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More Complaining... (138)

1 Name: 4Lorne : 2016-01-23 09:34 ID:PkxgO/8E (Image: 510x340 jpg, 26 kb) [Del]

src/1453563273001.jpg: 510x340, 26 kb
Because I know you have it in you xD

Anyways, this is just an extension of the now-closed complaining thread. :3 Sorry if this is considered too reposty... wasn't my intention.

All credits go to Leigha Moscove for coming up with this thread. Here's her original post:
"I have looked for this for a long time. I Ctrl+F and looked through each thread. I have not found this yet. I figure if there can be a thread where you brag about your life, then there can be a thread for you to complain as well.
Had a bad day?
Have crumby friends or family?
Hate life?
You just feel like whining and moaning?
Have no one to talk to?

Then this is the thread for you! This is a thread where you can whine, moan, and complain about pretty much everything and anything under the sun! I usually keep a close eye on threads I write, but not this one. Why? Because I don't want to hear about your crumby life. I might scan this just for curiosities' sake, but, other than that, this is just a place where you can get things off your chest.

If you want to comment to someone on this thread to make them feel better, feel free. I would just like to tell you that if and when I post anything on here, I will probably not read any comments to it. If I do then it's because I'm that curious cat that never died."

2 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2016-01-23 17:46 ID:9x3CLVKX [Del]


3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-23 20:28 ID:/TRJDgzP [Del]


4 Name: Tree !p4.oUl2qF2 : 2016-01-23 23:01 ID:wIeDP2yA [Del]

What happened to leigha? I haven't seen any post from that person in while... I'm mad😡... Jk

5 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-23 23:04 ID:/sDDswia [Del]

Out of good BL.. Sheesh.

6 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-01-25 22:40 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

So the complaining thread is finally closed. It's weird cause I would think so many people would use it as an outlet. Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for making the new one, by the way.

I may as well start off complaining. (TMI though, so you may just want to scroll past.)

I really, really hate having irregular periods. I never know when it's coming. Sometimes I'll feel like it is and wear a pad in preparation, but a couple days go by and nothing. It always strikes me when I don't have a pad on or access to one. I can never track them either because of how irregular it is. Maybe they would become more regular if I gained weight, but gooood my metabolism is too fast. I can eat so much and get a little exercise in and gain a couple pounds, but I keep losing them soon after. My body just doesn't want me to be healthy, I guess. :/ Still following my doctor's instructions, but not much change.

7 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-25 23:22 ID:Sv6DlASI [Del]

Why didn't you say so I'm writing up a chapter now.

8 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-25 23:52 ID:8pFRXHCV [Del]

>>5 Um, try going outside

9 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-26 02:50 ID:HQfzsQ00 [Del]

I was in love with someone for almost 9 months, almost a year ago. It was a complicated relationship, and I feel an immense wave of shame and regret trying to drown me every time it comes up. She was a complicated person, but I believed everything she told me. Lets call her girl A. Every lie, every empty promise, I took to heart. I put my faith in her. We were both simultaneously dating a third girl, (girl B) who was kind and a genuine person, but also complicated. After I realized girl A didn't love me it was another two weeks before we broke up. I'm pretty sure she was only dating me for my bank account in the first place. One month ago, 8 months after she had broken up with me, I was back to normal enough that I could consider my heart no longer broken. 3 days ago, I was on Facebook and had a nice friendly chat with girl B but I fear that being friends with her, as much as I would like it, would bring up all of that pain I had left behind. FML. I wish I could go back to four years ago when my worst experience was a bit of light stalking. I'll probably still continue talking to girl B regardless of the pain, cause I'm a masochist like that. Eff me. I've sworn off dating for a while. Maybe I will have a somewhat normal relationship in a year or two. Eff me.... oh, and another ex is still hanging around too. lets call him Mr. Rapehands. He's been spending a lot of time with the closest friends I have, and so I can't talk to anyone really. course i guess it says something about me that "the closest friends I have" spend more time with a rapist than with me, sitting on a bench in the hallway playing with my flip phone for hours. blargh.

10 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-26 14:11 ID:/sDDswia [Del]

Manga / fanfiction?

I'll do that in winter when the sun doesn't shine.

11 Name: Tanaka !k3JBVU3XfE : 2016-01-26 18:30 ID:Sv6DlASI [Del]

Fanfic. Yuki/Akise atm, with a Shinji/Kauoru planned.

12 Name: Wing : 2016-01-26 22:47 ID:1X60Km7+ [Del]

I hate how some things aren't meant to happen. You try so hard to get it down, you work so hard to get it right, you had so much patience for it to happen. And all you get at the end is disappointment because it wasn't meant to happen. It's just wasn't the right time and so all you can do is to just let it go. Life sucks I tell you. It sucks.

13 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-26 22:55 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

>>12 The fact that anything works is a daily miracle really. It's usually when someone doesn't do their part that things start to crumble.

14 Name: Wing : 2016-01-27 18:00 ID:1X60Km7+ [Del]

>>13 Yes! And you don't feel sad or happy about it because of how much time you've spent with them. All you feel is disappointment. And that's the worst feeling ever.

15 Name: eccochem : 2016-01-28 05:38 ID:P4Lxcebw [Del]

I hate how my life is at the moment with the Company I work for. I'm still an apprentice and they're so unfair!
I'm in my last year and need to do my Exam soon and for that exam the Company needs to pay. Just about 2 weeks ago I gave my training supervisor the information where she needs to pay at. Yesterday I had my free day and wanted to talk to my tranining Supervisor and ask if she paid the money but she is sick and wasn't at work. Ok, so today I call at the Organisation - Service(where they give apprentices support, exam, etc.) and ask if they already got the money so I can have the appointment of my exam. The person said no. I was like "WTF?!", I gave her 2 weeks ago the data for the payment. So I was like "Okay, then I'm just gonna pay it on my own and the Company NEEDS to give me the money afterwards."

So I payed the money via Online and send an email to my Supervisor that I payed it and she should give me the money at the end of the month...guess what.

She wrote to me(she is still sick and that's why were writing via Email)
"I already paid for it."

And then I was even more pissed than ever! Like WTF?!

And I was thinking "That can't be, I called there and they said no."

So, I wrote her back and asked "When did you pay? I called there and they said that no money arrived."

And the best thing comes now.

She wrote: "I paid it today."

Are you kidding me? At that moment I thought that she must have been either lying or she really did it. But I thought more that she was lying because why would she do it today just when I wrote her the first email that I've paid it.

I'm sooo pissed off right now and feel like not working there anymore. This Company is so fcking unorganised and they're very unfair how they handle things.

I only stay there for so long because I want to finish my apprenticeship until the contract ends but with things like that makes me want to quit sooner.

The money isn't even worth working there and I also think that they don't give me the right amount of salary...and the best thing is I don't get my pay slip regulary.(Btw. I'm asking about my pay slips since november 2015 and it's like their ignoring me.)

URGH! It makes me so frustrated. I swear, if another stupid bullshit comes up. I'm going to complain the company. <_<

Has anyone also experienced this before or something similar?
Thanks for reading and taking your time.

16 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-01-28 13:41 ID:o+7PNgle [Del]

Yay! This thread is being remade!

Alright... I fucking hate doing tons of homework for college. I don't want to go to college anymore if I can't even have ONE art studio class!!!! I'm pissed off!!! I'll kill everyone!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

17 Name: jill : 2016-01-30 01:55 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

Damn, that idiot. Why can't he understand that he can't get a job that easily? I keep offering him some jobs but he keeps declining. He doesn't really get the fact that his nothing but a pain in the ass.

I'm trying to help here but you just really like being selfish ha. You don't have any experience, no useful attributes, or certifications in any kind. So why do you have to be so damn picky? The companies you applied for doesn't want someone as useless as you. So stop having such a high standards. You don't even have proper manners or greet someone properly. Are you even trying to graduate? I just can't stand your personality. You have nothing important to do and keep saying your busy. Busy of what? Playing games? Watching animes? Are you really that stupid? What do you gain for those useless things? You don't know anything, that's why no one hired you. I keep telling you to volunteer so you could at least have some experience that you could write in your resume but why do you procrastinate and forget it in the next day? I'm tired of taking care of you. I'm not your mother or your idiotic sister who basically just the same as you. I can't call you my friend since you won't freaking listen to me. Your the freaking source of my stress. Not my job, school, or my nagging parents but you.

18 Name: Invisible : 2016-01-30 20:20 ID:HQfzsQ00 [Del]

my friends we put in a position where they had to choose between me and my rapist, who is also their friend. They all chose the rapist. I have no friends, because I'm not even worth one pity vote.

19 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-04 08:52 ID:DrSYHZil [Del]

>>18 Wtf?! They chose the rapist over you, that's just fucker up!! D:<

I fucking hate waking up I the goddamn morning... I'm not a morning person. I'm not really into college anyways so what's the point in going? I fucking hate doing homework! I'm not good at following the professor's goddamn assignments! Fuck everybody!!

20 Name: あい : 2016-02-04 11:22 ID:F0BFgJy6 [Del]

Isnt complaining what the dollars is for? thats all that happens on the site anyways now a days. thats all i see anyways. just being truthful.

21 Name: Kiyomi : 2016-02-04 15:41 ID:nbQHoW+A [Del]


Just because I'm the most musically based in my fucking school doesn't mean you THREATEN me to be in all the ensembles. I have other subjects I can't fulfil your every fucking wish!

Now I feel better...

22 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-05 08:22 ID:NjUgN3ui [Del]

>>20 It's good to let out some stress. I feel much better after complaining. Also, the lolz thread is always making me feel better too! XD

23 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-05 08:25 ID:/sDDswia [Del]

Complaining is what life's for.

24 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-06 04:12 ID:/sDDswia [Del]


25 Name: Bollo : 2016-02-06 14:58 ID:WoT0tlVf [Del]

>>23 i need a t-shirt with that on
everything seems to be going shitty for me but at least it'll all be over soon

26 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-08 13:50 ID:qIc3LB0W [Del]

I wanted to get on a bus early so I don't freeze outside this god-forsaken weather. I waited at a stop sign and the bus comes. The bus stops at the sign, but didn't open the doors for me for a couple of seconds. When he finally opened it, he said the bus doesn't pick up passengers at stop signs and that they needed to wait at a certain destination to be picked up.

Somebody answer me, are busses not allowed to pick passengers at stop signs? I mean, they already are stopping at a stop sign, so might as well pick people up!! Someone tell me I'm wrong!

27 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-10 17:44 ID:sHndQlKb [Del]

I missed my bus ride today and also my class. Sigh! Nap time can really mess you the fuck up.

28 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-02-10 23:10 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

Man, this has been the most drama filled week of my life. My two friends are against each other and one friend is desperately trying to make me feel better (not working at all, it's all just excuses) and the other is just really mad and even tried to guilttrip me for getting into a new relationship only a month after ours ended when HE was the one who set me up with my girlfriend. I want everything to go back to how it used to be, but everybody is just so emotional about it and I'm still really hurt. It sucks because I only have three friends left that attend the same school as me, but those two are just not working things out with each other or me. I hate drama. This is such bullshit.

29 Name: BangBang !tYYHhG3ht. : 2016-02-11 06:31 ID:snPyHI0j [Del]

Someone has left gone off prawns somewhere in my school. I cant walk thecorridors without smelling it. Not as bad as the other complaints ive seen on the thread but still.

30 Name: BangBang !o1Lp96/Qq6 : 2016-02-11 06:32 ID:snPyHI0j [Del]

Also I messed up my tripcode just there. Sigh

31 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-16 10:51 ID:ytd+ybDV [Del]

Woke up late this morning too.


32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-17 03:46 ID:EHBZBnpt [Del]

People need to apologize more. Me included

34 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-02-17 09:54 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

Stuff you, stuff you andddddd stuff you! and FUCK you! fuck you too, and you, and you and you and you!

Don't worry, these are just to the thoughts in my head. Neigggghhhh!

35 Name: Koro-chan : 2016-02-17 12:29 ID:omSo7Eg3 [Del]

People around my town are pricks.

36 Name: Rewop : 2016-02-17 14:45 ID:lCreeVjH [Del]

Five days of stereotyping!

Four days ago: Prayed silently before eating my lunch - while my head was down someone taped a paper saying "Muslim hater" to my back despite me never having said or done anything along the line of hating Muslims.

Three days ago: Joked with a friend (who happens to be gay) about straightness levels - flicked off and cursed at by passing group of rainbow-clad students.

Two days ago: Held a door open for my friend and let in the people behind her - slapped for being "sexist"

Yesterday: Got back in line after bathroom where my friend was holding our spots - called racist and white-supremacist because the guy behind me was Hispanic (and though it might not look like it to them, I am too).

How I just love our hypocritical and over-offended society!

Today: Talked to friend about how I think Cruz is pretty cool, showing up Rubio the other day - pushed into locker by group of people notorious for supporting Hillary

37 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-17 15:01 ID:IQOZrDBU [Del]

>>35 You and me both. I freaking hate the people living in my hometown. Such pricks, they are... literally. That's why u moved away.

38 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-17 15:02 ID:IQOZrDBU [Del]


Sorry, I'm typing from my phone.

39 Name: Abziiee : 2016-02-18 06:57 ID:QUotX2kS [Del]

I'm hungry... Life is full of wonderful things! now how long until I can live through those wonderful things? I'm still waiting patiently.

WHEN WILL THAT TIME COME??? I'm still patient... XD

40 Name: PersonZ : 2016-02-19 00:03 ID:EejbTRcx [Del]

I'm only living for the sake of the otaku culture(anime,manga,LN,VN,etc,etc) I find the ppl in the world so stupid so crazy so disappointing especially with the politics going on like really Trump it's fudging trump that is in it??!! Dafuq!! Even Hillary is just as bad fudging feminism!! I mean it's not like feminism is bad or anything but ppl will take advantage of it and be offended by any little sh1t start using it as excuse(I'm not even sure if she is supporting feminism,heard form somewhere srry if not correct)especially the teachers/staffs like really goddamn it counselor like really u have to fudging say it in a fudging arrogant pose(crossing ur arms behind ur head and leaning back) yeah I know u prob have to say to other ppl too and it was kinda late but u just have to be like that to a student yeahhhhh wow and goddam it other counselor stop spouting sh1t ur not gonna take responsibile for man!!! Like really don't try to look good man ur bs is not getting to me!! I give fudging 2weeks and u don't do sh1t about dropping a fudging class I don't need like really wat "oh I will call today or tmr" just say ur not gonna call u don't even rmb even though we just met later for club (the teacher for my club) like really woooww,ur being paid to do ur least do ur job man And really the efficiency and practicalness(is this even a word??) is fudging bad..English class we suppose to be taught sat and regent but y da f u focus on regent and final exam stuff we know those WE KNOW!! U don't have to spend diving weeks on articles used for exams man!! Teach us SAT stuff!! Don't say that theres tutor on Saturday!! No ones gonna go there!! we have things to do man!! Y u bo focus on the sat IN CLASS!! Goddamit and y!! Y da f even though there is common core regent u don't change the way things r taught in class????!!!the reason y ppl can't pass is obviously the way things r being taught man!! Da f have u been doing ur whole life??!do ur jobs damn it!! And do u seriously think making test harder is gonna improve our scores woww damnit test makers just WOOOW!and don't start bragging about bei able to get higher scores when u were teens cuz test were easier back then man! There's nothing to be proud of it was easier and cheaper and fudging simpler to get in college!!and less condition to get jobs!!yeah I know graphic design is easy to do and I know it hard to find jobs becuz too much competition (cuz it's a easy job) anyone can draw anyone can design but not anyone can do a amazing design u need to be artistic,creative,eye so stop categorizing it(or whatever u call it) as a easy job im not trying to do it JUST cuz it's easy in doing it cuz it has more freedom in art and I ca use the knowledge for other designing jobs,I know I'm not stupid im just disappointed just becuz I fail some test doesn't mean I'm stupid its means I didnt study I didn't review that's it stop judging my intelligence on fudging test scores about a fudging topic I don't care for(reason y I didn't study/review/ or rather I'm the memorizing type so I dont need to study/I wasn't there when the that lesson was taught so I knew less info)and just becuz I tried to dress up once can u not think I got a bf or something I'm just trying to look nice cuz I want to explore the different fashion styles(I like designing/art in general so I like pretty things/unique designs and stuff)and goddamnit family y da f u guys like to gossip about us so much(my relatives/Asian family here they gossip a lot!!!) I just want to leave this world sometimes just leave me out of those plz!! I just want to watch anime read manga support the authors and so much...I just realized I still have one more to say...but I won't it's too long lol

41 Name: PersonZ : 2016-02-19 00:31 ID:EejbTRcx [Del]

K nvm I gonna continue..srry if it gets too long..well so yeah goddamnit school y da f we have to have 200h of volunteering like y!! 200h is already a punishment for some crimes too!!(minor ones really minor)r u saying we commited a crime??!! Go damnit man and damn u other teacher y da f u have to give me the attitude just cuz I'm asain all I did was ask if there was any make up lab like really u have to ask "did u go to ur assigned labs?""did u come to school/were u absent a lot""how many labs u have""did u hand in ur labs"(he said it in attitude with a slight sarcasm and rolling his eyes) like da fuq man I can to ask cuz I don t have enlighten lab that's fudging obvious man y da f u even need the info for man never have they (when i went before many times) ask bout these man like really the other helper was gonna tell me there wasn't lab and u just had to stop her to ask these and then check on pc my lab# and then fudging say no there's no lab like really REALLY!! Wasting my time man!!and Goddamit friend A y da f u being so dense no bit dense but can't read the mood/be considerate Man U just had to say something offensive about friend B's parent (we all bestie) and when B start arguing/telling u u Jay's had to shrug it off no it's not that simple Man U need to take it seriously man that's not something u just go Oh Well ok!! If I wasn't there then B would've punch u in da face stop thinking it not a big deal I've been telling u timgis so much u have to read the mood u know wat it feels when ur family is being talked sh1t of so y can't y do the same man B was clearly angry and offended man!! I let u off when I was also angry before cuz I j is u didn't understand but y!! Undo I think it's just a funny thing??! It's not the same as pranking/teasing ur friends we are offended! We r mad man! So can't u take this seriously I don't want our friendship to break! The way ur doing is gonna lead to a heartbreak later in life man!take my advice and take it seriously cuz it's gonna hurt really bad later on..this I know

42 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-02-21 23:13 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

I have been doing good with my weight, even reached 94 pounds. Then I got sick and dropped back down to 88 within a week.
Man, gaining weight is so difficult for me. It's even more difficult to do it in a healthy way and not just eat a shitload of junk food. The exercise isn't helping much, so it seems like I'm stuck. The pills have no effect either. My doctor wants me to get to 100, but that goal seems so out of reach. And of course, my parents don't help with this. I guess I could wait until I'm older and let my metabolism slow down, but me being underweight is having such a negative effect on my health.
I am in such poor shape, mentally and physically. I wish I could just be healthy. Nothing I do seems to work. It's so frustrating and it feels like my body is giving up on me. I legitimately thought I would die in my sleep a couple nights ago. But I have to act like I'm fine. I'm not allowed to show weakness.

43 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-02-21 23:45 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

>>42 As a fellow person who found it extremely difficult to gain weight I could give you some advice. It does I suppose get easier to gain weight as you grow older but you probably don't wanna wait till then...exercise can also become harder. My advice? Just eat tonnes of healthy snacks in between big meals. Basically just keeping your stomach full at all times. I gained about 3 kilos in 4-5 days, guess that's an achievement. Just I use to eat Nori a lot. It doesn't fill you up at all but the fact you're getting your body into the habit of constantly eating is the thing I guess

44 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-22 20:05 ID:LycBR9cL [Del]

>>42>>43 I think everybody on here hates both of you. (If it's not clear, I'm kidding)

45 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-22 23:15 ID:2v//IKWD [Del]

>>44 Poe's law, google it

46 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-24 08:59 ID:o+7PNgle [Del]

My speech is next week and I'm scared shitless...

47 Name: ZzaZza : 2016-02-24 18:23 ID:y1X7iKBX [Del]

Brace myself, the finals are coming.

48 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-25 08:30 ID:Neaoflmb [Del]

>>47 You and me both. I have midterms next week. I wish you the very best of luck, my friend.

49 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-03-02 08:50 ID:o+7PNgle [Del]

Fuuuuuuu!!! I have speech tomorrow and I want to die so badly! Someone kill me!

50 Name: Sharo : 2016-03-03 09:31 ID:w1JjrR8Y [Del]

My good friend Izaya can help you with that...

51 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-03 09:41 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

You know a trans person is bullshitting when they say they support gender equality but complain everytime they're 'misgendered'. Sigh.
Whats the difference between man and woman when you're ordering pizza?
And how is misgendered even a word?

52 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-03-03 10:51 ID:qEU1RhH0 [Del]

>>51 Merica.

53 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-03 14:27 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

>>51>>52 Ditto.

54 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-03-04 18:00 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

If somebody purposely uses the wrong pronouns, it's a sign of disrespect. It's like when Justin Bieber was a huge thing and people called him a girl to disrespect him.
Now, if a person misgenders them and didn't know that they're trans, then it's not really misgendering. I get pretty annoyed by people expecting everyone to know their gender just by sight. It's irrational to expect that. If people see me, I look like a girl to them, so of course I won't be upset if they use she/her. And accidentally messing up pronouns is alright too cause you can't expect people to automatically adapt to that change.
But when people refuse to use the correct pronouns, it's just entirely disrespectful. It's not acceptable. It's not that hard to use the correct pronouns , so it can get quite annoying.

I'm assuming what you're talking about is somebody doing it without knowing the person is trans based on the pizza comment. In that case, it is ridiculous to complain about it.

55 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-04 18:35 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

Eh. Not quite, but similar.
It's when they use a credit card to pay and the clerk used the original name on it and they get offended. OFFENDED. By the name their parents gave them. I know they have fragile hearts and everything, but to get offended by the name your parents gave you is the same as disowning your parents, and they still have the nerve to say they 'love' their parents. They can throw away their past all they want, heck I do that too, but do they really have to spit on their parents' face?

..sigh, I'm a bit cranky today.

56 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-05 04:54 ID:HrqfUUaM [Del]

I so hate my mother's employer.. she makes me work like a horse..

should I quit my job??

my pay isn't even that high..

but I need Money.


somebody cheer me up??

57 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-05 08:04 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

>>54 Oh the feeling of trying to sit down near a 'girl' in a lecture theatre but end up sitting next to a guy with long hair and....oh nevermind.

58 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-03-10 15:38 ID:gxkmQ//i [Del]

I'm finally done with midterms!!! Yessss!! But now, I have to write two essays... during Spring Break!! Wtf?!!

>>56 I suggest finding a new job first then quitting.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-11 23:40 ID:LJS6Goh9 [Del]

The girl who has completely friend-zoned me is dating a really good friend of mine. Life is kinda unfair.

60 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-13 03:02 ID:hrnYDQAe [Del]

My parents joined a fucking pyramid scheme....


61 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-13 07:27 ID:FdAJkIEK [Del]

Too many humans in Melbourne.

62 Name: ruAlice : 2016-03-13 09:25 ID:EIUHjrfq [Del]

>>59 know that feeling :/ had that same thing going on too.

63 Name: shadowblossom : 2016-03-13 11:41 ID:DmKstIrw [Del]

I hate my parents they don't have a single bit of respect for me and they think that they can kick me around like I am there puppet, they just want me to be there ideal image of someone who stands high in society and follows every order, I freaking hate it. I want to follow my own dream but because of them I can't

64 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-15 04:20 ID:hrnYDQAe [Del]

I try not to come on for 1 day.
Shit posts increase

65 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-15 04:44 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

>>63 You won't go on a straight line as you might like to think. The moment you realise that dream, you're already on that path but it's not time for you to notice. All you'll see is the adversities in front, which are your parent's orders. So rest assured, you're getting there. If not tomorrow, then the day after, if not then, then the day after that.

But just remember, no one can climb the mountain with their back straight. Bend in humility and you will climb higher.

66 Name: Kurosuke !ZhEadTxef6 : 2016-03-15 04:51 ID:Qo6TnA1u [Del]

>>64 always happen..

67 Name: Yami (Too lazy to put in my code right now) : 2016-03-28 13:25 ID:hI2Zo9uB [Del]

I'm tired af and I don't like college. Someone please drink with me so I can loosen up this tension I have.

68 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-04-03 03:35 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

I wish there was someone to trust my nephew.

I wish someone, an adult, could pull him out of the cycle I barely broke out of. I'm not strong enough.

69 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-04-03 23:12 ID:DLoyjtV4 [Del]

Too many shitposts lately...

70 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-04 03:42 ID:rtuxcaaP [Del]

>>69 is that new?

71 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-04-04 05:28 ID:DLoyjtV4 [Del]

>>70 Figures. Either shitposts or no posts.

72 Post deleted by user.

73 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-04 06:45 ID:rtuxcaaP [Del]

Its nice to feel that they dont know my real name while I know theirs..

haha. not like they care anyways.

the self-satisfaction.


74 Name: Yami (Too lazy to put in my code right now) : 2016-04-04 13:54 ID:fvDriaHj [Del]

Yaaayyy...... I hate my life.... Does it bother someone that I want to kill someone right now? I don't want to live anymore....

At least I bought myself a hamster to cheer myself up!

75 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-04-05 06:02 ID:DLoyjtV4 [Del]

>>73 ........................................................................................THAT'S NOT COMPLAINING.

Why do Japanese people write such mindfucking stories??

76 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-04-05 06:09 ID:TBBDYGSe [Del]

Coz they're workaholics.
The principle of tortured artists. Their cultural heritage is also strong, which helps facilitate imagination.

77 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-05 06:27 ID:C45yywUW [Del]

>>75 it is now.

78 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-04-07 10:07 ID:8sLEnbmk [Del]

The amount of pain I am going through for college is unimaginable.... It's my first semester here and I'm writing thousands of papers for each class. Wtf?! I hate you, college!! D:<

79 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-04-19 15:58 ID:OZQbIwjI [Del]


80 Name: Honoka : 2016-04-19 19:20 ID:qgkQakTq [Del]

There's this boy who just switched to my game design class and annoys the hell out of me!! We're suppose to be designing a video game but all he does is play (or however you spell it) and says "this is lit" over and over! And then he always talks to me about a YouTube channel I don't really watch?? And yesterday he took my computer mouse I bring from home and when I called him out on it he said "ah that might've not been me" when it was obviously him. Plus, he brings up the death of someone close to me every day saying "rest in peace [name]" but the way he says it, it's like he's trying to quote a meme?
He used to be in a newspapers class but got kicked out for how s*****y he is.
Doesn't help that he's never done any work in either classes.

I pretended to have computer issues and moved away from him, so hopefully he pisses off for now before I snap.

Ah, that was good to rant.

81 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-04-20 08:34 ID:6XU8E2ix [Del]

I want to be on my summer break already! I don't want to go back to college! I hate homework!! I don't want my older brother to visit for the 4th of July because he's just going to be mean again! I my hamster to stop biting me! I want my partner in one of my classes to stop being lazy and help me in our project that's due at the end of this semester!!

82 Name: Decim : 2016-04-20 19:51 ID:K7NqNfod [Del]

Fuck all of my classmates who constantly talk shit about people every second. Is that all you can talk about? Make fun of people, criticize them for what they wear or how they look? It makes me so fucking sick hearing the shit that comes out of their mouths! I CANT STAND IT! I HATE IT SO MUCH!

83 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-04-27 01:33 ID:llGJ1D2Z [Del]

So one more in a series of questionable decisions made today led me to be at Uni on my day off. I'm attending a seminar explaining an assigjment i haven't even started yet. The room's full and there are no fucking chairs. I assumed the class would be kinda empty, and the seminar would be group-oriented, so I could take what other people were asking and apply it to my work.

Fucking nope. Everyone's got their individual questions and I've got nothing. Plus this is wasting time I could be using to do some actual fucking work.

Home is 30 minutes away.

Fuck today. Seriously. Fuck. Today.

84 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-04-27 02:04 ID:llGJ1D2Z [Del]

And finally, 40% on another assessment. But I already knew I'd to terribly, and it only counts for 10% of my final grade

Still pretty shit though.

85 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-04-27 02:26 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]


Head is so heated up with this fine....

86 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-04-27 13:30 ID:poS+yO4p [Del]

Finals are next week and the week after that. Who wants to die with me?! :D

87 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-04-27 17:17 ID:6Ne3GtRt [Del]

Why can't you shut up mom, I just want to listen to some pleasant music box music U_U

88 Name: Joy : 2016-04-28 02:35 ID:x6V0XSWl [Del]

I have final exams coming.
Why all they have to come at the same time ?
Now I have been sitting all day at the library reading a plenty of thick books !!!

89 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-04-28 22:20 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del] and his wife are really.....I can't even say it cuz it's so pitiful.......stupid? Maybe I'm being too blunt.

It's like, if I jokingly said I'll become a murderer when I go into a shopping mall, they start going off on the "I've got years of experience so I'll give you a life lesson"- tangent.

YOU BITCHES are so hypocritical I gotta facepalm myself every time I just *SEE* you.

You even said I have no concept of time or being late when YOU were the one who got me late for my own wedding...Cuz you started crying about the beautician *ruining* your make-up...And you didn't ruin it only for me, but even the groom's family, smartass.

90 Name: Panda Overlord : 2016-04-28 23:44 ID:h2kMvahS [Del]

God my family is such a pain in the ass; don't get me wrong they have their good moments, but that's probably the only redeeming quality. I still live with my mom and stepdad for medical reasons, and it is god awful being around them. First off I don't even know why in the hell they got married in the first place. He is an abusive asshole, six months before he talked her into marring him for insurance purposes; he beat the living shit out of her in front of my little sisters and one of their friends. With a folding metal chair! When she left to go out the gate he shoved her to the ground and her arm got ripped open an the fence. I'll be glad to admit that I got a good swing in at him after that. Then I got a flower pot tossed at my head and it just barely missed and that is when she came unglued on him. And after that with no apology or words of regret, he expected me to be ok with him marrying my mother. No thanks. It just completely baffles me how two people who now seemingly hate each other's guts can remain married and be so sickly sweet to each other that is obvious they don't mean a single word they say. The only time she is happy is when he leaves town for work. And Jesus Christ when they fight it is miracously my sisters or my fault that they're fighting and he tries to blame everything on us. Then when she's pissed after their fights I get yelled at for no reason. Fuck and the worst part is that I'm so afraid of ending up in a relationship like them that I try to avoid dating. Which is sad because at 22 years old I haven't dated in five years because I am afraid of ending up like them. And don't even get me started on holidays with the rest of the family!

91 Name: Remus : 2016-04-29 02:44 ID:ZmHAwQ2s [Del]

My girlfriend went on a foreign exchange trip to Slovakia, and now has broken up with me just three months before she gets back. :/
TFW you post right after the guy with actual reason to complain

92 Post deleted by user.

93 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-07-06 18:41 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

Ugh I complain about.... nothing today, just bumping because obvious reasons.

94 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-07-11 20:50 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

I wish I couldn't see spirits =_= I wish I couldn't hear them, feel them, or anything with them.

And I wish instant death upon anyone who practices black magic, I hope that anything you summon will dismember you bit by bit and the last thing that'll go will be your head. Why do you even exist?

What did my parents do so horribly wrong that you had to put a curse on their life? They've been fighting it for 45 years now. But the only way to get rid of it is to kill me.

Who thought of that awesome idea? And I can't believe, you're considered my relative. I still want you dismembered and strung up like a Christmas decoration.

95 Name: Leena !aaFUCKyePQ : 2016-07-11 23:44 ID:RfroVz7w [Del]

Why is it that when I try to let my emotions out and click all the captcha shit it FUCKING doesn't post. I LOST IT. FUCKIN thanks!

96 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-07-12 02:02 ID:4yTqSet5 [Del]

>>95 Going back a page and hitting new reply usually has it stored in the text box.

97 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-08-12 15:50 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

So my mom, who cheated on my dad, is now getting upset at my dad for moving on and being in a new relationship, which I'm not sure if that's even true or if she's overanalyzing things. I honestly can't stand her petty drama anymore. But I can't say anything negative to her or else she might start beating me again. And by negative, I mean stuff like, "Hey, I think you're being a little irrational about the situation. Could you please calm down and stop trying to start an argument?" It's sooooo great having a child for a parent. :/

98 Name: SimplyRowan : 2016-08-12 18:57 ID:UWi2e0iQ [Del]

Im a trans male and haven't come out to my parents and my friends don't even acknowledge it. Every Sunday I have to wear a dress and cry for at least an hour into my pillow.

99 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-12 19:04 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

>>98 I'm so sorry you have to go through that! I wish you the best of luck and have some candy:


100 Name: SimplyRowan : 2016-08-12 20:57 ID:UWi2e0iQ [Del]

>>99 aww thank you! Nice people like you give me hope in humanity. :)

101 Name: Takax : 2016-08-13 01:52 ID:rkhKzi9D [Del]

many good people here, well thats what i think :D

102 Name: Tunes : 2016-08-13 18:34 ID:fYk7lceG [Del]

>>100 I wish I could do more. But at least know that not everyone out there is like that. There are people who would accept you as a male and acknowledge you and realize the problem with the situation you're forced into, even if you apparently haven't found them yet.

So stay strong and good luck. If you need someone to vent to, you can shoot me a message at, and I'm sure there are others here willing to lend an ear and some needed support as well. :) "The world isn't as bad as you think".

103 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-08-19 22:05 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

Agh, I feel horrible. I think I'm starting to get this big crush on somebody but I'm still with my girlfriend. I still love her so much, but I can't stop thinking about this guy. It's driving me crazy. I need to talk to her about our relationship, but it's so scary to do that... I don't know. I'm super confused. I haven't had a crush on a boy in forever. This is so weird to me.

104 Name: V : 2016-08-20 14:18 ID:S9f608Wg [Del]

One word:

105 Name: C3ypt1c : 2016-08-21 11:20 ID:zK2542gD [Del]

>>104 fuck society

106 Name: Jin Junko : 2016-08-22 10:34 ID:8y3JdOlq [Del]

A certain person makes me very angry, and sometimes I wish they would just drown in a toilet. I hate them that much.

107 Name: SQUIGGY : 2016-08-22 11:31 ID:EWFeDuPl [Del]

>>104 >>105 >>106 I wish society can drown in a toilet.

108 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-08-22 20:30 ID:1KfVpsOU [Del]

Ughhhh do I have to come here? Yes? fine....

I really am possessed now -_-...This time it's some guy. The only features that are visible to me is one googly looking eye and a random arm & hand. I knew I shouldn't have paid attention to him but now it's followed me.

It's not a bad one, but it's just one fucking mature spirit and putting all these random thoughts into me. It makes me dream meaningful things. But now it's given me a perspective in life I was trying to avoid seeing and yep, basically it was about society/the community I live in.

I'm so conflicted, I don't know if I want this spirit to go away or not. I hate dealing with spirits but this one has good intentions (I'd assume). It's trying to make me a better person(?)


109 Name: Peach : 2016-08-24 15:14 ID:a/opAWXl [Del]

My dad was just arrested for sexual assault of minor and my mum's depressed af. For some reason, I haven't she'd a tear. Then again I would trade my dad in for a tick tack. Two days after my birthday too. Wow, everything's gone to shit.

110 Name: Ao,Mokoti : 2016-08-24 22:06 ID:OoYE006s [Del]

I feel consumed by all my emotions, they fill me to the brim but get stuck in my mouth. Like in those comedic shows where they all try to get out of the door at once and get crammed.

111 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-08-25 05:11 ID:a67ssma5 [Del]

>>108 Now, explain these thoughts he's giving you.

112 Name: EpicKT!Ku1iE2u37Q : 2016-09-07 19:58 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

I absolutely hate when people brag about having anxiety attacks when they're actually just getting nervous.. Why would you even brag? They suck. An anxiety attack isn't just getting nervous and shaking and having your voice crack. An anxiety attack makes you feel like you're going to die. I wish I could just give those people my stupid anxiety disorder so they can feel what it's really like. It's just so annoying and probably the reason most people don't take anxiety disorders seriously. Thanks for faking a disorder to be "edgy" you shit heads.

113 Name: Asahina Kousei : 2016-09-08 14:50 ID:4JNsjJu5 [Del]

Need more friends that think with their head, not with their genitals.

114 Name: Peddler : 2016-09-09 00:36 ID:V1VCAVVJ [Del]

Wow this thread has been around since the beginning of the year!

115 Name: Addrian !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2016-09-09 20:07 ID:nPIbBXNG [Del]

>>114 Well people have a lot to complain about

116 Name: Peddler : 2016-09-09 20:35 ID:V1VCAVVJ [Del]

>>115 can't blame them tbh, we're all on the same boat

117 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-09-10 09:57 ID:ZKZMCeMl [Del]

I. Yes the me! I will now post a complaint on this here, the "More Complaining.." thread. My complaint is in regards to... NOTHING!!! I have no complaints at the moment that I can think of...

118 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2017-02-06 03:39 ID:sHndQlKb [Del]

I'm just ranting about my problems. You don't have to read this, but if you do, I appreciate the time you put into reading it.

Why is it that I have a hard time expressing my emotions? Even as I am writing, there aren't enough words to express how I am feeling.

I don't want to go to college. I know it's easier said than taking action. I'm not attending this spring semester. Most of my family objects to my decision. Some of them are in denial, especially my parents. I know there are consequences in not going to college, too. As many people told me, "It's going to be hard without a college degree." I know this. I know, but I'm willing to work hard for an alternative path. I don't have a job yet, but I'm trying here.

All these years, I felt like people were making decisions for me and I half-heartedly agreed to going along with their plans. Honestly, I was just there for the ride. I felt like I needed to do these things to fulfill their expectations and be the "good, obedient" daughter. Though, I know some of these things can benefit my future as well, but I never had a chance to lead my own life.
Sure, moving to a new city was one of my life changing experience but it was mostly for the sake of going to college. I don't want to make college the only reason why I am here. I want to find a MEANING in my life, too.

Maybe I'm being too naive; maybe I'm too lazy to do the homework for college; maybe I'm just rebelling against the set system of my family's expectations; maybe I'm having a meltdown. To be honest, it's all these things. I've suppressed negative emotions for most of my life because I didn't want people to worry about me. I hate drama. I despise creating trouble for people. Also, having no one to talk to about these things wasn't helping. There were times when I had the chance to talk to someone. Mainly, my sister, but knowing her nature I felt like I was being humiliatingly judged.

I thought for a while, searching for answers as to why I am not going to college. It's probably because I've released my negative emotions and made a poor decision to not go. However, that's not the main reason. As I keep repeating the same thing over and over and over again to my family, "I lack motivation. I fucking feel miserable whenever I go to college. I can't keep lying to myself that I'm not depressed. There's so much pressure pushed onto me. College is not for everyone." (Hell, even I know the hard truth that during the first few years college is weaving people out who are not serious about education. It may not be so negative that one may interpret it. It may open some people's eyes that there is something more one can do without a college degree.)

It was always what people "wanted"; what people "needed" from me.
Oh yeah? What about me? I'm also human. I want something for myself, too. I want to be selfish for once. I want be me. I want me to decide for me.
But....... I can't have that, can I? Because it's utter bullshit that my opinion of what I "want" is seen as fucking nonsense! Like my words are from outer-space and sound foreign to deaf ears.
"Needs" and "priorities" should be on top of our No.1 list. I get that. I really do. But can we stop for a moment and give the slightest attention to what a person may "want?"

When I'm finally asked of what I want, I seriously don't even know how to answer that because I never had the chance to have my say when I was younger. Obviously, my dream to become a manga artist makes some people want to either laugh hysterically or pinch my cheeks like I'm a five-year-old living in a fantasy.

I'm gonna stop here since it's almost 4am where I'm at. Ranting done. I may come back to write some more.

119 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2017-02-06 06:15 ID:ktp0wAbx [Del]

>>117 Fuck off you with your fulfilled life.

I wish I had more time to shitpost everyday.

120 Name: RikkaChi : 2017-02-06 15:06 ID:mzrH1ZLU [Del]

I've wanted to rant about things all of this past week. Now that I'm here....I FORGOT WHAT I WANTED TO RANT ABOUT.
I remember one thing though...

121 Name: RikkaChi : 2017-02-06 15:16 ID:mzrH1ZLU [Del]

lol just as forgot....I remembered.
No I don't need a damn therapist anymore dad! In fact, I NEVER NEEDED ON IN THE FIRST PLACE!! Ok, mom died....AND!???? Please. No. Stop. I just don't...ok? Yes, it was hard for you but I just don't care anymore ok? That happened two years ago!!
And no, I can't get straight As in all classes. I just can't. I try. I really do try. SO WHY IS THAT NEVER ENOUGH?? I SWEAR I TRY MY VERY BEST AND YET--!!WHat do you want me to do?
I feel like I'm ranting too much on this thread...ughh...

122 Name: Jill : 2017-03-14 21:36 ID:oXzXMhqN [Del]

Yesterday, I really have a shitty day. We have huge order of materials and my coworkers just literally laze around until someone do all their work. They even make mistakes frequently that I had to redo all their work. I really wanted to beat someone up or to force my manager to fire them but that was just yesterday's problem. After a good night rest, I'm stress free and so happy going to school. Maybe, I was just lacking sleep or just hungry but seriously, they should given employees proper training. I felt so pissed just thinking how much mistakes they made, me redoing their work, and losing efficiency. Why can't people be just as hard working and ever improving as me?

123 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-03-15 08:22 ID:0kGXGU6U [Del]

S C H O O L .

A place that I spend 180 fucking days of the year in for 24 years shouldn't be giving me depression or anxiety and should be making me even more stupid than I already am. The only upside about it, is that I can bitch about it with other people who agree with me

124 Post deleted by user.

125 Post deleted by user.

126 Name: Khersy !UKCNWE97ds : 2017-04-05 22:19 ID:x2D7Ibtq [Del]

I'm complaining about how this board keeps goin to shit.

127 Name: Skyyy : 2017-04-06 13:58 ID:hP4QpjFj [Del]

Complaining on how i start doing somethings but never to complete anything, damn it how unfaithful can i be in doing little things, i want to have something or do something i can be passionate about, damn it all, and this fuck up mind just cant stop thinking to even worthless stuff.. oh man, i think my future is going dim, so much for expectations, so much for this ordinary life, so much for this competing world, so much for trying to be normal, so much for wanting all.. can i just .. nah

128 Name: Sam : 2017-04-06 17:33 ID:Y238BaoU [Del]

My friend gets angry at me easily. More like I have no clue if he's going to talk to me one day or ignore me the next.
And I think I'm losing him.

129 Name: ReadRealHistory : 2017-04-07 08:36 ID:jBwEtQGm [Del]

Complaining about how people can be just way too stupid when the truth is right on front of them.
When they +$-#%@-( don't read history and write stuff saying: "you're all wrong this is the truth, i would've wrote the book reference but all of you will say it's just a lie so i won't" like WTF kys.
When they erase an entire place and say it never existed until 19xx, while in reality it has EXISTED for hundreds and hundreds of years and has been mentioned in many history books, like again WTF read real history!!
And when they know nothing about something and they read a post or a wath a video about it that is really biased and just believe it. And you struggle to maje them understand BIASED posts and videos do not tell the truth(or sometimes it would be the truth but in a different view because it's biased)- and they shouldn't just believe anything they see on the interested because it can just be fake or a lie and instead they should READ REAL HISTORY books while keeping in mind the historical timeline so they can distinguish between what's wrong and write.

130 Name: Luminous Guardian : 2017-04-07 08:56 ID:vS09bpTe [Del]

I hate it when people call me someone I am not it's really annoying. Honestly I don't need anymore bull $h!t from people. I am Luminous not Este, I am not someone else and if someone really is being me then that's just pretty craven of someone to do. It's honestly rank if you ask me, rude and awful.

131 Name: OneTriggeredLama : 2017-04-09 13:03 ID:K7NqNfod [Del]

I fucking hate everyone who brags about the bad things that have happened to them. What the hell! Why are you making these things some sort of competition!?
"I used to cut myself, you don't even know how bad my life has been."
"Well I tried to kill myself!"
I'm not even joking, this actually happened.
To all of you who do this-ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED!?
This is offensive and disrespectful to those who suffer from things like this.

132 Name: Adrian !SzGFKRtWbE : 2017-04-18 06:19 ID:0kGXGU6U [Del]

>>131 ikr? I hate people who like whoring away their mental illness or trauma; like honestly, everyone's had a shitty life, and you're no special

Anyways onto my bitching: if you dumb fucks are going to stress out and argue like this everytime someone is coming to see our house, then I might as well burn down the entire fucking house. And honestly, how fucking toxic can you get when you start screaming at him whenever he starts acting like a dumb shit? You're stupid for not getting help when you're so obviously mentally ill, he's stupid for being so fucking insecure and I'm a dumb bitch for not killing myself

134 Name: Anonymous : 2017-04-18 06:40 ID:hNOPsrnU [Del]

I just wish that everyone is happy and living a good life but sadly life doesn't work that way.So, when something doesn't go right some people choose the path of suicide which I WISH and hope that it could be completely prevented somehow in the near future .I just want them to have this slight hope and comfort even if its from a stranger and just CLING on to life.

135 Name: Sailor : 2017-04-18 14:11 ID:CWDPSvQS [Del]

For one I'm just down right mad. I'm so flipping pissed at the amount of stupidity that goes around in the rps. Like before it was fun. It was freaking amazing! But as time passed, the honest genuine friends you could've made on this site through the chat has dwindled into nothing. Like wtf? It's so frustrating and annoying to have it end up like this! And honestly it makes this all the more ridiculous. But as for the newbies that entered the frey to cause this to happen, let me just say that not all of you guys are this bad. Some of you guys are actually cool but the rest, oh my goodness, you guys are just ANNOYING. All you do is freaking come onto everyone because you want them to so badly notice you guys! Why? Why!? Actually, you know what? Never mind, I know the reason and that reason has got to be the most STUPIDEST reasons I've ever thought of before. Such a disappointment and a waste of time. Oh! And if you don't get noticed, STOP TRYING TO OUST OTHER PEOPLE THAT JUST WANT TO RP! About a good 80 percent of you guys do that! Just quit it already fuck!

136 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-04-27 11:09 ID:rSCF+7QB [Del]


137 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2017-12-31 22:19 ID:tm2ae8K1 [Del]

I want these people the fuck out of my house. I wanted to have a quiet fucking new year but these cunts decided they needed to come to Melbourne and needed somewhere to fucking stay and now I'm being roped into all this stupid shit that I don't want to do just to fucking entertain them. For fuck's sake, why does my Dad always do this? Never wants to take his family out, but he'll rent the fucking place out to these fucks because they needed a fucking place to stay. Fuckibtewgbsdnyj

138 Name: whoknos : 2021-09-10 12:39 ID:G7rGaBEf [Del]