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Extraordinary (9)

1 Name: Canis : 2015-12-30 10:12 ID:qbxqG44s [Del]

My childhood was spent alone and I grew up with my head in the clouds. To me it's as natural as breathing, I inhale the reality and exhale fiction. I have empathy for other people, I feel what they feel and I sometimes end up crying for other people but I don't really feel... on my own. Connections are hard and people are difficult so I protect myself by staying grounded. i don't really feel anything, not really. Just watered down versions of other people's feelings. Which is why I sit and wait. For something extraordinary to happen to me. Something 'impossible.'

Because maybe then I might feel something for real.

Does anyone else think the same?

2 Name: Neko : 2015-12-30 12:57 ID:Lej6W25p [Del]

Nothing extraordinary.

3 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-30 14:47 ID:xuRjQ7OY [Del]

People who think that way for too long usually end up in prison. Please don't break the law looking for something exciting in your life.

4 Name: ok then, time to lie to the name box, or try for humour : 2015-12-30 17:09 ID:6LHn+o3J [Del]

at a time, for most of my childhood, then i began to try and interact a bit more, stopped waiting and tried to live a bit of my own ideals of perfection. This search for perfection lead me to become anorexic, my lack of energy impaired my judgement. Don't wait too long to try to be more present in the world, and when doing so, be also in your head, i tried to separate the two and wasn't strong enough to make it work.
Reach out and you will feel, but care for yourself and remember the world isn't as scary or ideal as you may believe, there are both horror stories and fairytales that make it seem more so.

5 Name: Stargirl : 2015-12-30 19:55 ID:axpYBp6p [Del]


I would like to talk with you, if you don't mind! I often feel the same way.

If you would like, please e-mail me at

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-30 20:02 ID:gmU+dSKv [Del]

Do shit man, wtf are you waiting for?

7 Name: Okami Chan : 2015-12-30 21:48 ID:N7EJN1uT [Del]

I think most people tend to feel this way, you arent the only one. To be honest, I dont know what I should tell you to help you since I'm also one of those people but if you'd like I'm almost always open for talking to. My email is if you ever want someone to talk to!

8 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-12-31 01:38 ID:mUjMlAK7 [Del]

Hahahahahaha, this takes me back to the good old days! Back when everything still made sense. I know exactly how you feel. Enjoy your sanity, my friend! Take it from a crazy cook who didn't quite get out of this riff you're in:

Don't go chasing a fairy-tale. Grow up, get a job. Live a normal life. "Heros" don't exsist, or if they do. They don't live long.

9 Name: toforeversigh : 2015-12-31 09:08 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

>>1 Well, I feel like you might be looking at it slightly wrong here. It's not necessarily something extraordinary I feel like you're after but something significant that you wouldn't expect and would know would be such an impact on you. If we go by the thoery that there is some kind of special something out there that we're looking for them maybe by limiting it to a set range of unknown expectations you're missing something.
I feel like you might be able to see things significantly different to most people thought. There's a lot more to this world than you'd expect and I feel like you possibly can see and discover some interesting secrets about it that normal people never could. Or not... I don't know.

I'm not sure if I ever make sense but apparently you interested me enough for me to post on this so good for you there I guess. I hope you experience the extraordinary you're looking for.
PS. If you don't connect with other people well then maybe the "impossible" thing you're looking for is someone you truly connect with who you can really care about. Just a thought.