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Wanting to change gender (22)

1 Name: Jade Akuma : 2016-01-19 18:20 ID:MZWi8RAH [Del]

Just a bit of insight to my I am a 17 year old bi sexual guy but I don't feel very comfortable in my body I feel I'd like being a girl more so I've been thinking a lot about getting a gender change I've told some of my close friends about it I am completely sure that I want to do this and would like to know if anyone else has experienced this or has went through a gender change if so could you tell me what it's like

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-19 20:44 ID:/TRJDgzP [Del]

Don't, rash choices don't turn out to be good ones

3 Name: Jade Akuma : 2016-01-20 01:58 ID:MZWi8RAH [Del]

I've been thinking about this for over 3 months

4 Name: B4rb4r4 !btHozhldzQ : 2016-01-20 02:02 ID:wdK4t97R [Del]

I think you should do it, 3 months is long enough time. If I were you I would start with horomones and then worry about the surgery later :D

5 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-20 02:23 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

A 15yr old telling a 17yr old that 3 months is enough consideration for a sex change. Seems legit.

>>1 You're old enough for these decisions, but that doesn't mean you have to make them now. research as much as possible before anything else. Make sure you can handle the process and know what to expect. You're maybe 1/5 through the entirety of your life. You have plenty more time to think about it.

6 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-20 02:30 ID:JNL3qJ+Q [Del]

There are people who think about that for years and still not make a decision.
There are also some people who've gone through and still feel their bodies don't match them.
There are some who're satisfied with the results.
3 months is nothing. Wait for at least 3 years.

7 Name: B4rb4r4 !btHozhldzQ : 2016-01-20 02:36 ID:wdK4t97R [Del]

Well I think he should if it makes him happy

8 Name: Mito : 2016-01-20 04:59 ID:DaNZj5MG [Del]

>>1 Or rather, be contented in what you are and what gender God has given to you. You may also consider this one. You are still a developing human. Rashed decisions can make you worse.

9 Name: Slip : 2016-01-20 10:01 ID:lHF7einD [Del]

im not going to try and tell you that what your doing is stupid or rash or good or brilliant. but i will tell you this. think about it. talk about it. and ask your self will your gender really chang your heart and others opnions or just your body. i think you should just be proud of who you are.

10 Name: Valdr : 2016-01-20 10:03 ID:yZR2yugY [Del]

>>1 So far, the only person who has told you to go ahead with it is the same person who was asking for advice on how to incriminate someone for possessing illicit drugs over boy troubles. Frankly, I think you should wait. No matter how mature you might feel or what experiences you might have had, wait until you're older to make a huge decision like that. Most likely, your current discomfort is really coming from something else, not your sex.

11 Name: Jade Akuma : 2016-01-20 10:51 ID:MZWi8RAH [Del]

I'm more than willing to wait in fact I'm in no real rush I just want some more information

12 Name: B4rb4r4 !btHozhldzQ : 2016-01-20 12:25 ID:wdK4t97R [Del]

Valdr you are way too judgemental. I really doubt that can be considered a good arguement :P

Jade if you want to go for it. It is your body and not anybody elses. Don't let these rude peopel deter you :)

13 Name: Jade Akuma : 2016-01-20 17:11 ID:MZWi8RAH [Del]

It's stuff like this that makes me happy to be a member of the dollars

14 Name: Lux : 2016-01-20 18:56 ID:dq/a8RmU [Del]

I don't recommend it. You were born that way, so it must be for a reason. I advise you wait a while before you do anything under haste.

15 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-20 19:51 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

When people don't read the dozen previous comments, and just want to push their opinion...

16 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-20 20:36 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

>>13 It's starting to look like you won't get the info you're looking for here. I'm sorry we've been little to no help. If anything, I'd recommend doing some exploratory research online. Maybe even search for YouTube videos on the topic.

17 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-01-20 23:06 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

Since nobody else is even trying to help...
Okay, I can sort of understand what you're feeling. My girlfriend is the same way and she plans on transitioning. Although, she has felt like this for a long time and came out about it some months ago. For her, it took years to think about it. I myself am still questioning my identity, taking my time before I do anything to my body. But for some people, they can decide faster. If you feel that's who you really are, then that's fine. Don't listen to those telling you to just be happy with being a boy. Sometimes you just can't. It sucks and body dysphoria is a pain in the ass.

I highly recommend researching the surgeries. They are quite expensive and take a while to recover. Look into hormones. Make sure to get tested to see if you have any allergies to estrogen as well. Take a while to think that over.

For now, start off small. Purchase some feminine clothing and maybe a wig and makeup. Try it on. At home, in public. Does it feel comfortable? If it doesn't, you may not want to transition. If it does, keep doing and continue researching. Remember, you don't have to make a quick decision. Take as long as you need. It might that you a couple days. It might take you years. Just be sure in your decision so that you don't end up regretting it.

18 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-20 23:07 ID:mbVe8dfi [Del]

I think you should wait til the laws involving LGBT rights settle down a bit, though. It's kinda brewing up a storm right now.

19 Name: Coma Black : 2016-01-21 00:31 ID:XYAfFmzc [Del]

I have to say EpicKT's piece of advice is probably the best. Also, FindMuck does bring up a point that the bbs is not a good place too look for this stuff. Look for dedicated forums, chat rooms, and websites. I can go ahead and tell you that posting something that major on the Dollars-bbs will mean nothing. Most of the people who frequently visit here are just people looking for some help, and overestimating their ability to help others. I am going to say, before even thinking about a sex change (Gender and sex are two things totally, and i would suggest doing more research if you don't even know the difference between a gender change and a sex change), think about how you may be affected, and try and live as a girl for a bit. Even if that is just getting your friends to treat you as feminine as possible, be sure to live some life as close to a female as you can get before making the ultimate transition. You should probably also know that sex changes cost money, a lot of it. Few doctors are also properly trained for that kind of surgery. As a transgender myself, I can tell you that it is no matter to be taken lightly, and you should give yourself a bit more time thinking over life and how things will change, not just biologically, but also mentally. A sex change is easily one of the two biggest things a person can go through in life, other than death (Thank you Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time for teaching me those words). As I said before, find dedicated websites and shit like that before making any rash decisions. Also, be sure to not only talk with people around you and those who have experienced it, but also be sure to 'talk' to yourself. Although everyone in the world could give you advice on this topic, the only person who can make those decisions is you. In the end, you will be the one saying whether you need this or not. In summary: Your decision is yours, I would just suggest not making such a huge decision so fast. There is no maximum or minimum time for waiting. Just be sure that once you know what you are getting into, and once it is done it cannot be reversed and it will be one of, if not the biggest decision of your life. Well, hope this advice helps with something in some way. Good luck on the matter and in life in general.

20 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-21 06:49 ID:/TRJDgzP [Del]

Why do people try to be something they are not?
Even if nowadays science is advanced enough to change genders, why do you want to be a girl? Is being who you are not enough for you? Are you trying to be the perfect person that exists inside your imagination? A you that (strictly speaking) isn't "you"?
Just 'cause you think you're female on the inside doesn't mean that it's okay for you to think that you can just change genders.
Have you talked to your parents about this? They are the ones who gave birth to you, and raised you, and are the ones that gave you what you have now (or what was needed to make you what you are).
Why go through so much trouble being worried over this, can you not just ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE?

21 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-01-21 07:20 ID:/sDDswia [Del]

Some people do that coz they feel they can rise above and beyond, and for some it's only natural. For some it might be because they don't feel special enough and so want to be a bit more special.
But eh, only they know.

Take a nap and be done with it.
*purr purr*

22 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-01-21 23:40 ID:G5F0+Wbm [Del]

You're not gonna change anything by complaining. It's seriously the way our brains are wired. Transgender people CAN'T accept the way they are because it isn't them. They're not trying to be special, they're just trying to be themselves just like everybody else.

"Is being who you are not enough for you? "
That is who they are. By not letting somebody transition, you are preventing them from being who they are.

And it is okay for them to change who they are outside to match what their brain tells them on the inside.

Family and friend approval isn't required. It's nice to have, but it's not their life.

And we don't choose to be worried. There's something called body dysphoria where we can't feel comfortable with ourselves the way we are, no matter how hard we try. Do you think we want to go through this trouble? To be hated and judged by many? To lose family and friends who can't accept the real you? To spend money and go through surgeries just so we can finally be at peace with ourselves? This isn't something we want to go through. It isn't our choice.

Hell, I agree with people who claim it's a mental disorder. And with the technology we have now, there is no way to go into your brain and rewire it so that your gender matches your sex. So for now, the only cure is to transition. Either that, or be miserable.

The real question is, why can't YOU accept that's how they feel and it won't change. Their happiness is seriously none of your business. It's so selfish to not let somebody be happy with themselves just because you don't understand it.