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Uninteresting (2)

1 Name: SC : 2015-12-18 22:33 ID:gFE6I+tO [Del]

I read this post that was magnificent, and it made me want to write. At some point, that post will disappear, but those who've read it may understand what it is.
People are dull and boring, and most of what I've experienced with those people was uninteresting. Yet, they are the people that run through most of your lives, unless you happen to lead one of those fun, fulfilling lives, or maybe a life of tragedy.
I'll talk from my experience. I hear the same songs, same jokes, same conversations and same boring complaints. I meet these people who are boring, dull, so self centered and someone who fits in. I've watched so many people complain about the smallest, stupidest things, and watched so many events where some couldn't solve the simplest puzzles. They live in the lives of others, and the other lives they live in also do the same.
But, I'm not classifying the world. I'm classifying the surroundings that many of you, if not some, may live with for the rest of your lives.
I don't know what goes on in the other parts of the world, because they have different surroundings.
I have mine, and you have yours.
I'm not saying I hate people, because I really do love them. I just like them in a different way than you may picture.
I may not have explained myself correctly, so I don't expect any good things to come of this message.
And I wonder if anyone will find something out about themselves here?

2 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2015-12-19 10:51 ID:00/QUIk1 [Del]

Funny thing, I just finished writing a reply to the other post just moments ago.
Another reply also suggested change. I sort of agree with what the person said about changing yourself, but have you any idea on how to change. Maybe if you can think of a way it might help.