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frustrated : what do i do? (5)

1 Name: Natsumi : 2015-12-31 15:36 ID:xEpmAJQo [Del]

i graduate in June of 2016 and i don't know what to do i got accepted to one of my schools i applied for but my mother wants me to deny that school and go to a county college for 2 years to save money because she's going to have to pay. She is taken a past situation that happened with my older brother and applying it to me as if i'm going to go to college and then just drop out. I understand she doesn't want to pay and it helps save money but i have my school i want to put my student deposit and let them know i'm going because i wrote a really nice essay and i'm still working my butt off with my grades and now she wants me to deny my acceptance letter come on. This is like doing a partner project and one person does their part but the other person does do anything. This is really frustrating me, like i don't think she even started filling out fafsa(financial aid) yet.

2 Name: Saya : 2015-12-31 17:45 ID:5afYAaIn [Del]

The main thing to remember is that this is YOUR education and YOUR future. Maybe you can try to earn money to help pay the college off, so your parents don't have to spend as much. (Assuming that the money is the reason they want you to go to a county college.)

3 Name: mons : 2015-12-31 18:01 ID:SrVSXwKZ [Del]

Go to an office and talk to a counselor or an advisor. Do you really want an education? Well stop being lazy and get your ass to the office and speak to a counselor and search for options. Fuck what your mom has to say.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: mons : 2015-12-31 18:10 ID:SrVSXwKZ [Del]

Yea there are options. You won't know about them unless you find them first. Wish you luck. Just move forward and don't self pity, only work. It's like this motivational quote I heard once. "Don't stop when you are exhausted. Stop when you are done!"