clearer now.