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Coming out? (12)

1 Name: Somebody : 2016-01-18 14:42 ID:9HcqK2Py [Del]

So, I really don't know if I'll get any helpful replies here, but I hope so.

I'm wondering (again) if I should come out to my family. I'm a 16 year old, biologicaly female, but identify as agender/genderless, asexual and aromantic (Great to be me -.-)

I just can't decide if I should. I guess I'm kinda terrified of their reactions and I don't really know how to do it.....
The agender part is the one I'm most worried about, since it would feel like rejecting everything they gave me, my offical name, my clothes, (sometimes way too) girly stuff....

The persons reaction I'm most worried about is my father, since I... guess I'M kind of terrefied of him?....

I really hope somebody here can help me somehow.....

2 Name: Lurker !TPWlrPZQIg : 2016-01-18 14:59 ID:Y0ktFTYC [Del]

Complete maturation and establishment of one's personal identity tends to happen at the age of 18, but if you are feeling this way now then likely you'll feel the same in two years either way. Your options are more or less:
(a) Find the courage to confront your father and everyone you know now to inform them how and what you feel about yourself.
(b) Wait until you reach full independence from your parents so you can be free to live your own identity and then face their reactions from the safety and comfort of your own future apartment or house.

Whatever choice you make, I believe in you. ^^

3 Name: Oriana : 2016-01-18 18:02 ID:lO6bi2bR [Del]

I think its completely up to you! Like your parents dont have to know unless being refered to by your gender and such makes you uncomfortable. You dont owe it to them and if you feel they would react poorly then you really are under no obligation to tell them. But if you think its what is best for you go for it! I'll be cheering you on!

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-18 21:40 ID:/TRJDgzP [Del]

What's wrong? Just say that you don't want to ever have any sexual relationships with anyone, ever.

Just wondering, how the fuck did you start identifying yourself as asexual?

5 Name: Gunter : 2016-01-18 22:06 ID:qBy3tQLO [Del]

Just go for it, if they love you then they have to accept you.

6 Name: illupo3450 : 2016-01-19 01:24 ID:wdK4t97R [Del]

Back in my day we just called that tom boy, fucking internet and their made up names....

7 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-19 03:04 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

Me and my girlfriend frequently discuss all the labels when it comes to sexuality and gender. My opinion is that everything comes in spectra and variations. Labels only divide the traits into more specific groups. Which can be useful; but not always necessary.

I suppose my point is to use the labels you identify with, but not let others use them to define you. Way too many people don't know the difference. They'll be the one's who are most ignorant.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Mito : 2016-01-19 05:03 ID:eScSTi1f [Del]

>>2 Yeah you're right. It is early to say to identify herself as being asexual/agender when she's just 16 years old biologically.

>>1 Well, it's kinda eccentric in your age to have that certain thought about who you are. Take your time to consider. Just remember that sometimes we are confused in making some decision and it is better to get back on the right track.

Whatever you choose, it will do influence your future self.

10 Name: Somebody : 2016-01-19 07:43 ID:9HcqK2Py [Del]

Ah well, about as helpful as one could expect, I guess.

So yes >>2 >>9, I know that I'm only 16 years old, and that whatever I say now might change, but I chose to take those labels >>7 , because it simply makes things easier and I think they fit now. We'll see about the future when it comes.
And I actually took my time to think about it, before choosing those labels >>9 >>4 . It's kind of more compfortable if you have a name to call what you feel. >>6 >>3 Being refered to as a girl does tend to make me quite uncomfortable but boy feels wrong too, already did before a found that "made up" word.

Whatever, I suppose some things here were kinda helpful, so thanks~

I'll think a bit more about coming out before I decide, and maybe try to talk to some other people (yes, others with "made up names", illupo3450 =3)


11 Name: Shizuko : 2016-01-19 11:32 ID:GLfNMwaQ [Del]

yes,you should if you don't you'll suffer more than not i lost a couple friends and my dad hates me for it but so what if they do that they don't deserve to be with you be proud.

12 Name: mons : 2016-01-19 13:53 ID:CQwGl342 [Del]

At your age everyone is figuring out who they are. You don't have to choose now. Just think about who you are as a PERSON not a sex.