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Anxiety help (3)

1 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-02 07:45 ID:3q1jsEjM [Del]

My sister struggles with anxiety, badly. She's a good girl, but she's always so hard on herself, and when she feels like she has wronged someone or something, she genuinely wants to hurt herself. I talk to her about anything she wants, but my parents are afraid that that might not be enough. (My Mom legitimately thinks my sister will turn suicidal, though I don't believe it has gone that far. I still don't want to take the chance of it happening, though). We don't have the money to get help from a therapist, so I'm wondering what ways people with anxiety do to help themselves with it. What are some things therapists have told you? Are there any spiritual things she do to help herself? What are some tricks to help her gain confidence in herself?

Again, I try talking with her, but I don't struggle with any mental illness except ADD, so I can't really relate. For those of you out there who can relate to her, please help.

2 Name: Aries - アリエス : 2015-12-02 16:38 ID:clyb+HIr [Del]

Well my first and foremost recommendation is meditation. Of course, simple meditation is usually less effective if they think it isn't worth it. From personal experience, a spiritual religion that discourages harm and encourages the spiritual and mystical can be a distraction, and can also encourage her to meditate. I'm not trying to push her into something or change her religion if she has one. I'm just saying how mine has helped me.

Also, I carry a small stuffed owl keyring on my wrist connected to a wristband. She's about the size of a stress-ball, and that's exactly what I use her for.

Additionally, don't treat her any specially. She may think you're trying too hard and putting more effort than she's worth into helping, and may just want to 'leave' so you don't have to try so hard.

And finally, find a long-term hobby or two. I have a couple. Gemstone collecting (which is connected to suggestion 1), and roleplay. Interactive story writing with others. You can pretend you're somebody different each day...

3 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-02 17:05 ID:2Y3NnS+i [Del]

>>2 Thanks a bunch for the suggestion, I'll definitely look into them!