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A Funny Joke (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-17 20:48 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

People are truly not fun anymore. I go through life and hardly can I ever find someone who is truly worth talking to. I guess I need to vent somewhere.

I have been a having a problem when it comes to people and that is that I no longer have any interest in them. I stopped caring and to this day I do not know if that makes me a monster or what exactly. It is no longer fun. Someone once mentioned that it was because maybe I am suffering from depression.

I laugh to this idea as I just think that people in my life purely suck. People do not have a sense of adventure anymore. There is no heart to do something new or do something that seems special. It is like the world is constantly shooting a gun hoping the bullet hits the mark.

I no longer feel satisfaction in any of this play. It is like a bad theater or bad game with no rules. Life is nothing else but a bad game. I wonder what can I find satisfaction in anymore. It is funny because in all this, people who call themselves my friends believe that I am ok. They think that I have the world figured out. It is funny as I am more bored of the world due to the lack of excitement anyone has to offer. People are no more than baggage to be had since they never add to anything positive.

It is all the same. Just a broken record of bad jokes that think they will be funny if repeated.

2 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2015-12-17 22:29 ID:00/QUIk1 [Del]

This is so beautiful I cannot describe in words how much I love this post. Searching for a taste of worth, and also why I prefer not to be called human. As much as I feel like I understand you I never will. Like no one will understand me. The fact is at times I don't understand me. Do you feel anything like that? It's thrilling to feel different yet odd to know that you've been placed in such a dull world. Where every thing is sugarcoated and truth is rare- That's great though, Truth's boring. Yet lies, so common, a sickening feeling arises. Actions, words cannot describe it. The need for change and fear of new. Sometimes that all you want to do- I cannot say. No not today. These lines as ryhmes still just aren't just. Fun and all, that's enough.

The rhymes got out of hand, but I think they explained it a little well. I hate the world today too. Nothing is okay the way it is. The author of Durarara I sensed may have felt this. I've mentioned before, how life is a bore. Oh no here we go again. Well the rhymes aren't here, we'll pretend. The main character Ryuugamine Mikado, sought after extraordinary in the show. I've mentioned that track in many of my posts. It's simply perfect not to boast. I feel out of place too. It's quite funny, that's true. Yet sad in some points of view.

The taste for adventure has broken our hearts. It doesn't exist on this place we call earth. Somethings only some people know. Despite our uniqueness, I take pride in being alone. I write my way out of the days. I wonder what you think. I might have taken the wrong path in being the difference. Tell me what you think of this reply I wrote. I really can relate just a slight bit to you.

If we really feel the same however, I cannot describe it. It also should feel like no one completely understands. I can understand this post. Put the post isn't the exact exact feelings as you feel. I have said before such feelings are impossibl to write completely of. I try putting it into my short stories but It simply cannot be done.

Please reply.

3 Name: Mito : 2015-12-18 03:55 ID:UcvzZJ4r [Del]

"bored of the world due to the lack of excitement anyone has to offer".... really ? or maybe you just stare at people and do nothing about it. What you are trying to say is that if they have this what you call "sense of adventure", you will be okay? What if they don't really have? Isn't it the best time to make a change within yourself instead? I am not in your shoes to make a change, it is up to you how you make it. Talk to someone you don't ever talk to. That one is just an example how to start.

4 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-18 04:15 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

Looks like someone just finished watching an anime with a decent plot with ordinary characters.

5 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2015-12-19 10:44 ID:00/QUIk1 [Del]

>>3 How do you think one should change themselves? Talking to new people doesn't really open more opportunities. I don't know exactly what >>1 thinks, but regarding your reply, it's really a complicated feeling. It's like what Izaya said to Mikado at the end of the first season, "You must constantly evolve," meaning changing. When you continuously grow and change you'll see the world in many ways, but what if change is not possible or one doesn't know how to change? How indeed can someone change themselves?

6 Name: Mito : 2015-12-19 21:52 ID:mKpNnTWk [Del]

I don't agree in saying that "Change is not possible". Being able to change yourself is hard but not literally impossible. As humans, we are used to say that such a thing is impossible because we judge our own potential so that we have "low self-esteem". We tend to be pessimistic rather than being optimistic. We think more about problems instead of solutions and instead of helping them out, we tend to amplify their burden which makes things worst. The solution is to TAKE INITIATIVE.It is true that we should constantly evolve but how can we evolve if we talk more about problems? Let's talk about solutions. Only you know yourself best. Change is not sudden, it is step-by-step. Remember that in every problem, there is a solution.

"Because the world isn't as bad as you think."
- The Dollars

7 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-21 01:12 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

I wrote this as a form of venting. This does not come from a guy who sits around and stares at people. A normal guy who goes to college, has friends, and belongs to clubs.

It does not matter the changes I make. People consider me quite the role model and a friendly type of guy. My problem is with people. How deep inside I have just gotten wary of the same old same old without excitement. The fact that no one takes risks because everyone is afraid and loves the stupidity that life has to offer rather than making moments special in an honest way. The purity of a fun moment all gone as people care for mediocre things that ruin the picture.

People are nothing else but boring.

8 Name: Anime1game2 : 2015-12-21 20:04 ID:vdAMgr8P [Del]

>>7 I get what your saying. It's like the humans have stopped wanting to evolve; but there are some that are still evolving. And want to evolve even more. But, I do not know how to help you in your situation; in fact I don't know how to help anyone; but I'm sure in time you'll find what you are looking for in this world.

9 Name: michiro !achZbuCnQc : 2015-12-22 03:31 ID:qGbDg9K8 [Del]

You never know, it might be depression. I'm only saying you should consider this as a possibility because I remember thinking kind of similar things a couple years back. Then I went on antidepressants (for other reasons) and I was amazed at how much my perspective on things changed. Things and people actually seemed interesting and worthwhile for once. I hadn't thought that way in ages, probably since I was a kid. And of course, things went right back to "normal" when I stopped taking the meds. Just saying, you never know.

10 Name: Yuime : 2016-01-04 10:39 ID:/OjPJi4c [Del]

someone once told me that there are two ways to see the world.

you can see it as though miracles don't exist,

or you can see it as though everything that happens is a miracle.

I don't think that anyone has the world all figured out. I know many people that feel like you do. like the world is a boring place without anything of true value, and sometimes I felt the same way.

but then I realized that I was looking at the world the wrong way.

the sound of a baby's laughter. raindrops dripping from leaves. the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

all of those things, I was used to. there was nothing special about them anymore.

until I started seeing things as if everything is a miracle.