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Love Problems (7)

1 Name: Yukina-san : 2015-12-01 18:31 ID:sx1x6tLV [Del]

Ya the title says a lot, if you care enought to read this im thankful and even more so if you leave a comment thx!

Ok well im feeling alot of heart throb. For this one guy *sighs*
ok so I have a friend/my crush(lets call him jake)that I have feeling for but im not really sure he feels the same way because i have another friend (lets call her Olive) and she is great person and well i think he likes her but i know that she doesn't like him. They have more to talk about together and stuff and i hate myself for feeling jelouse of her. Im not sure what to do but i know that me and Jake when i go over to his house we cuddle in the dark snd tslk snd lsugh like were in a relationship but it all stays at his house, we never act like that anywhere else. Nothing more than friends.
I guess what i want is advice if i should try to make it more than "friendship" and if so how.

Thx for reading!

2 Name: candy : 2015-12-01 18:40 ID:P85lhlpe [Del]

you should talk to him. while at his house don't cuddle, ask him what "this" is and tell him what kind of relationship you want. dont be shy. just talk to him.

3 Name: Yukina-san : 2015-12-01 19:19 ID:sx1x6tLV [Del]

I dont know but i guess i could try...

4 Name: Gallus : 2015-12-02 01:44 ID:K+AcNVlD [Del]

What Candy said above is probably the best thing, as hard as it seems. I've the same situation with a girl, sometimes she'll come over to mine and we'll lay in bed together and cuddle and watch films and pretty much be a couple, but everywhere else we'll practically ignore each other. It drives me insane sometimes, but I have a feeling she doesn't want to take it further. I hope things work out for you, just wanted to let you know that you're not alone on being in this weird situation :) Good luck! <3

5 Name: Yukina-san : 2015-12-02 14:56 ID:sx1x6tLV [Del]

Thank you so much its great too know im not the only one and i guess ill give it a shot but whether i hit the target or not might be because im scared to ruin anything.

6 Name: Dethhollow : 2015-12-02 20:47 ID:oqhb03k9 [Del]

I feel like there's a chance he might be trying to give you a sign but isn't completely sure how to move forward. So just talk to him and if he seems interested, it's perfectly fine for you to suggest you could take things a bit further. And if he's just not into you then you can always go back to being friends.

Also, if for whatever reason he actually is interested in Olive and you know that she's not into him, it's completely fine for you to talk to her about this, too, and help set things straight.

Hope things go well between you two! The hardest part will probably be just bringing it up, but if you can do that I'm sure the rest will go pretty smoothly.

7 Name: Yukina-san : 2015-12-03 14:44 ID:sx1x6tLV [Del]

Wow ya your probably right i guess ill do that the next time i see him at his house.
Thx for the advice!