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I don't like! (6)

1 Name: Rin : 2016-01-02 21:31 ID:++V7vVpU (Image: 640x960 jpg, 136 kb) [Del]

src/1451791860363.jpg: 640x960, 136 kb
Okay so I don't really know which one I should post this on; but there is someone on Instagram that's messing with a girl I know and I don't like it! At all. He or she is posting pics of this girl and bullying her saying mean things. It's really ticking me off and I want to see if anyone would help and tell this person to back off !!

2 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2016-01-02 23:26 ID:Uq2EQMdk [Del]

This may seem REALLY STRANGE, but do it yourself? It's not hard to say a few words. More people will join youR defence amongst that girls' followers anyway, probably. Why get a few strangers directly involved?

3 Name: Rin : 2016-01-02 23:37 ID:++V7vVpU [Del]

I did, but I just want to show whoever it is that it's not right at all because no one listens to one person

4 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2016-01-02 23:56 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>3 with that mindset, I guess you're saying one person can't make a big change. Lol, you won't be a future innovator.

How do you know this person won't listen? Also, if they don't, just remember, results may vary. Do what you can, but you really can't change this person directly. Even if you got a whole army of ppl defending the girl, that doesn't mean the person is going to stop. =/ If you really care why don't you report him. It might not do anything, but TRY.

5 Name: : 2016-01-03 01:02 ID:TOlKCoxG [Del]

that's fucked up, I would help if I could

6 Name: Neko : 2016-01-03 01:07 ID:8RG+AxRp [Del]

Have you ever thought that maybe that person has his own reasons for shaming her?
Also bases from the tweet on the bpttom the girl seems like some kind of an idol with plenty of followers. no need to involve unrelated strangers.