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pornography help (56)

1 Name: ismitethee : 2015-12-11 07:19 ID:Oj2ylf7S [Del]

I know this wont seem like a problem to some but i seriously need help with my pornography addiction
Its messed up my life caused me to lose friends and make me much worse a person
i dont even enjoy it anymore its nothing but a nusence
no matter what ive tried (turning off the internet,blocking websitedps etc.) it never had any effects
can someone please give me advice on how to break this addiction

2 Name: Rezel : 2015-12-11 08:24 ID:AK0J9wwP [Del]

I would suggest that you try to make sure you are around people at all times, people are less likely to look at such things when they are in public environments. Also try to find other things that can occupy your thoughts, like a hobby of sorts, that way you don't think about it as often. Don't worry, I am sure you can do it, and I believe in you, i'm also sure that there are plenty of other people who support you in your decision. Good Luck!

3 Name: FindMuck : 2015-12-11 08:41 ID:0XFPu+Bj [Del]

I just watched a very interesting video on addiction. Maybe it can help you.

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-11 19:03 ID:xijLHlEq [Del]

>>1 Do something even more addictive.

5 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-11 19:06 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]

Heroine works

6 Name: Yuukio : 2015-12-11 21:53 ID:KnIK+2MO [Del]

>>4 >>5
you guys are gonna ruin the OP's life

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-11 23:32 ID:xijLHlEq [Del]

>>6 I didn't say to do drugs

8 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-12 20:13 ID:nHuIoWH9 [Del]

Get addicted to real-life sex instead. It feels better and boostsbyour confidence.

And who loses friends because they watch porn? Those 'friends' that left you weren't true friends.

The best thing to do is talk to a therapist or get counselling. You could even just talk about your addiction to a trusted member of family or someone similar.

The most important thing when it comes to overcoming an addiction is will-power. Try your best and you will succeed. "If there is a wall we break it down. If there is no path, we carve one ourselves". Do your best and good luck.

9 Name: Neko : 2015-12-12 21:32 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Eh wolfie
The reason ppl become addicted to porn is because they couldn't get laid irl

10 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-13 07:09 ID:vh+fFaIA [Del]

>>9 Not necessarily. There's things like little confidence, traumatic experiences, phobias and lack of effort which lead to people becoming addicted to porn and not real-life fucking. But yeah, there's fair chance that it's because they're too ugly or have bad qualities. I don't want to immediately assume that this guy is one of the latter.

11 Name: Neko : 2015-12-13 07:13 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

(For whatever reason) couldn't get laid
I stand corrected

12 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-13 07:23 ID:vh+fFaIA [Del]

I don't believe fujoshis are experts with men. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

13 Name: Neko : 2015-12-13 08:03 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

We're familiar with 2D men XD

14 Name: Neko : 2015-12-13 08:14 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Eh, but rly, all fujoshis have in common is the 2D world.
Personality traits and the like vary from person to person, so stereotypes don't really apply to most.

15 Name: harui san : 2015-12-13 10:04 ID:ZaTFNGtD [Del]

>>14 Agreed xD 2D world personalities can get a bit identical/cliche but it's always different for everyone out in the real world.

16 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-13 14:38 ID:vh+fFaIA [Del]

With both sexes in mind, 2D girls are the best. And regular male otakus have it rougher. Sorry for #antifeminism but overall, it's easier for a girl to get laid rather than a guy. Guy's have a greater right to be addicted to hentai *cough* I mean porn. Also, I'm fairly certain that the stereotypical male otaku is more horrid, but I can't deny that a lot of otakus are the epitome of cringe.

17 Name: Neko : 2015-12-13 14:47 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Oh please, wolfie, the age of feminism is long past in western countries.
A battle fought long ago but prolonged up til now.
Ah well, as that's not my area, I don't really know about that matter. And since I've never met an actual otaku irl, I'll leave it at that.
But overall 2D boys are better than the girls.
A much larger variation in personalities. Even better: they cry easily and it's cute! Crying girls in shoujo manga are just slobs wanting attention.

..I feel like we've strayed from the original topic, but oh well. Meow.

18 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-13 14:51 ID:vh+fFaIA [Del]

No way. 2D girls have the real variety. And the BL stuff only has 2 types of character: givers and receivers. Besides, all the 'dere's were made for girls. Better personalities confirmed. And shoujo manga is love! That's true moe.

19 Name: Neko : 2015-12-13 15:19 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

That sounds like the boys from extremely mainstream titles which are basically porn with 'extra' romance stories.
The less known ones have better characters.
And dere were probably made for girls, doesn't mean boys can't enjoy them too.
Ask the fudanshi and they'll testify.
Also, shoujo manga stops becoming good after you read 5 titles or so.

20 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-13 15:25 ID:vh+fFaIA [Del]'s pretty...

21 Name: Hiroki : 2015-12-13 15:58 ID:TewncsMa [Del]

Do sport several times a week (eg you can run 40 minutes with a 10x 30s fast-30s slow in the middle)

It might IMO help you getting rid of an addiction, and that's great to do with friends.

Grrr the catpha drives me crazy. When you do it before typing your reply it's even not valid after.

22 Name: Euphoria : 2015-12-13 18:35 ID:2Wb//bxj [Del]

As most people said, find something that is more interesting that wouldn't result in losing friends (btw why would people leave you just because you really like porn?) Maybe start a blog that will keep you busy posting or singing (idk if you like it) or creating awesome music. I don't think you'd be into drawing but that's an option. Or get a job that eats up free time so you have none to touch porn. Hmmmmmm or maybe you can just find someone you enjoy hanging out with so you'll prefer them over porn. A best friend or something :)

23 Name: Godot : 2015-12-14 11:03 ID:AiX20y9+ [Del]

Mate, are you serious? No one can be that addicted to porn to lose all their friends...

24 Name: Neko : 2015-12-14 11:14 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Maybe if you're in a religious school. They never take the erotic side of humans really well.

25 Name: Aoba : 2015-12-15 11:43 ID:/9SBD6BM [Del]

why don't you actually try what your watching? unless your a kid, then don't even think about it.

26 Name: Meliods : 2015-12-15 12:16 ID:NtHPbhGq [Del]

I would try to find a different, more better addiction, to bring the attention away from your porn addiction

27 Name: jill : 2015-12-15 12:55 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

What's wrong having that kind of addiction? Atleast, you're not doing drugs.

28 Name: mons : 2015-12-15 16:09 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

wow how about some actual good advice like... seek council. You are not the first person to go through such an issue and there would be plenty of help.

>>27 the problem with an addiction is that you want to stop but you cant. >>1 read it. He/she doesn't want to any more.

29 Name: ismitethee : 2015-12-16 05:23 ID:oRq2gXCS [Del]

i have been reading your results and i would just like to clear a few things up
1. i am 15
2. no i do not go to a religious school
3. the reason i lost friends is mostly because of me not being able to face them with another day of failure
4. i do not enjoy it
thank you all though for your comments

30 Name: sharo : 2015-12-16 14:05 ID:LRd/NQ+d [Del]

you could try taking your mind of it by watching psycho pass or baccano. I think your over reacting too, you said your 15 so you should grow out of it.

31 Name: Godot : 2015-12-16 15:08 ID:AiX20y9+ [Del]

>>24 Well, that was surprisingly true.

32 Name: Neko : 2015-12-16 22:24 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Then I'm pretty sure it's not about the pornography or the addiction itself, but about your personality. I'd suggest you consult a psychologist or an expert

33 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-17 14:13 ID:La28jAzc [Del]

you need to pray and ask god for help.

34 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-17 16:56 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

>>33 Haha nice. If you were being serious however, that's a different story.

35 Name: RLKSH !f5MEXgxPhk : 2015-12-17 18:30 ID:00/QUIk1 [Del]

>>34 Indeed, the way that was put wasn't very great. The addition of religion was a bit unnecessary, if hat were their honest suggestion.

36 Name: Sawada Tsunayoshi : 2015-12-17 21:01 ID:BnfOAru4 [Del]


37 Name: Mito : 2015-12-18 03:12 ID:UcvzZJ4r [Del]

My Opinion to Get Rid of Pornography:
1. Don't play computer for a month
2. Rest, exercise and eat enough
3. Go to a Library everyday and find a book that you are interested, read it for hours
4. Go outside and have some recreation

I know that's a bit eccentric but effective. There's nothing to lose if you do.

38 Name: Latem : 2015-12-18 04:00 ID:IsgwA9YS [Del]

you could try to be childish.. 'cause ya know kids never think about those stuff right?

just don't think too much don't think too less just think about anything fun to do and always stuff your head with imagination (be careful not to imagine any lewd stuff)

i'm trying that method myself, it works pretty well ya know! and when the porn addict is striking again don't tell your head no just think like you never know anything about the addiction.

i hope it works! but if its still not working then try punishing yourself everytime you feel like watching those things!

good luck!

39 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-18 04:12 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]


40 Name: Neko : 2015-12-18 04:22 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

The humber of response this thread have shows just how much we all love porn.
Long live BL.

41 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-18 04:26 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]


42 Name: ismitethee : 2015-12-19 05:59 ID:kRi0AWKC [Del]

i would just like to say how disapointed i am in you guys
i posted hoping you guys would be able to help me with my problem but all most of you did was encouragement
i opened up to you people and nothing was gained out of it except for who i cannot turn to
i would like to thank a select few of you however thank you for understanding me and giving me advice i will try to follow what you suggested to the best of my abilities

43 Name: Crow : 2015-12-19 06:07 ID:Vw82u3gV [Del]

I personally don't have this addiction but I would like to apologize. I am ashamed to see fellow Dollar members not helping someone who is crying out for it when that's exactly what the dollars are meant to be. I hope you are able to break this addiction and don't lose faith in the Dollars because of this. Not all of us are like that and most of us really do just want to help each other. People probably felt they were helping more by tellign you it wasn't a problem, which in turn hurt you more. Still, I hope you don't get to down from this. We mean well, truly. Much love friend. Chin up!

44 Name: Mito : 2015-12-19 06:28 ID:eiVN5wXB [Del]

>>42 You saw the tip that I have given you previously? That would really work in fighting your addiction. You can contact me in my gmail account if you want. You are always welcome, my friend.

45 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-19 15:18 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

>>42 If two assassins were hired to kill the same man and they both tried to kill the target first to get the reward, the slower one who did not manage to kill target would not just stab the dead body multiple times and decapitate the limbs to make up for it. Applicable here? Yes. I can't be bothered to think of a better analogy.

A considerable number of individuals in this thread already gave you decent and respectable advice early on. Or did you expect more people to repeat the same statements to make you feel like you are loved and cared for? Perhaps that the suggestions already made were good enough and could not be added on to. Well, you're certainly not getting any more advice from me. Learn to be grateful for people who sacrificed a bit of their time to give advice to a complete stranger. Also, it's not like we're going to get rid of addiction for you; guidelines are more than enough to help you with your problem so make use of these suggestions. I'm afraid that you will not have your life decisions spoon-fed for you. I'm not especially annoyed that you are disappointed but the fact that you had high expectations of people in a community where no one even knows who you are is what irritates me most. Have a good day.

46 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-19 19:53 ID:BfHqLQqS [Del]

>>42 What a cunt. And add fullstops and capital letters.

47 Name: Mito : 2015-12-19 21:12 ID:mKpNnTWk [Del]

>>45 and >>46 were like "PARTNERS IN CRIME" . Haha just kidding. >>1 PLEASE READ THIS ONE.I already finished reading all your comments. In our psychology class there is a topic that I would never forget, it is about Sigmund Freud's Id,Ego, and Super-Ego. Our Professor says that being addicted to sexual drives/desires in middle to late adolescense is very RISKY. The "Id" is what I am talking about. Ego is about INTELLIGENCE and Super-Ego is about MORAL. The worst case is that if this will not stop,YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO COME BACK FROM WHO YOU ARE BEFORE. I hope you read my comment and please take it SERIOUSLY.


48 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-20 07:38 ID:JtB/B9Lq [Del]

Thanks for stating the obvious.

49 Name: Neko : 2015-12-20 11:11 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

If you're taking psychology, you should know that "not being able to come back from who you are before" is a really dumb statement. Seriously.

50 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-20 13:09 ID:tU6O1ze7 [Del]

Didn't read that properly before, but I'm pretty sure you don't even need to take psychology to witness the absence of logic there.

51 Name: Sofia : 2015-12-20 21:28 ID:+idtL/5A [Del]

Have you tried getting a new addiction? Not a bad addiction per say, but one that is good that will fill the time better than your current addiction. For example, a new addiction could be cooking or reading books!

52 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-21 14:45 ID:7yjIldFF [Del]

...or anime

53 Name: ismitethee : 2015-12-23 06:32 ID:kRi0AWKC [Del]

hey guys i kinda just got back and am now reallising how messed up things have gotten here
i would just like to say you guys did actually help a lot and i have taken all your suggestions and have now broken down this addiction alot
ive taken up drawing which has taken up a lot of the time that would have been taken up with the addiction
so thanks for that guys
im also going to a camp soon which means i will not be able to continue this addiction after all
so thanks for that suggestion
i would also like to clear up that what i meant in the previous post was that some of you were encouraging the addiction which i was a bit upset with
overall thank you all for helping me even after the previous statement and helping me break this
you have really helped me out here

54 Name: サメ : 2015-12-23 10:48 ID:yxnsB1jr [Del]

yo ismitethee, I think your problem is same as me, in my case when I was 15 or 16 just like you, it's the highest addiction in my life, I watch it too much just like everyday when I'm alone. But suddenly I come to a new circle that mostly have this addiction, so we share each other and try to stop this asap and now I'm 18 and when I see the nude or something like that as something usual because I've seen all of that in a previous time.

So don't be that desperate bruh, it's just a puberty stage. The thing is you have to control your self, try to do the "7 Day No Fap Challenge" and if you succeed extend it to "30 Day" and so on. It's work for me. Just do it together with the suggestion given above and hope you make it bruh.

55 Name: cats : 2015-12-25 17:44 ID:BxRHI6cJ [Del]

This might help you .
Here's the youtube video for it :

you should probaly look up
TED, addictions on google to see if you find anything helpful , for you to understand your addiction and how to deal with it .

56 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-12-25 23:17 ID:x7BWcG6L [Del]

I guess I had a problem like that, but for me, the only reason to masturbate was build up stress or boredom.
Seriously, it's easy to beat in most cases if you pick up a hobby.
As for some people on this forum, well, you probably know that there are all kinds of people on this earth, sooooo, enjoy the diversity, I guess? Just ignore them^^