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I really need advice (3)

1 Name: Sevn : 2016-01-06 21:11 ID:03Ers7Ix [Del]

I have someone who is going to meet someone she has been chatting online with in real life and I'm really worried about her. I have talked to an adult with it and we have confronted her and she got really mad. She not mad now, but she still doesn't understand and is still meeting up with this dude. I know that we are going notifying her mom, but still want to do something about her. She has a rough life since her dad passed away and that she is not on good terms with her mom. I want someone to give advice for who has had a similiar experience or who has any experience at all.

2 Name: Inori : 2016-01-06 22:01 ID:rS14epEo [Del]

Travel to an amazing place with her!

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-06 22:49 ID:dENB6sJE [Del]

If you're thinking of a worst case scenario then become her 'guardian stalker'. Look at who this person she'll be meeting may be, look for his identification and EVERYTHING about him (don't go barging into his home though or anything illegal please >.>..)

If you can't stop her, then advise her. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with meeting someone irl who you first met online so long as it's done safely. When I sell things I do it all the time.

What she should keep in mind:
- Meet up at a time when there's a lot of people around. That doesn't mean during the night...
- Meet where you can visibly be seen. Seen by a huge crowd or by you, etc. Not in a building is better so that if you need to escape you can do it quickly.
- Do not bring any form of identification such as your license or credit card unless you reeeeaaaally really need it.
- Do not give identification or risky information about your family to this person you're meeting.
- Do not tell this person where your workplace/ school is. It's up to you to judge when it's the right time to tell (in other meetings).
- Definitely don't tell where you live...