Dollars BBS | Personal
















I urgently need help please (5)

1 Name: 357upm1 !5kOjxQ0lug : 2015-12-24 09:08 ID:27zY4k60 [Del]

Hi everyone I urgently need help to find someone in Vancouver, Canada. I don't want to draw any attention to her so I will not be listing specific details here. All i can say is that she does not have much time left and I would really like to see her in person before she goes. I have searched the internet extensively for where she might be with no avail, i have even called up hospitals in vancouver and i havent had any luck so far there either (although im still waiting on one), if anyone feels like they can help please email me at . I would've flown over there myself and searched but I am not able to drive and neither do i currently have the right gear for -40 degrees celcius weather. If anyone here is from vancouver please see if you can help me.

2 Name: cats : 2015-12-24 20:22 ID:BxRHI6cJ [Del]

Good luck at find her, bro

I don't talk to people very much so I probably don't know her and, although I live in Canada , I'm very ,very far away from Vancouver.

I just want to remind you to post this on the Missing Persons thread ( if you want , however they probably ask for to much information.

There's also a Canada Dollars thread ( A Vancouver Dollars thread( ) ,and a BC dollars( thread.
Here's some others , but , they probably won't be much use to you .
There is also an Ontario Dollars thread , that has alot of replies :

There's also a map , if that's useful to you .( don't know how to find their emails , though , and , only some of them have their usernames on it ) , if that helps.

World Map - Dollars BBS | Countries
Map V3 - Dollars BBS | Main

sharumii( who has Devinart {here :
and Lentia
I Ctrl+F for their names on the Dollars Network thread:
but I couldn't find any of them
You can still try to use the (yourMemberName) or (yourMemberName) format to find them , but it's unlikey.
Couldn't find them here , either : Dollars Emails - Dollars BBS | Technology
Or here : Dollars-BBS Email Sign Up (V2) - Dollars BBS | Main
There's a few ( old posts ) on the Canada thread, that , are probably not very useful to you




Kagari, who said :( a long time ago , god , I feel like a stalker! )

[Hello, everyone! This is my first time posting here...

I'm from all over Canada, really. Right now, I'm living in South Eastern Alberta (I'm a little reluctant to say what city), but I still spend a lot of my time in Vancouver B.C. and Winnipeg Manitoba.

Are any of you Canadian Dollars members up for organizing missions/events? I think it'd be cool if we could actually accomplish something! :)]





Akria Malfoy



Lentia : 2012-01-31 03:22 ID:lgYI94MD [Del]

Vancouver! Please email me if u r in Vancouver

I found her ! * cries tires of happiness *





There's a lot more, but I'm tired.Here's the only one that had some means of communication
Riaxi : 2015-02-09 20:38 ID:qpdBh5vz [Del], who said:

[Vancouver, B.C. here!

Join the LINE Group if you have LINE! The family is almost reaching 100 members though we're all still close and cozy with each other! : )]

Here, have a nice article about staying warm :
How to Stay Warm in Cold Weather-Wikihow

You probably already know all of that , but , it might come in handy if you go . You can always hail a taxi ,and stay in a hotel/shelter(If you want to save money ) and look for her .I think , if you try hard enough ,you can get some winter clothes as donation , but I'm not sure .
I suggest getting Reddit ( a very good website/community for this kind of project , and has worked before, for other people and posting something there .
Here might be a good place to start :
Vancouver, BC, Canada - The city, its people and cultural happenings • /r/vancouver
British Columbia • /r/britishcolumbia

Not sure if this is a good subsection for it , or not ....
HelpMeFind - Need something found? Maybe we can help! • /r/HelpMeFind

I was reading this :
10 Ways to Get Free (or Almost Free) Airline Tickets

The only two ones that look reasonable ,are the last two .
10.Watch for Airline Mistakes

A couple months ago, United Airlines made a mistake and offered a bunch of tickets for very cheap or free. While the mistake was only live for a couple of minutes, many people took advantage of it. If you frequent travel forums, though, you can catch these deals because people will post about them almost as soon as they happen. Sometimes, airlines will try to rescind the tickets sold during these mistakes, but most often they are honored. If you want free tickets, this is a great way to find them.
Bonus Standby Tip

Standby is no longer free, unless you or an immediate family member works for the airline. Flying standby used to be a great way to get free and/or deeply discounted airline tickets. However, most airlines now require you to have already purchased a ticket to even be eligible for standby flights, and many will charge you an additional fee, too. Each airline has a different policy, so check this out before you try to fly on a standby basis.

( please excuse the broken links , I typed this up as an email , and copied and pasted itinto this.)
If you have any news , please repply to me ! We're here to help each other !:) I might need help like this as well someday.( I can't do a lot of things,though my parents will probaly stop me from doing a lot things )

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-25 01:46 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

What...the fuck.

4 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-25 08:38 ID:cJK4Rw7i [Del]

Don't make a mess of her too much

5 Name: cats : 2015-12-25 17:12 ID:BxRHI6cJ [Del]

...I know I kind of went overboard..But...Did I do something wrong?