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Why I think this world should end. (35)

1 Name: Szayne : 2015-12-01 21:40 ID:Dd4lvHQc [Del]

This is why:

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-01 23:00 ID:03Ers7Ix [Del]

If you think the world should end, why do you think it exists in the first place?

3 Name: Hako : 2015-12-02 22:51 ID:mA3yuUeA [Del]

Did you watch the vid?

4 Name: yuudai : 2015-12-03 14:29 ID:v01Bwd6E [Del]

Everyone should watch this video

5 Name: mrsqueaky : 2015-12-03 21:15 ID:blggPSKC [Del]

>>4 i finally met someone called yuudai

6 Name: Szayne : 2015-12-03 22:35 ID:Dd4lvHQc [Del]

>>5 what about it?

7 Name: Shizuo : 2015-12-04 15:13 ID:vZF81OOZ [Del]

This is a video of truth. I suggest we spread this video around for as long as we can to help people get it through their thick skulls that we need to change our ways, to one of peace. we're all human beings with faults, though we are never able to fix them because that's the way we were made. religion is something that people choose to believe, so people, such as ISIS, have to try and understand that. whoever is still in school, show this to your friends, and try to convince your principal to have an assembly for the whole school to see this video. the world IS going to end if we don't stop harming the once beautiful world and our own kind. if anyone agrees, please try to help me spread the word. because this may actually help if we try hard enough. thank you, and I hope you will act with kindness, love, and generosity as well.

8 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-04 18:40 ID:FWS37Bk+ [Del]

The world is fine as it is; I can watch anime without being disturbed.

9 Name: Blaze : 2015-12-04 22:19 ID:yGMebjub [Del]

Your not as wise is your handle implies. Just because you have a good life doesn't mean other people do.

10 Name: Neko : 2015-12-04 23:57 ID:I/7VG7HU [Del]

That argument can be interpreted both ways
It also means that although there are tragic unhappy people there are also happy people floating in bubble town
Now then, one side wants to destroy the world and the other side wants to leave the world as it is
Any neutral party to make it a battle royale?
Keep it going :3

11 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-05 17:48 ID:FWS37Bk+ [Del]

Why are people selfish enough to want a perfect world? Isn't that being ungrateful?

12 Name: Blaze : 2015-12-05 19:52 ID:os8yJZl3 [Del]

I don't want a perfect world because i know it can never exist. All i want is to make this one better for those less fortunate than i am. Is that a bad thing?

13 Name: Starrz : 2015-12-05 20:00 ID:gKD9veAs [Del]

I think it fun for there were dragons, magic, fighting, and all that fun stuff in anime. ; p

14 Name: Neko : 2015-12-05 21:58 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Ah the "I'm fortunate therefore I'm soecial philosophy"
Haven't seen that for a while

15 Name: Neko : 2015-12-05 22:04 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]


16 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-06 11:25 ID:u8n18NcQ [Del]

>>12 It's not bad at all. However, is that a valid reason to hate the world, or even worse, wish for it to end?

17 Name: Blaze : 2015-12-06 11:50 ID:TVJWmBPM [Del]

I do not, nor have i ever wanted, this world to end. I cannot make it any clearer. All I want is to help people make their lives better. I think this video was made to give people a wake up call that was much needed. The world is a dark and cruel place. We are the reason it is as such. Therefore we have to be the ones to change for the better before the world can change at all.

18 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 12:43 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Thats sophistry

19 Name: Blaze : 2015-12-06 14:31 ID:vhR5DdCk [Del]

I am done with this argument. It is obvious that you will not accept anything I say as truth, therefore I have nothing left to say. I sincerely apologize if anything I have said upset anyone in any way. That was not my intention. I was only trying to state my opinion on the matter but it would appear that it was unwelcome. Good bye and good luck with life.

20 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-06 14:33 ID:tL64Ye9/ [Del]

>>17 The world will not change. People cannot change. That is how disgusting humans are. There will always be people alive to make the world cruel and it is impossible to cease it because it is all a part of the world. Life will never go how people want it to. You can't expect the world to change just because 'you' can. I admire your passion but that way of thinking will lead to a feeling hopelessness and despair. We're only human.

However, the best you can do is travel the world and do real charity work. Help people out manually by yourself; don't just dump some money to charities.

>>18 Lol

21 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 14:35 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Do forgive me for being rude.
I just find it hard to believe your motivation.
Humans don't have big enough hearts to care about other people they've never met after all. Unless it's from a personal mission.

22 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:38 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]


23 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-06 15:42 ID:UqmcHZXj [Del]

>>21 He obviously just finished watching a dramatic anime with a heroic main character who saved many people. Let the otaku dream.

24 Name: Blaze : 2015-12-06 17:18 ID:dH1jueoO [Del]

Sorry to disapoint you but I'm not an otaku. Those just happen to be the morals I live by. If I see someone who needs help, I help them any way i can. Its as simple as that. Part of it is how I was raised. You don't need to rationalize it. Just accept the fact that that is how I choose to live. I honestly don't see why we are arguing about this. It really is pointless when you think about it. You will never know the truth unless you were to meet me in real life and see just how I live. And I will never know what kind of person you truly are either.

25 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 17:31 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

True enough but here's the thing.

There's no such thing as a world full of happiness. Because it's human nature to look down on other people and trample them, there will always be a hierarchy.
If you remake the world, the misfortune will simply shift from one side to another. Because people's wish and how they perceive happiness greatly varies, that scenario will always repeat again sooner or later.
All the more if the drive behind it is a grand scheme like saving other people. Smaller and selfish desires are way more sincere.

26 Name: Neko : 2015-12-06 17:44 ID:t1x2RUuI [Del]

Oh I'll add something to that.
The world you speak of only involves humans, I assume?
What needs to be changed isn't the world itself. It's the perception.

27 Name: Szayne : 2015-12-06 20:31 ID:pJ8m4gfj [Del]

>>25 Yes, that's why sorry future generations:

28 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-07 02:04 ID:do4FnU2u [Del]

Man, you beat me to it.

However, changing how you perceive things 'can' be considered lying to yourself in order to make it easier to cope. It could be considered the easier way out. I agree with changing perception but it needs to be just becoming more open-minded.

Dude, nobody said your opinion was unwelcome. There's undoubtedly other people in the world who think like you; I just want to go against every single one of them for the sake of going against people's opinions. Don't take it personally. We love you really.

29 Name: Neko : 2015-12-07 03:59 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

Mweh not exactly. Depends on what's changed.
For example, changing how people perceive happiness and family
If wolfie can keep it in his pants and have only 1 spawn isntead of 3, human populatin would be reduced by a lot and it would be easier for everyone, environment included.
Ah well, personally I prefer a sneaky virus that causes impotency though.

30 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-07 13:34 ID:do4FnU2u [Del]

Thanks Neko, a great example of lying to oneself by changing perception. You tell yourself that my mild impotency is a good thing but in reality you just don't to see me making babies with other woman. You lied to yourself and changed your perception so you could cope. God bless your poor fujoshi-san soul. The open-minded way of doing things would be to confront me and tell me how you feel about me taking part in intercourse with other women. The outcome is all down to fate.

31 Name: Neko : 2015-12-07 13:36 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

you say that til you see a family with 13 kids on a regular basis XD

32 Name: Neko : 2015-12-07 13:43 ID:uCFt1iT8 [Del]

I don't mind if you do it with guys though.

33 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-07 14:00 ID:do4FnU2u [Del]

Sigh. The fujoshi is merciless.

34 Name: Yuime : 2015-12-30 20:09 ID:axpYBp6p [Del]

someone once told me that there are two ways to see the world.

you can see it as though miracles don't exist,

or you can see it as though everything that happens is a miracle.

I think that this world is a wonderful place. it's full of wonderful people, who do wonderful things.

are there bad people? yes. do they do bad things? yes.

but that does not mean that humanity is bad or that this world is bad.

this world, along with humanity, is filled with miracles. you just have to choose to see it that way.

35 Name: Cain : 2015-12-31 12:31 ID:VSjX1k6R [Del]

When I was younger all I wanted was to have that button to destroy the world.
Now I know all these beautiful people and what they strive for on this plant.
And I know they don't want to die.
So now I wouldn't be able to press that button.
What we forget is we were never perfect to begin with.
But now we just need to fight for what we believe in.
A long time ago people all over the country flew to the white house to be present for a gun control decision.
Recently, no one appears for a discussion regarding nuclear bombs. (keep or dismantle)
I know now no one can afford a plane ticket. Neither would we want to get n a plane with all those uncomfortable security checks.
But I feel like we should use the internet. Do a stream, have an online poll. Use the technology we have to be present...