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Help (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-13 22:02 ID:6VtT+msr [Del]

Hello. I would rather not say my name, but I need help. I've been in a very dark place for a very long time. I have recently been getting these headaches, which, many times, become so painful that I literally black out on my carpet. The problem is, I'm only 13. I have tried telling my parents, but they refuse to get me help, saying that I just need to go outside more. I have gotten to the point that the knives in our kitchen have become a little too much of a temptation to be healthy. I decided to try to get . . . I don't know, something. Someone to talk to, even if it is on a website from someone that I don't know.

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Mito : 2015-12-14 06:07 ID:pMPTkurM [Del]

Do you have any acquaintances outside?It think they might help you about it by explaining the problem together with your friends.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-14 10:25 ID:6VtT+msr [Del]

No, I don't have anyone that I can tell. As of now, I am completely alone in this.

5 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-12-14 11:19 ID:RfrjE/8o [Del]

Hmmm black outs...headaches. Google will tell you a lot of things but I suppose it's about what resource you can trust. Sorry to hear that you can't seek help like most people...

Maybe if you give us a bit more details there might be more people who can help you. But it can be several things from my perspective: You might have some sort of vitamin/mineral deficiency, or even water. You might not realise it, but there is a lot in our diet which dehydrates us and dries out our body's water supply. Try drinking about half a glass of water just after you wake up, good for health and your mood.

If you say you've been in a 'dark place' then maybe you need more sunlight! (Sorry I'm half an idiot for joking...) No but seriously, Vitamin D is very important and who knows what a deficiency in that can do. But that other meaning for the 'dark place' I know. Because I've been there I'll advise you that if you stay there your health will start spiraling down. I'm not sure how low it'll go but I started getting irregular heartbeats and could barely walk due to how weak I was. You might have worries but remember that you've got a future ahead and your health is not worth risking.

If you want to seek a doctor there are things you can do:
- Tell a friend
- If you don't have one, tell a close relative you trust.
- Take the initiative to get help. Make an appointment when your parents are out of sight. Make sure the doctors BULK BILL, because it's understood you won't be able to pay. When you visit the doctors make sure you have a plan before hand. I could give you a quick one now but make a plan that suits you, remember that:

Tell your class teacher that you might arrive to class late tomorrow because you have an appointment. This way you secure an escape from school and your parents won't be notified of your absence. If your school has strict policies and need evidence on absences like these then forge a letter which will make it sound like it's from your parents. There is a low possibility of getting caught but there's always a risk. But if you need the help and you're not getting it, you have to resort to some measure y'know.

The next step now is to phone a bulk billing clinic that's the closest to your home or your school, depending on your circumstance.

Now if the clinic is not in walking distance I'd advise you learn how to take public transport if you don't or ride a bike there. I hope it's not too far from where you are. And once you return from you appointment and it's still school time make sure you have some place to hide yourself until it's the time when you usually get out. Walk or do whatever you normally do to go back home.

So if you don't go to school without your parents dropping you off then let me know and I can arrange another plan for you.

6 Name: Mito : 2015-12-14 20:32 ID:wBSRNHKl [Del]

A phone call or something might do.Kokkuri-san has a point.

7 Name: Hitsuji : 2015-12-14 23:02 ID:mbc/GM5O [Del]

You could be having some extreme case of migrane, I get them and the only thing that really seems to help is going in a very dark room, and either watching tv (make sure it is the only light in the room) or having a damp cloth over your eyes while listening to an audiobook (if you dont have one available youtube has some good free ones). Another possibility is that you are growing a brain tumor, and you need serious medical attention (you are young and you may think it unlikely, but I had a cousin who had a brain tumor at the age of 7).

8 Name: Mito : 2015-12-15 00:32 ID:srA4XQSU [Del]

>>1 We need the additional informations about what is happening for us to help you and know what to do.You said that it is in "a very long time" so that it is better to take actions as soon as possible.

9 Name: Aoba : 2015-12-15 11:38 ID:/9SBD6BM [Del]

buy a bottle of advil and eat a chocolate bar. knifes are in no way tempting, being stabbed by one hurts like a bitch. pardon the language.

10 Name: jill : 2015-12-15 12:53 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

There are alot of possible illnesses that are associated with the brain. It could herniation, hemorrhage, tumor, traumatic brain injury, or migraine. Maybe, you've got vasculitis but I'm not really sure. You should really go to a doctor. Go to a drop-in clinic or something, and ask for advice. Getting medication without knowing what kind of disease you have, is bad for you. You might ended up getting another illness.