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Urgent Help Needed (5)

1 Name: Pixella : 2015-12-02 00:09 ID:NikCC9+Q [Del]

I got released from the mental crisis hospital abouta month ago. I have a mood and mental illness and it is pretty severe. I live with my family and everytime I try to have an open conversation about how frustrating functioning as myself with my illness in the world is, my parents take it the wrong way and end up doing some grand ultimatum like disowning me. This past noght I tried to explain to them how I am trying to get employed but it isn't working because I cannot work, not like wveryone else seems to be able to do. I fucking hate money, as a convept, as a practice, it s gross and just hurts people. I suck at pretendig to be okay for the sake of making money, to afford amenities to live, so that I can sustain myself, so I can go to work, so I can afford amenities to live, so that...etc. They took it as me saying, "I dont want to work, I like having everything paid for me. I am not getting a job, ever." And gave me the ultimatum of "you have one week to find a job, or..." and did not specify the or, but it is probably disownment, as that is what they threatened when I broke the news to them I was going to the hospital.
I cannot live here anymore. But I cannot afford to move out. And I do not have the space to wait and save up to make it out. I am considering suicide and self harm too often, and I am too scared to talk to them about it.
If anyone knows anywhere in the Raleigh, NC, USA area I can go, please tell me. I don't know what to do. I'm considering begging for money, and becoming a cam girl very seriously. I need help.

2 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-02 00:23 ID:3q1jsEjM [Del]

If you don't mind me asking, what sort of mental illness do you have?

3 Name: Gallus : 2015-12-02 01:36 ID:K+AcNVlD [Del]

I'm so sorry about your situation, some people just get given the short straw in life and end up with a horrible family. I'm unsure how to help you in the long-term, because I'm from the UK myself, but whenever someone over here is down and out, there are places like homeless shelters or if you're young enough, institutes where they take in kids who's parents don't want them living with them because of various mental issues. But, even if things go wrong, /please/ don't go the way of a cam girl or anything in that vein, you'll always be worth much more than that. Sorry I can't be of much help, but I hope things go well for you <3

4 Name: Skadi : 2015-12-02 01:43 ID:vySkd+YH [Del]

I would suggest living with a friend or relative, even if it's out of state. If your parents are threatening you with disownment,then they shouldn't have an objection to you living with a relative or someone. Sometimes just being in a different setting makes all the difference.
Look for volunteer work too. Getting your mind off your own troubles and helping others with theirs is also therapeutic.
Then I would look for a job. It doesn't have to be something you love, but at least be sure it's something you don't hate.
I don't live near the east coast, so I don't know of any specific places you could go to (sorry). But maybe that can help give you ideas...I hope.
Mental illness is tough, and many people view it as a joke, or just a person putting on a show for attention (which is the case with many people), but when you're legitimately struggling, it's hard. I'm sorry for the pain your enduring and will pray for you and your situation. Stay strong, and take care of yourself. Life is overwhelming, and I struggle with many of the same frustrations about money and how monotonous life seems, and thinking "what's the point?" But I promise you, there is beauty in life. Whether you have to hunt for it or make it yourself, there is always an opportunity to see life in its fullest, most vivid meaning.

5 Name: 死の運び手 : 2015-12-02 22:53 ID:pdzFhGDJ [Del]

I suggest finding living in a space with someone close or someone you trust to stay with while you sort this out. Maybe you can contact an expert and talk to them to find out ways to properly work.