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It isn't worth it (7)

1 Name: !OEIeHceqzA : 2016-01-03 16:12 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

Hi, I need some help. I don;t know what to do. I have been feeling for a while that "nothing is worth it". I draw and I want to have a future with it, but ever time I sit down with a pencil in hand, I think, "what is the use? What good will this do me? Is it even a sure thing that I am going anywhere with this?" I feel like I am wasting precious time of my life. I am so scared of not having enough time. Can anyone help me? Please? I already tried distracting myself from the thought of this useless life by getting many many hobbies, but it did not help. If you have Any advice on how to get out of this please tell me. Also to the older crowd out there, does life seem long? Are you able to feel like your life has actually taken time or does it feel like everything was just yesterday?

2 Name: Cain : 2016-01-03 16:42 ID:VSjX1k6R [Del]

Hello, I'm 23 and i've had these issues as well. I still have them.
When I was younger I was certain I would pursue math. Become an accountant. Do art on the side. Instead, in high school I started art and continued into college. Being an artist means you're a student for life. So it's understandable if you feel like you're not moving on quick enough. Or wasting time. But it's not.
I have a friend, he was amazing at art and only a few years older than me. Even then it exceeded my old skills my 10 fold. His brother is an engineer. a sister a lawyer I think. Another sister has a family and chances are, is married to a doctor or something. So you can imagine his parents were not supportive and thought he should be like his siblings. "doing something for the greater good of humanity" or whatever bullshit. In reality art is important. People use it to plan out buildings. Bring ideas to life. Story boarding, making books for adults or children. CARTOONS ADULTS ENJOY. it's an important part of society as any other. And right now you're a part of it.
As for time well. We all have ways of perceiving it. I have a bAD BAD BAD memory. I don't remember most of my child hood. I don't even remember what I ate two days ago or what I did. Sometimes I think two days equal one day. And next thing you know it's the end of the year. But when i was in college it felt like one class lasted a day. So it depends on what you're doing.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-01-03 19:12 ID:io5xv1RI [Del]


4 Name: = !4ThKt9NeLg : 2016-01-03 19:19 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

>>3 You post a lot on this forum. And most of the time it is total shit and never helpful, so please stop spamming. Thus person asked for help, not to be defined as what they are trying to get away from. Too bad most of the people aren't here probably don't even now what being a Dollar means

5 Name: Neko : 2016-01-03 20:18 ID:p5ycRfty [Del]

Pray tell, what does it mean being a dollar?

It's a phase. Sometimes time flows really slow and sometimes it flows too fast.

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-01-03 21:41 ID:ZhkbCi3W [Del]

It's true, things are starting to feel like yesterday for me. But I can either stay where I am or move forward, I can't go back for time.

Time is an interesting concept, "time is not a line, but a dimension". This quote might prove what I previously said, wrong. Time can be retrieved and the best way to do that is isolation. When I use to be home-schooled, I very often stayed isolated which meant time to myself. I realized that today's generation of teens are not given 'time to think', especially when they're at schools. Input is all you're getting around you but do you get the ability to process it? nope. To create a balance in time you need to have both input and output happening on an equal level. You get the stimuli and you interpret it, as simple as that. But it's not simple to do.

Here is a brain exercise for you to do; Get a piece of play-doh that fits nicely into your palm and make a shape. A ball, a cube or flatten it. Now take it from there to create something. You don't have some timer counting down 30 seconds, you just have something in you're hand that once to be shaped by you. It will not dry out so long as you remember to work on it and soon enough you will complete the piece you want to complete. But the moment you forget and leave it, the play-doh will crumble. That is very much what I need to say about you and drawing. Regardless of something you can't comprehend now, keep at it before it's something you can't use anymore, like dried up play-doh.

7 Name: toforeversigh : 2016-01-04 06:18 ID:vljITM73 [Del]

>>1 I think this world works in ways that we wouldn't expect but has a lot of hidden secrets to it. First off, I'd say it's probably best not to look for hobbies just to fill in time. You said you draw right? In that case, don't you want to be a part in creating something big? In this life we learn new things so with drawing it's a way of learning things that can't be understood through words. Some things like emotions and atmospheres are vaguely known but there's so much more to drawing and art than just that. I feel like you need to create something. Go along through your journey of life and learn new things, and express things through drawing. Become a part of something big.This world isn't simple and most people are doing it wrong. There is something for you yourself to find within yourself. I know I've been saying some vague things but I don't think advice or instructions can help you very much, you need to figure a lot out for yourself.

Also, the way I see it is that times like these are to be looked back upon. When we're lost and blind to things and are struggling is all when we develop and figure things out. It's part of our story and about figuring ourselves out. After that big changes and events will happen. That's just how stories like ours go.
But if you draw do you post things much on here or other websites? Just wondering because I like to meet people who draw and see what they can do.

Anyway, I guess I might have just been rambling on about someof my views on things. You can do what you want, either way good luck though. I hope you figure this all out ^^