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Are you mature? (9)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-19 19:57 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

I for one, am not mature. So don't take me seriously on any matter you see anywhere. I made this thread too see what people think it means to be mature and if they themselves qualify for it.

2 Name: Xezr0 : 2015-12-19 20:54 ID:tP4ATRAn [Del]

I'm as mature as the 4th Doctor. I can be calm, collect, and level headed when I need to be. But if I don't need to be.. Pfft forget about it.

3 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-20 07:40 ID:JtB/B9Lq [Del]

What is maturity? I think that's a better question.

4 Name: jill : 2015-12-20 08:19 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

I'm not mature. I take things way too seriously or naively optimistic. Maybe, people can say I'm childish, since I look at the best of people. I don't judge and discriminate others. But maybe that's the reason why people treat me like a kid. They think in order to be grow up, you have to view others like some psycho killer, rapist, or terrorist. And I don't like that idea. They're also people. Maybe they have psychological reasons why they did so. Maybe if people didn't treat everyone as criminals, we can trust people more.

5 Name: Neko : 2015-12-20 11:06 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

I'm a cat.

6 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-12-20 11:31 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

I'm like >>4 kind of.

My maturity level seems to fluctuate. I can articulate my words pretty well and I guess I'm smart and for that reason ppl think I'm "mature." I have this greater perception of things without it being hard and I have deep thoughts (whatever those are), so ppl think I'm "mature." Then there comes the times when I make jokes (esp. the sexual ones), then I don't seem as mature, but it's like, who's to say what maturity is? In all honesty, being mature to me is being open-minded. You're able to view situations from different standpoints and such. That's maturity. It has nothing to do with whether you act like a kid or not, because there are carefree adults who are still mature even when they act like kids. If you can't seem to get past yourself then I don't think you're mature. If you can't seem to understand that a situation is worse than it seems--and I don't mean being positive. I mean positivity is good, what I mean is if you can't seem to grasp a situation and think that as long as it's not affecting you it isn't a problem...then are you really mature?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say I'm a solid 7 right about now.

7 Name: Neko : 2015-12-20 12:21 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Mature, immature, people stick labels for their own convenience.
Who cares whether or not they're mature. They're only doing it to keep up appearances and justify their actions.
I personally prefer people who don't say whether they're mature or not, and the ones who say they're immature. Being immature is wonderful, btw. You don't have to contain yourselves with correct things and morals and whatnot.

8 Name: Enigami : 2015-12-21 05:52 ID:1YdhW3bo [Del]

I think mature is often conflated with crassness. Wanna sound like an adult? Throw out some cusses. Wanna watch something for adults? It better be sexy and/or violent.
For me, maturity is almost synonomous with responsibility. It's about knowing your limits, both personally and societally.
That said, I guess I think I'm semi-mature.

9 Name: michiro : 2015-12-22 15:33 ID:qGbDg9K8 [Del]

Lots of people have told me I'm mature. In some ways I think they're right, but in other ways, I don't think they are. I guess I'm "mature" in the sense that I'm responsible and I try to make sound decisions. But in a lot of ways, I think I'm kind of immature. For instance, sometimes when I'm frustrated, I get into a bad mood and I don't bother trying to shake it off. I guess it's the adult way of pouting because I didn't get my way. Not exactly great, huh?

Maybe people assume that because I'm quiet and I have a reserved personality, I must be "mature." Or maybe they think I'm mature because they don't know me well enough to have seen me "loosen up" around my friends (or "pout" about something I don't like).