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Is it alright to be picky? (3)

1 Name: Cain : 2015-12-27 19:10 ID:VSjX1k6R [Del]

I'll be moving into a new town. A much larger town than where I am right now. It's a college town so there will be constantly new people to meet and such. I decided that I would try and have a social life outside of the computer. Finally buy some new game controllers or actually be able to use those dumb game boards I have collected.
Anyway. A while back I met someone near my age here (finally) but we were complete opposites. I thought maybe we could find a common ground (that being TV) but even then it was awaked. In the end I learned more about him and his "open minded" attitude disappeared pretty fast and he started making some sexist comments towards women. His behavior went down hill and he straight out started to offend me to the point I just smiled at him and walked out of the room. So I just ditched his ass. Ignored his texts calls and whenever he tried to talk directly to me I told him I didn't like him at all. Turns out I'm good at giving a cold shoulder.
So I was wondering if I shouldn't be picky in the future. I'm sure i'll meet some people who like the things I like. Art, staying inside most of the time, the internet, cats in vests. Dumb stuff like that. But i'm sure they might be WAY MORE into it than me. or maybe have one little quirk that's just too much for me.
All my life i've been pretty good at making friends. But recently i've become a hermit and prefer digital interactions rather than physical.
Is that wrong of me?
Should I not be picky and give people a chance in the near future?
How would I even meet someone without going to school or a physical job with other people around?
Do you have these problems? Gimmie your experiences.
Probably just sit in a cafe all day every day till someone notices.

2 Name: Mito : 2015-12-27 20:00 ID:Yz03XhNx [Del]

Hello Cain. There's nothing wrong about being picky, it makes us to be cautious in making friends. The truth is that we cannot please anyone. They have their own choice of behavior and there are reasons why is that so. The thing is that I recommend you to remind them about their actions and have some time to talk about it. We learn from them and they learn from us. Just like that. Give them a chance.

Balance must be applied. Digital interaction is not bad, it becomes bad if it is excessive.

3 Name: michiro : 2015-12-27 23:53 ID:qGbDg9K8 [Del]

I'm probably not the best person to give you advice--I don't have any close friends in the state where I live and I rarely go outside or even leave my room. All I can tell you is what I've learned from the mistakes I made when I still did have "friends."

Looking back, I should have been pickier. Much pickier. I had friends who weren't really great people. They said and did a lot of messed up stuff to others, to each other, and to me. I just put up with it because I wanted to have friends so badly that I told myself, "Nobody's perfect," as if that's an excuse to be a jerk. It's true nobody's perfect, but some people are just really bad company to be around. And others are good company to be around, despite their imperfections.

You might want to try talking to the guy and telling him what things he did that bothered you. I think that will help you see whether or not you should keep hanging around him. If he takes what you say seriously and stops being a jerk around you, great. That shows he actually cares about whether or not his actions make you uncomfortable. But if he makes excuses, blames others for his choices, or just cleans up his act temporarily, then goes back to doing the same thing after a while, I think that will show you a lot about his character and you'll have confirmation that you should stay away.

Try to choose friends who challenge you to be a better version of yourself, not friends who draw out the worst in you. That's something I have to tell myself sometimes because I've made that mistake a lot, just because I wanted to have friends so badly.

Something else I've had to learn is that quirks are okay. After all, everyone needs that one kind-of-crazy-and-annoying-but-still-awesome friend, right? As long as their quirk is harmless, you might have fun hanging with them, once you get to know them a little better.

And if they're way more into something than you are, great! You'll know an expert on the topic who can tell you the latest news on all things related to that topic. I had a friend once who was suuuuuper into video games, whereas I'm really into anime and the Japanese language. I don't play video games and he doesn't study Japanese. You'd think that us having such extreme interests in these things would be annoying, but it didn't--it made our conversations that much more interesting because we were always learning a lot from each other.

As for the digital/physical thing and how to meet people, I have no clue. I wish I could give you some advice on that, but it's something I haven't figured out yet myself.