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Coming out to an old friend? (5)

1 Name: PureWater100% : 2016-01-19 11:17 ID:Fp+akaK9 [Del]

So here's the deal, everyone I know knows I'm homosexual, if you didn't well now you do. I'm not super opened about it I don't go around screaming "I'M GAY AND I'M PROUD" everywhere but I do answer people when they ask.

Here's the issue, my very first friend I met now 12 years ago and we're still friends, he's super Christian and he doesn't know I'm homosexual. I'm into females so it's not that I'm trying to come out to him that I love him, but I'm worried that he'll stop being friends with me after 12 years because of it.
This is the only time I've ever been wary about coming out.
I'm not super into God or anything so I don't know how he'll take it.
What should I do?

2 Name: Raikura : 2016-01-19 15:56 ID:nG6cU0qo [Del]

I couldn't give you advice because I'm in the exact same situation sorta. But I'm not out to everyone juss a select few. Anyway I feel like you should tell him anyway and everything should be fine. But even in saying so I still don't know. I am Christian and gay too, I don't believe there should be a reason he will hate you being friends for so long. But I don't know your friend or the way he was raised only you do so it's up to you. The fact that yer out to everyone else but him means I think you should juss tell him.

3 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-19 20:53 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

If it's worth mentioning then do so. I imagine he might have a slight immediate reaction. But if he gives it chance, should realize how little it changes things.

The greatest friends are the supportive ones.

4 Name: Kisuke : 2016-01-19 22:48 ID:kU1/RBc7 [Del]

True friends are accepting of one another, so just let your heart out and say what needs to be said. Try not to let their response worry you too much because at the end you always just need to accept yourself before worrying if others accept you as well.
What >>3 is right. Greatest friends are supportive ones.

5 Name: Slip : 2016-01-20 10:50 ID:lHF7einD [Del]

your freind should just exsept you for who you are. im christian and not gay but i dont hate people like that i have freinds that are gay, were still freinds! so just see what kind of freind he is.