Dollars BBS | Personal
















school..... (2)

1 Name: cao : 2016-01-03 21:14 ID:oDTg0eSa [Del]

tomorrow i go back to school. for most people this is ok bc theyll see their friends again & itll be fun,, but for me its the opposite. im dreading it, i dont have any friends to go back to. im starting to do badly and my grades are dropping bc.....i really dont know. school is stressing me out and is so tiring- yet i cant sleep. is it even worth it to go on?? i really don't know
im sure there are fellow dollars who mightve been in a situation like mine- if you have any tips for how to make the best of going back to a place you hate-- please tell me ;v; thank you so much //

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-03 21:26 ID:ZhkbCi3W [Del]

Ah I dreaded it as much as you do now :(

Not sure if it's day or night for you at the moment, but try going outside, maybe a bike ride on your own if you're allowed. It clears your mind for the next day. Don't worry about the next day and live for today!

I didn't really have friends to go back to as well, but whenever I walked to class I'd pick up a conversation with classmates on the way. But don't stress! You don't have to look like you're lively and always the life of the party, I never did and made it out fine! All I did was keep in mind 'I am an individual with unique traits, if I tried acting like everyone else, the world wouldn't head to a brighter place'.

You know the interesting thing is, some people might actually be looking up to you. Acting as an individual, I unexpectedly had some people like that. Always keep your opinions true.