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A Friend I Wished I Could´ve Helped (1)

1 Name: Ien : 2015-11-30 05:23 ID:E28ASCZH [Del]

Well, I have a best friend that I broke up with, and I know its hard for both of us to end our friendship but our fights got too far. We are the 3 animal besties... And we blamed each other for our other best friend´s death and that immediately became a fire. And so a lot of bad things has happened to her... While I was living a normal student life, she... Lived in hell. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 9. She got adopted by a very abusive family (we already took action) and of course the very last one, she got raped. I am patching things up with her. And if I´m the one who experienced all of that, I probably kiled myself long long time ago. But the way she smiles and just the good vibe around her, it makes you feel that the world is not as bad as you think. Maybe this world is planning better things for us. Living an optimistic life after all of that, Goldfish, you are amazing, and we love you for that. I know I´m a bad influence but you overcome a lot of it. We are proud of you. And this story that I´m sharing is to tell you, if you are having a hard time choosing the right shoes, remember, some people out there are living with thousands of problems and picking shoes isn´t one of it. And if she can smile throughout the problems and depression, you can too, because you are a person. You are strong. You don´t need someone else to tell you that because the person who is in front of the mirror, is you. I hope this helped and people cares. :)