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Help a Friend (2)

1 Name: kanon : 2015-12-02 07:29 ID:BeGOFQQt [Del]

I have a friend, and really, it isn't me. I'm not really that good with giving advice but I really want to help her.

She's hung up over a guy that told her he'd date her. My friend didn't know that the guy was currently dating someone else and completely fell head over heels.

Eve since I found out that he was dating a girl from another school, i told her about it. She was shocked of course. Especially since one of her friends knew and didn't tell her. Her mood went spiraling down from there.

Come middle school, 7th grade to be exact, she began distancing herself from me because she said I reminded her of the past. I've resolved that with her with continous pestering and unwillingness to back off when she tells me to. She was happy.

But lately, she won't open up to me anymore. She cries more and smiled less. I'm so worried and so we began an exchange diary of sorts and she keeps writing about HIM. I thought she forgot about him but turns out I was sooo wrong.

I want to give her advice on how to move on, but I've never really fell that hard and got shattered to give advice :(

help a friend!

2 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-02 11:29 ID:2foLf2ls [Del]

Naturally, humans are delicate and need attachment every now and then. However, there is a point where you need to be aware of yourself. Remind her that relationships, especially at a young age such as in high school or younger, do not matter. I understand how it feels to have your heart broken like that, and I am telling you that it is not important. What IS important is that she heals from this and comes back stronger. In this life, love is a game of patience. The more patient you are with getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, the better the chance you have of finding the right one.

That being said, the patience lasts IN the relationship, too. Don't rush yourselves into things you are simply not ready for. Don't have sex you are not prepared for. Focus on things that matter in a relationship: your thoughts, your plans, your feelings, getting to know one another. The physical closeness is not as important as your mental or spiritual closeness.

For now, to help you heal, focus on your studies. It doesn't look good for anyone if their ex starts doing well after their break-up. Focus on extra-curricular activities. Focus on your friends; they are there for you. Tell her that these are what is important in life right now, and not some stupid boy.

Please please please help her understand this whole-heartedly; way too many kids these days focus on their appeal rather than what's important.

Love takes patience, love takes work, and love is hard.