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depressed, sociopath, my life (16)

1 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 13:20 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

Hi, I am murphey (you can call me murph) and i have been depressed for quite a while, my life is just depressing, i get sad when i am with people who care about me, i am depressed about where i am, i am just depressed. I am a sociopath (Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.) I feel that no one care about what i do, or how. not that it bothers me for what i do, just the people who say "say they love me" honestly don't care, so i want your opinion, am i seriously that horrible of a person?

2 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 13:21 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Isn't that kinda pointless to ask to a bunch of people who don't know you irl?

3 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 13:27 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

well aren't you a bundle of joy?

4 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 13:29 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Hmmm I think I like you.

And what I said was my honest opinion and probably true for most people.

5 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 13:35 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

good for you, see what you like is attention, and you don't care what you say because you just want to be heard, you are insignificant, and you don't matter

i think i like you too. you make the perfect person to talk to ^-^

6 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 13:42 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Probably true
I matter to anyone else only as much as they matter to me
Now then, continuing on.
horrible or good is a subjective perspective. It only matters if it's given by the people you're close to, so no matter how much anyone assure you here that either you're a good / bad person it shouldn't matter at all.
Also the fact that you care about what other people think of you should've been a big hint to the answer, no?
Truly horrendous people don't care about their image. So if you think you're THAT horrible, then you've got a long way to go.

7 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 13:54 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

good answer.
yup, so if i am a good/bad person really doesn't bother me, my real question is why would these people waist there time with me? then i went to durarara, they are parasite's (not like anri) what they really want is to make them self look better, but what they don't realize is not that it is at the expense of my rep, but there, i am the person who knows how to turn people against each other, and that is exactly what we'll do. thanks for your insight, and hope you don't think about this too much.

8 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 13:57 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

also, some teas are relaxing, look into that, there are a lot a of aroma therapy things you can look into, if you do want to relax

9 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 13:59 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Simple, really.
What everybody wants.
A person to talk to.

10 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 14:03 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

wait what in the hell? i sent that to yukina-yuna, right? the tea thing?

11 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 14:04 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]


12 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 14:04 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

It's there and it's here.

13 Name: Murphey : 2015-12-06 14:05 ID:CtHhzucE [Del]

that's weird, what happened?

14 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 14:09 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

I'm going to use my imagination and say it's aliens

15 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:38 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]


16 Name: ryuhime : 2015-12-07 16:10 ID:X3W020Rf [Del]

>>1 From the information you've given you don't seem like a horrible or even bad person. atm I'm leaning towards "good person".
>>7 A few possibilities (addressing "why would these people waist there time with me?"):
- a sense of moral obligation
- a sense of social obligation
- they actually do care about you
I don't think I completely understood the question, but this is my best shot at answering it.