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will i be ok?? (4)

1 Name: riaachi : 2015-12-31 21:43 ID:oDTg0eSa [Del]

i dont have any friends at school. something happened between them that made my old friends leave me, and now i am completely alone. i feel like such an outcast. i feel like ive been like this a lot. i didnt have many friends/a set group of friends in middle school either. will i be ok?? im afraid this is going to keep going on forever. will i ever have real friends?? or is that some sort thing only lucky people get?
im turning here to talk because i have no one to listen and i know there are people here who just read threads here. im sorry for bothering everyone...;;;;

2 Name: Jinx : 2015-12-31 21:47 ID:kXAelgHn [Del]

Loneliness can be enjoyable, depending on what type of person you are. Since you turned to The Dollars, I suppose you aren't that kind of person.
You've probably heard this a thousand times, but it gets better. I've gone through the same thing. Friends tend to come and go, you'll meet all kinds of people in this world. There's no way that loneliness can go on forever if you don't want it to.

Truth be told, if something happened that made your so called friends leave you, they were never your friends.

Lift your chin up. You'll find friends that are right for you eventually.

3 Name: Layfonsin !CUBCTkrYzY : 2015-12-31 21:56 ID:XYAfFmzc [Del]

I have gone through something very similar. You can trust me, one day, all of this will just pass. I can't offer much advice on what to do, other than don't build a wall. Don't isolate yourself. Continue to search. Let things play out as they were meant to. Just wait, continue to live on life, and seek out new experiences. Be sure not to limit yourself. Be sure to continue to move forward. Where that leads, I cannot tell you, but I can tell you it will take you somewhere, and isn't that what life is about, moving forward? I can offer one piece of advice that I know works for just about anyone: Explore yourself. Do some soul searching. I can personally suggest exploring music. Music really eases the mind, and is a good alternative to things like anti-depressants and other unhealthy methods for easing the mind. That is really all the advice I can offer. I hope it helps.

4 Name: riaachi : 2015-12-31 22:12 ID:oDTg0eSa [Del]

thank you guys so much ;v;