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Religion Problems... (16)

1 Name: CreeperComando : 2015-12-17 21:43 ID:sQqwE77h [Del]

So... about 3 years ago, I converted to Atheism. My parents are Christian and I want to tell them that I've stopped believing but, I'm afraid of the consequences...
What should I do?

2 Name: SaitoInu : 2015-12-17 21:51 ID:vxEtIIEB [Del]

Well, with so little information I'm not sure what to tell you. You know your own parents best. If they're likely to flip out and disown you then obviously don't tell them. Otherwise, it should be fine. If they're decent people they'll respect your decision and love you regardless.

3 Name: Latem : 2015-12-18 04:36 ID:IsgwA9YS [Del]

why turn atheist? but don't tell ME why.. tell your parents instead, explain them why you chose atheism maybe they might let you do so if your reasons are acceptable

i'm sure are afraid of the consequences.. well YOLO!

4 Name: Halogod : 2015-12-18 08:14 ID:8Mk5RuIr [Del]

At the end of the day, no matter what your parents think, it's your own decision. YOU choose what you believe, not anyone else. If your parents are good people they will respect the decision that you've made and not get mad.

5 Name: Halogod : 2015-12-18 08:16 ID:8Mk5RuIr [Del]

If you do tell them, I'd be interested to hear how it goes. So if there's anything you want to talk to anyone about, email me

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-12-18 11:21 ID:VSOoY2Mp [Del]

I reckon you should wait till you're independent. of course, it is your decision to be whoever you want to be, but if you're living under a roof with other people then you gotta see it their way most of the time. You're an individual but you're not a complete one YET.

7 Name: CreeperComando : 2015-12-18 14:57 ID:sQqwE77h [Del]

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys.

8 Name: mons : 2015-12-24 15:14 ID:jtREpUY2 [Del]

I think the question is why turn to atheism? Because you chose to be atheist or because of your parents behaviour?

9 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-25 01:50 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

Just do it!

Seriously, you should talk this out before it's too late.

10 Name: Suzuha : 2015-12-26 05:05 ID:3b8fVMg8 [Del]

I've been in the same situation, except my parents are Taoist instead of Christian.

They are devout followers. They visit the nearby temple once a fortnight to ask for blessings. There's a little shrine they have in the balcony they pray to every morning and night without fail, and since I was young I prayed as well. But one day when I was ten I just, I don't know, I didn't pray. I just kneeled in front of the shrine and held the joss sticks and didn't ask for a good day or whatever. I couldn't, because I knew all along that I was just reciting the words in my heart without meaning.

I didn't tell my parents straight away. Like you, I was scared that my parents would not accept me. When I was thirteen, I went to a Catholic middle school(?) (we call it secondary school over here). My dad actually encouraged me to go because 1) it was an all girls' school so boys couldn't harm his princess haha 2) it was right beside his workplace so he could drive me and 3) it was a reputable school. No objections were raised about the difference in religion, and that was when it occured to me that my parents would not raise a fuss about it.

I spent my time debating on how to tell them. Ironically, I prayed to find an answer. I wanted to tell them because I did not like pretending to pray when I was really just stoning.

So I told my parents. I was not very young, but not old enough to make legal decisions. Fifteen or sixteen, I think, but I'm not sure. I just told them that I don't believe in Taoism. They accepted that and I didn't pray from then on, but they bring me to the temple now and then because 'better safe than sorry'. I don't object.

My parents are open minded. They're strict with discipline, yes, but they understand that me not believing in a religion is something that I can't help and they can't force.

Do your parents believe so too? Will they accept you for who you are? I cannot say for sure, because they are your parents, not mine. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

Have you moved out? If you have, tell them. You have nothing to lose because you are already an adult and they cannot force you into anything. Relations may be strained, but it will get better in time. Or maybe it won't, but I'd like to believe that people only react badly because they need time to process what has happened.

If you have not moved out, will be you in immediate danger if you tell your parents? Will they force you into something you don't want to do? (rehabilation Christian camps, weekly Sunday church visits etc) If they will, reconsider until you have moved out.

Sorry for the word vomit. I hope you manage to gather the courage to tell your parents!

11 Name: CreeperComando : 2015-12-27 02:17 ID:sQqwE77h [Del]

Mons: to put it simply it's just because I lost all faith of a god even existing, meaning I don't believe in a heaven nor hell.

Suzuha: I have not moved out, being that I'm only 14. My family doesn't do any religious things other than just believing in it, so In other words we used to go to church but not anymore because it was to time consuming.

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14 Name: FindMuck : 2016-01-02 04:14 ID:0XFPu+Bj [Del]

Some people are more comfortable having an answer. Others would prefer to keep asking questions.

15 Name: Kazutora : 2016-01-03 01:30 ID:VJ2jzZlq [Del]

Don't. Somethings they just would rather not know. I know its tough man.

16 Name: levinstark : 2016-01-03 02:37 ID:aKfWXOCx [Del]

this is just my personal opinion, but i have a lots of Atheist friends, and it's not like they're suffering, instead they're enjoying their life more than before, like a saying SBNR or Spiritual But Not Religious.

the most important thing is, whether you became an Atheist or not, don't bother other people(it's hard for me to find the right word). do the best of what you think is right, why you believe in a religion if you don't like it, it's the same as a bullshit if you don't like it.

anyway, i think if you want to tell your parents no matter what, just tell them you're trying to became more spiritual in a good way.