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Depression and all that depressing sh-t (3)

1 Name: [shouldbesleeping] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-12-09 21:10 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

So.... to speed things up a bit: dad cheating on my mom with her cousin => shit hit the fan and now it's everywhere => parents divorcing => pressure to succeed in life => failing school => a depressed sort of phase

With that out of the way, I really do not know what to do. Plus, even if I did know, I wouldn't really have the strength to. "It's like I'm trying to turn on a car that has no gas in it. I really want to go somewhere, but I don't have the means to do it", or at least that's how that one BuzzFeed video explained it. >_>"

I'm not very good with this whole "emotion" thing, since I learned to cope with trauma by numbing myself, but how does one deal with your brain constantly releasing chemicals that make you not want to do anything and make you feel like shit even though it's a fairly decent day?

2 Name: [goodnight] Lunam !8OAWN3A0Q6 : 2015-12-09 21:21 ID:VE403Vrc [Del]

Oh, and just so you know, I'm not suicidal. (so you guys don't have to freak out about that ^_^") I know who I really am... Although running away doesn't sound half bad, and I wouldn't really mind going into a coma for a week for two.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-10 05:15 ID:CDYhHsyO [Del]

>>2 Trying to skip into the future when all this shit is over, are you? Do you know how selfish that sounds? You could put more effort into getting your own shit together again, and not in waiting for it to dry and be thought of as grime and dirt.

Also, we won't be freaked out by suicidal people, there's a whole fucking thread for that (depressing as it is).