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Exercise (6)

1 Name: Yay : 2016-01-21 20:46 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

OK. I'm a nice weight and have an average body type. Even though I'm the right weight for my body type, I am by no means healthy. My body is weak and tired - frankly, I want to fix it. I want to start exercising and become healthy. Break bad eating habits and such. Most people say this but don't usually stick with it.

Does anyone have any advice for me? I thought of going to an all woman's gym or something. Where should I start? How can I stay motivated? I don't want to make getting in shape hard.
This is also for people who are also looking to get in shape but are too embarrassed to ask!

2 Name: 4Lorne : 2016-01-21 21:41 ID:PkxgO/8E [Del]

I've also been trying to exercise more! I'm hoping that this resolution will last through February... xD

One thing that I might recommend is making a list of fitness goals. Small things to start off with that you can build on as you complete them :) Try turning it into a game and giving yourself a reward after you finish each goal. You can even pretend to be "leveling up" with exp. points.

If that's all a little too childish for you, then I would at least recommend finding someone/something to keep you accountable, otherwise it can be really easy to fade away from your goal.

If you listen to music while exercising, it can make the whole thing a little less arduous and you'll find the time flies by quicker. Also, always remember to drink plenty of water afterwards! (Sorry, I'm mothering now xD)

Anyways, I'm still trying to figure it out myself (my position sounds similar to yours). I'll let you know if I find out anything else :) !

Best of luck!

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-22 06:13 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

oh, I'm starting to feel guilty now >.>...

Not sure where you live, but what we have here is a online program that allows people who share the same interest connect so they can do sports together. I am yet to find something I can do but I'll get there some day! *cries in a corner*

4 Name: Transfusion : 2016-01-22 08:00 ID:G496m19k [Del]

The best thing that i can tell you is start off slow. Don't try to change your life style all at once or it will turn you off.For joining a gym look for someone you trust. Maybe a friend that has some experience with training. Don't start on machines immediately because you need to learn form for each of them. Look up some youtube videos on what you want to work on and do half of what they do.(They are experts with years of experience so don't worry too much if they seem super human.) Just try enjoy it.

5 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-01-22 10:05 ID:roLc7ij+ [Del]

Ugh. You mean I've got to get up for this? Screw that! XP

6 Name: Yay : 2016-01-22 19:10 ID:t2GR+kiZ [Del]

Lol thanks for all of your replies, I'm thinking of buying a treadmill and start slow from that and then maybe run around the lake as I get used to it.
All of your replies are much appreciated!