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I'm worried (6)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-08 19:12 ID:CDYhHsyO [Del]

OK, if you know who I am, you probably know this isn't serious. Today morning, I had a dream, the dream was about me getting up, going to the dining table and eating McDonald's. But the chips had no flavor, and the coke wouldn't satisfy my thirst and tasted thin (like 100% bubbles). And when I finally wanted to bite a burger.....I woke up. I decided to check the dining table for food, none there. When I went back to sleep, the dream started again. This time, there was Burger King as well. For some reason, there was some awesome looking chicken in there as well (the kind from KFC). I went straight for the burger (there were many, but I went for the one with chicken in it), but I once again woke up.

Is this a message from my body that says "Wake the fuck up and buy some McDonald's and Burger King"?

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-12-08 19:31 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]


Deprive yourself of fast food and the fast food gods punish you. Duh. Ask for forgiveness by turning off all the lights in the McDonald's bathroom drawing an upside down star on the mirrors with ketchup and then sacrifice one of your friends for burger/chicken meat. Then maybe the fast food gods will allow you to purchase their products.

3 Name: Neko : 2015-12-08 20:29 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Uh, no.
Ignore McDonald's and go for Burger King

4 Name: DJ Babe : 2015-12-08 22:49 ID:mi8OM7K/ [Del]

Maybe it is actually your brain trying to tell you to stop with the fast food and that maybe you're destroying your body with it. Nothing wrong with a few burgers, just not all the time.

5 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-09 16:16 ID:6a7FePsR [Del]

I think this dream is a sign that you are sexually attracted to McDonalds food. Good luck with life my friend.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-10 00:02 ID:CDYhHsyO [Del]

Ugh, forgot the captcha

>>4 I haven't eaten fast food in ages. Don't think I go outside, school has ended for me. Don't think I use my phone, I have no sim card.