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what am I??? (10)

1 Name: migi : 2015-12-14 23:39 ID:+zswfbGm [Del]

ummm hi, i'm probably going to get straight to the point, i think i'm bi, because i know for the longest that i do like guys and i notice that i been liking girls for way back when too but i just don't want to say it to my self because i think i'm scared, and when ever i start to think about it, i just dispel it from my head, (but don't get me wrong i still love the LGBT people) so i think i'm bi and i don't know what to do

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-15 00:27 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

You're bi, live with it

3 Name: Hiroki : 2015-12-15 01:22 ID:TewncsMa [Del]

>>2 He expects some help, I guess.

You can suppress this part of you, BUT it might not be really good.

You can find an open-minded and trustworthy friend that can become you confidant. Where are you living ?

4 Name: Mito : 2015-12-15 02:19 ID:srA4XQSU [Del]

>>1 You remind me about my best friend.Are you still there? I may help you.

5 Name: jill : 2015-12-15 13:17 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

>>1 You're pansexual. What's wrong of being bi? Does it affect your lifestyle? Does it destroy your friendships? Do you think liking the same gender is scary? Well I know everything is just new to you, so just go with the flow.

6 Name: Spade : 2015-12-15 15:46 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

There isn't anything wrong with being exactly who you are. And you can identify as you wish, I did the same thing for seven years for no reason at all besides the fact that I was just plan scared because no one else I knew was LGBT and I thought I was going to be made fun of. In the end, I met a lesbian girl that I liked and eventually told my close family members and then eventually close friends. No one told me to go die in a hole for being bi and I ended up okay. Whatever you feel you should do is absolutely up to you. Not everyone is going to be nice about it, however do know you aren't going to be alone.

7 Name: migi : 2015-12-15 16:22 ID:+zswfbGm [Del]

>>5 no, none of the short, and i'm just scared to tell my family member about this and how they would react, my parent are really nice and all but they don't approve of there child liking the same gender, and my sibling is probably supportive and if i finally face myself when is the best time to tell them?

>>4 yeah im still here

>>3 ill try not to suppress it any longer

by the way i'm a girl incase ya'll don't know

8 Name: Mito : 2015-12-15 21:12 ID:Tq7XVjzI [Del]

>>1 Like what I've said previously,my best friend and you are alike. She's also a girl and confessed to me that she is confused because of attraction in both sexes. At first,I was very shocked and surprised but after minutes of thinking I gave my response and told her:
"You may do whatever you want, you have your options.Humans were given choices for us to choose between what is right and what is wrong.Inside every person,there's a voice that will guide you in the right way.And yet,it is up to us if we listen or not."

-WHAT DO I MEAN? My point is that... if we can go back in the right track,why not? Contentment is the key. Being able to accept who you are originally is hard but possible. A bit of MOTIVATION may do. For example,your Mother/Mom. Every man needs a woman and I am looking forward you will find one. Take your time to consider.

9 Name: migi : 2015-12-15 22:27 ID:+zswfbGm [Del]

>>8 ^-^ thanks for the motivation/tip, ill try to find my self and accept myself when i find myself (to much myself is being said)

10 Name: mons : 2015-12-16 01:06 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

I don't know what else to tell you, But its ok to be who you are as long as what you are isn't stupid. Be sure of your emotions and be sure of the difference between loving someone as a friend and romantically. Figure it out and do it in a mature way.