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Alone? (41)

1 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-25 09:14 ID:HnqjGOUi [Del]

I feel alone...I have friends. but I feel alone...

2 Name: shadow : 2016-01-25 09:36 ID:TgseRjXO [Del]

hey me too i have friends but i cant see them they are all busy but i am here for you

3 Name: Dafree : 2016-01-25 11:03 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

Same here bro I have like a few super close friends but theyre always busy with work or hanging out with their other friends.

4 Name: Rarks : 2016-01-25 12:54 ID:QrDVbfn7 [Del]

Firt of all. Sorry for my English. Im from other country. And:
Same here, i mean, i feel alone instead of have friends, in fact i have 2 best friends and a lot of friends more, but anyone really know me, at least i think so. Futhermore in my family no one share my hobbies (Drawing, Writting, Reading, Watch Anime Series).
I like electronics too, and im studing engineering about it, but no one take me serious when i say that i want to study what is called "Bellas Artes" in my country.
But, these last days i began to be more like me and less like others people want me to be. And i feel more happy about it. So, i think that if i keep being myself i'll find real friends. And maybe, those 2 closest friends accept me too

5 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-25 13:39 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't know what to think... I don't really think my friends accept me.

6 Name: Rarks : 2016-01-25 15:26 ID:QrDVbfn7 [Del]

Kanra, i know that what im gonna to say is a cliché, but i think that search clubs, in your zone, where people do what you like too could be a good idea.

Maybe you need change of zone to clear your thoughts, if you can go out of home to other city because of the studies or similar, i advise to do it. You could know new people, and if you are studing what you really like people will not judge you, i think...

But if you cant do any of those, maybe you should tell your friends your feelings or your likes. Is a way to put a end point to this, if they really dont accept you, maybe you shouldnt go with their anymore. And if they accept you no problem.

As I said, i think that being you is the best way to happiness.

But is easy talk without know the other person. The last decision is yours. Maybe what im saying is not helping you, but i think that what i said is the correct way.

Well, i have to go, sorry for my english and good luck, i'll check after for answer :)

7 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-25 17:12 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't think it's friends I want...

8 Name: Rarks : 2016-01-25 18:53 ID:cDoaZIFv [Del]

Girlfriend or boyfriend maybe?
My advise is the same then, meet new people.

9 Name: Rarks : 2016-01-25 19:13 ID:cDoaZIFv [Del]

Well, if you feel alone because arent able to see your placer un this world, i supose that is called unplaced. But the world is so big, i mean. If you feel that your life dont have any objective, if you feel that no emotions are on you, nothing surprise you, nothing make you feel happy. I think that moving of house, travel un vacation, search your own adventures in your city, learn something new, piano, draw, programming, physics, trhow internet is everything posible. With people is better, but i dont think that the club of physics exists in cities haha, but you are able to everything.
Maybe the people that you know is not what are you searching. But people is really awesome. I am more or less like i describe un this paragraph, but i hope that it will change, im gonna change it. I will meet people, i will travel, im gonna to learn new things, im gonna make of this bored world something incredible. I want to believe that i can change it, and i will do it. Because other enjoy of life, so, i can do it right? Only have to make my move. If you know what is wrong in your life, if you know what you want to change, you should change it. You can do it. You can make everything.

10 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-25 21:20 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

thank you...

11 Name: cao : 2016-01-26 06:43 ID:ac0qRnnN [Del]

ah relatable
usually being lonely even when you're "ok" is bc of past experiences
get involved!!! do stuff with your friends!!! you just need to make an effort-- you'll feel less lonely, i know from experience 'v'

12 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-26 08:41 ID:HnqjGOUi [Del]

I tried to spend time with more people. but I still feel lonely, ...I don't think I wanna spend more time with people...

13 Name: Abziiee : 2016-01-26 14:48 ID:qikIrRAf [Del]

Wanna talk about it then? I think the best way to your issue is to identify the problem. What do you exactly feel and what makes you feel this way? Also, if I were to tell you what you told us, what would you suggest I do? You might find the answer that way. I would like to help you out if you want. (^ω^)

14 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-26 17:50 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't know what makes me feel this way. I just feel this way...alot...

15 Name: Someone!1z8qrtCRGc : 2016-01-26 20:06 ID:Q/jI/PNg [Del]

Its entirely natural. Thinking about it, before you became sentient and were able to recognize other people as equally sentient beings, you were also "alone". Being alone for some moments in your life might be good for you to better enjoy interaction with others, eventually. For introverts, it is less taxing a state of mind/being. If this loneliness causes you anguish, I do feel sorry for you (as much as a stranger can, anyway) and hope you will find happiness soon. If not, then please enjoy your day!

16 Name: Kirara : 2016-01-26 20:19 ID:QvfTnSRJ [Del]

Maybe it's because you don't really trust in your friends. I kind of feel like that (lonely) too, and it's because i can't rely on them, I'm not sure if they're really even my friends. But still I like hanging out with them though, even if it's not enough, it fills me a little.

Just please never do something stupid because you feel lonely. NEVER. There will always be people listening.

17 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-26 23:10 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

>>14 You simply feel misunderstood. You feel isolated when you're around others because you feel like they don't understand you very well. You've built no emotional bonds in your circle of friends and its manifesting as rejection.

It's a phase though. The more approachable you behave, the more people will take interest in your personality.

18 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-27 13:26 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't think it has anything to do with "friends" are always around they never leave me alone.

but I still feel lonely...

19 Name: Lunak : 2016-01-27 13:43 ID:M+uTP4ZE [Del]

Perhaps they are just shitty friends. How close are you to them?

20 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-28 18:06 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

not very

21 Name: QueenChaos : 2016-01-28 22:23 ID:6nX7qmGA [Del]

This is a common thing for those with depression and you may want to talk to someone about it trust me you'll feel be2

22 Name: Abziiee : 2016-01-29 10:42 ID:wmX660Yx [Del]

>>20 Kanra is there something you desire or have desired? A job a hobby a relationship. Think about everything you once wanted and see what it is you are lacking. Sometimes it's when you're not comfortable in your own body or you feel that you're not in the position you want to be in this world? You might want to think whether the thing you feel or want is emotional, mental or physical that you are lacking.

23 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-29 20:47 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't what I desire. I want the same things everyone else has out of life I guess

24 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-01-29 21:17 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

You spelled it out for yourself already. You're always around friends, but don't feel close to them. That's what I was saying before. You feel misunderstood, even by the people around you every day. Bonding with others is easier said than done, but I still feel that's all you need.

25 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-29 23:33 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

ok. I understand...

26 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-01-30 00:02 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I found something

I'll let you know if I get anything with more information.

27 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2016-01-30 12:52 ID:mUjMlAK7 [Del]

Its because people have become cold and self-centered. They don't even realize how they're hurting the community around them with their vain apathy.

28 Name: Calvary : 2016-01-30 16:55 ID:kU1/RBc7 [Del]

Find the right people to surround yourself with, people who like the same things as you like whatever work or hobbies you associate with. People with common ground tend to get along much better.

29 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-30 18:14 ID:/sDDswia [Del]

When was the time people are not self-centered?

30 Name: Kanra : 2016-01-30 22:24 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I've tried to surround myself with more people and tried to make more friends...I just feel more lonely

31 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-01-31 02:13 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I feel quality over quantity applies here.

32 Name: chizuru : 2016-01-31 08:01 ID:48wEZbka [Del]

Yeah... I kinda understand. No one make your life complete and is just like if anyone shared your point of view or your true feelings? (wow! If it's not like that I would be ridiculous! XD)

33 Name: Kaiyo !Q7D/Cr2T.M : 2016-01-31 10:24 ID:kU6F8PuN [Del]

Hey I think a lot of people including myself can relate to what you said. My friends from school are not close friends they almost feel like acquaintances just people I talk to about stuff that isn't personal. So I do feel a loneliness. I have been lucky enough to find a friend online who I seem to connect with well so that helps a little bit... I think that the reason why you feel so lonely is because you haven't truly connected with your friends. Maybe you just need to find someone that can relate to you and who you can talk to about anything. We are all here to help and if u ever need anything or someone to talk to feel free to email me at or if you want my kik is kaiyo5 hope this helps

34 Name: Slip : 2016-02-01 11:02 ID:lHF7einD [Del]

dont we all feel like that at some point i never havent felt like that but i guess i just learned to deal and not care anymore. i know that sounds stupid and well probaly kinda selfish but i dont care. thats what happened.

35 Name: Neah : 2016-02-01 11:35 ID:r7sdDz/v [Del]

I used to feel this way too but now just like >>34 i dont care anymore,don't think im heartless or cold my mind became cool and calm when I stopped caring,it may be a little scary but you have your family by your side and i think that's enough

36 Name: Decim : 2016-02-01 17:35 ID:K7NqNfod [Del]

At least you have friends.

37 Name: Kanra : 2016-02-01 21:54 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I would say family is ok...but I hate my family and I probably won't have friends for long. I feel they'll ditch me any moment...

38 Name: Kanra : 2016-02-01 22:00 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I feel like I should stop responding. I feel whiny and I don't want people to think I'm begging for attention...
sorry but...

39 Name: Ero-sensei : 2016-02-01 22:20 ID:1LA9OYjs [Del]

Don't worry. Everyone goes through that phase once in a while. Just work hard, and you will inevitably find someone that won't make you feel lonely anymore

40 Name: Kanra : 2016-02-01 22:33 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I don't think that'll ever happen...

41 Name: Ero-sensei : 2016-02-01 22:51 ID:1LA9OYjs [Del]

You might be right. Then, all you have to do is make that 'someone' through your influence, artificial intelligence, nurturing or any other possible method. If this is too bothersome, you can just simply hope.

Or accept and come to love the fact that you are alone. Being alone means not belonging to any group. Therefore, being alone is equivalent to being special, to a certain extent; being special is awesome, you know. Also, being alone has many benefits.