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I need to tell someone (12)

1 Name: Liza : 2016-01-25 15:51 ID:d29GS5Jx [Del]

I have a terrible secret that I have been holding onto for about 6 years now. I need to tell someone of it. But I`m afraid of what will happen if I do. I`m afraid it`ll cause a big commotion for my family. Yet I need to at least tell someone about what he has done to me. Please someone help me decide. I don`t know either to say or not to about this. Please someone help me.

2 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-25 16:12 ID:Y0ktFTYC [Del]

You can tell us.

3 Name: Killjoy : 2016-01-25 16:45 ID:WEiMwYaz [Del]

It may be hard, but in all honesty, telling someone, anyone, about it is better than keeping that secret kept inside of you for years. Just talk to one person, and I hope it'll get better. I think it will. If you need anything else, the dollars are always here for you.

4 Name: Liza : 2016-01-25 17:03 ID:d29GS5Jx [Del]

My own older brother molested me when I was little around the age of 11. I`ve thought about it so much that I`m started to think it was a terrible nightmare. But I do know it was real. And I`m scared of being around him. He acts likes he had never done a such a thing. But I`m just so afraid of what he`ll do if I remind him or tell someone. And I`m also afraid of what my parents, my little brother, and my boyfriend will say if I tell them.

5 Name: lis : 2016-01-25 17:10 ID:/+lNc4pO [Del]

That's awful and I'm terribly sorry you went through that. You have every right to be upset and scared for what he put you through. You should tell your parents whenever you feel the time is right, and remember that you are under no pressure to tell people that you are uneasy about. When the time comes to tell someone, you'll feel it. Even if it's easier to first tell someone like a counselor from school or an adult you trust. Whatever you decide, remember that we're here to support you. You were the victim here and did no wrong.

6 Name: Liza : 2016-01-25 17:23 ID:d29GS5Jx [Del]

I really want to tell my mother but I`m just afraid. That I`ll break our family even more. I`m just scared. But I`m more afraid of my brother than anything else. It`s because of him that I feel uneasy around him. I`m pretty sure it`s also the reason I`m very protective of myself and that I don`t like being touched by others I don`t know. I get the feeling this is all his fault. My boyfriend has always wonder why I would shake lightly when he hugs me. I just this all to stop already. But I`m also so afraid.

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-25 18:23 ID:8pFRXHCV [Del]

And holy fucking shit you should've kept that to yourself...

You just made me feel horrible

8 Name: Lux : 2016-01-25 18:37 ID:dq/a8RmU [Del]

It depends. Has he changed since then?

9 Name: Liza : 2016-01-25 18:44 ID:d29GS5Jx [Del]

I can`t tell. I have no idea what he is thinking of each day. I ever wonder if he`ll do it again for no reason. I just don`t know.I`m just scared to find out.

10 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-25 19:00 ID:HQfzsQ00 [Del]

Hey, I'm really sorry for what you went through- I can't even properly comprehend something like that, but I have a friend who's brother did something similar to her long before I knew her. I can't give much advice, and she is still working through what happened herself so I can't guarantee that doing what she did will fix everything, but she is better than she was before. It started with her just talking to an adult she trusted from school. It was either a very friendly teacher or a counselor- I don't know- but after talking everything out clearly the adult convinced her to have a conversation with her parents. The school called the parents in, and she and the adult told them together what she had been going through. She chose not to file charges or anything against her brother, but he was sent to some kind of boarding school after that. And she went to a lot of therapy too. Her relationship with her family isn't perfect, but that is still far better than going through this alone in fear. I hope you find a way to help yourself, and I hope you are safe and stay that way. Good luck. <3

11 Name: Liza : 2016-01-25 19:11 ID:d29GS5Jx [Del]

Thank you all for the support. I appreciate this a lot. I guess i should do something about it. I`ll do it. Thank you all again.

12 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-26 02:04 ID:HQfzsQ00 [Del]

Good luck. <3 Please let us know if you're okay over the next few days, and when you decide to act. Our hearts are with you.