Dollars BBS | Personal
















Why is it not? (5)

1 Name: Rinnji Blue : 2016-01-24 01:32 ID:jZKChrfn [Del]

So, I haven't seen anything like the Drrr. Dollars on this site. But! Yesterday I go to the train because I don't want to ride my bike and I see this guy fighting a dude in a yellow shirt. I was going to go over there but this random dude bummed into me rushing and screamed. We Dollars don't
know punk easily! I felt bad because I was laughing. Like did he just say he was in the dollars. And does that mean the guy with the yellow shirt is part of the yellow scarfs!!!
SO, what is it that this Groupe of Dollars do? Are we going to be the invisible do-good-ers that Our founder wanted us to be?

2 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-24 01:41 ID:Y0ktFTYC (Image: 436x281 png, 77 kb) [Del]

src/1453621313058.png: 436x281, 77 kb

3 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2016-01-24 06:28 ID:/YatItQg [Del]

Be a hero and beat up the punk, but be prepared to have a few broken bones and internally bleeding limbs. Also, don't be surprised if you get targeted by a gang for messing with them and get assaulted in the streets every now and then. This is the dollars, in the real world that is.

4 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-26 02:19 ID:HQfzsQ00 [Del]

go to main/countries and look for the thread for where you are. See who else is around, and if there's enough of you it's up to you if you want to do something about it. You could buy yellow scarves and patrol the streets at night like neighborhood watch, or just exchange info and back each other up when you're in a jam. It's up to you, but be careful of how much info you share online, and be extra safe if you decide to meet irl at some point.

5 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-26 10:21 ID:Sv6DlASI (Image: 300x199 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1453825282784.jpg: 300x199, 9 kb
Just... No