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Revenge is the Best Medicine. (95)

1 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 20:18 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

So someone hurt me. Like hurt me real bad. I want to get back at them. I never think of fighting back but this time... this time is different. That one person left me hurt beyond belief and still thinks its ok to hurt me. Hurt me and pretend it never happened. I would like payback but I have to get it good.

I know I know most of you are activists and believe the world can change but what if you can't, what if someone fucked you up like no one else before them. They fucked you up so bad you will never be the same. Would you have the guts to tell me "forgive and forget".

I'm writing because maybe I need help to mess someone up. Not physically of course. Just in some ways press a concern. I need ideas. This taste of revenge won't go away.

If any of you come to me with a forgive passive attitude forget about it! Don't even write. I need to blow off steam at my attacker not get cheap ass counseling. So if any of you willing to do something to get payback, let me know. And yes I need the dark side of the Dollars not the peppy weak stuff as always.

2 Name: FindMuck : 2015-11-25 20:49 ID:0XFPu+Bj [Del]

It's hard to imagine the other person deserving such retaliation when you give no clues to what they have done.

3 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 21:08 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

Pain is so relative to people. If its not them, they don't care. Explaining don't cause people to care about a situation.

4 Name: FindMuck : 2015-11-25 21:42 ID:0XFPu+Bj [Del]

Okay cool, don't even try. Super reasonable.

5 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 22:06 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

ok try this. Someone tells you they care. For a moment you think this person means it. Spends time with you and there are no problems. Then on a Facebook post you see they are with someone else. The person who is the closest person in your lives lies to you then gets tired of you and finds someone else. Out of nowhere they treat you differently and you are trash. Then on facebook you see how the pictures of them together.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: FindMuck : 2015-11-25 23:05 ID:EHURwyYT [Del]

Have you even talked to them about it? Told them how stirred up you are by the situation? Don't retaliate before they have a chance to defend themselves.

8 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 23:09 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

They had the chance to defend themselves. I talked to them already. It is not out of nowhere anger. Its because I talked to this person multiple times and they were just more and more hurtful no regrets, just nothing.

9 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 23:29 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

This is what wrong with people, always afraid to retaliate against the people who do us wrong. Weak to the core because we are so afraid of conflict that we will let anyone step us down like cockroaches rather than face a fair fight. To afraid of consequence to realize the consequence of doing nothing.

10 Name: mons : 2015-11-25 23:31 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

What would you rather do FindMuck? Sit down and have nice cup of tea. Done it. Talk over the phone and cry about it. Done it. Call them and see if its ok to be friends. Done it. The end there is the rage of not having any of those things mean anything because someone put a label on you and called trash.

11 Name: Neko : 2015-11-26 01:29 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Stop being friends maybe?
If you hate them why befriend them?
And just so you know if you're hoping for a fair fight anywhere in the world you might as well be dreaming.

12 Name: mons : 2015-11-26 01:42 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

Neko you are right a fair fight in this world is not possible but hey if two people are fighting unfairly its kind of fair. two wrong don't make a right but hey

13 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2015-11-26 02:16 ID:RfJRuI6L [Del]

>>9 People are afraid to retaliate because, even though it's satisfying in the short term, retaliation almost always perpetuates the problem.

If this person's a big a douche as you're making them about to be, then just leave them be. You don't have to forgive them, or forget what they did. Just try not to let it affect you.

But still, I'm not even sure if that's good advice. Some specifics would be really nice here - you're telling us nothing except vague details that would lead us to believe... well, nothing. I can't judge if your feelings are even justified with what you've said so far.

14 Name: Shuichi : 2015-11-26 02:24 ID:QrbpyI54 [Del]

There's no way in hell I'd give you my recipe for revenge screw off!

15 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-26 05:55 ID:n+DKKamJ [Del]

Deary dear 0.0...I was waiting for some Dollars I know here who I expected would reply but uhh guess that hasn't been done yet, the DARK Dollars hehe.

Well when it comes to revenge, every dirty trick in the book can be used. Revenge is okay when it's equal, forgiveness is just a bonus. If you go over your 'revenge limit' that's when it comes to bite you.

If I were you hmmm...I feel like the situation you explained in >>5 was technically he/she 'left you'? I know that's not the exact term but roughly y'know. It also depends if you know him/her irl or not. If it's only online, well, here goes!

It might be a long process, but the end will be the last piece of the cake, always the best. If you haven't hated on this person openly toooo much, you might wanna try rekindling the relationship again. Once you've won his/her side then play the "I'M gonna be the one to leave you"- card. That doesn't sound good? Alright another idea...

Nope I can't think of any other one yet.

16 Name: Neko : 2015-11-26 18:32 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Most people here give shallow advice and superficial encouragements. They'll stay away from people needing something else besides a little comfort.

17 Name: PhantoRexi : 2015-11-26 21:44 ID:vZrnb/jN [Del]

Well, hypothetically, you could always start nasty rumours about that person and use pictures that paints him/her in a bad light, just as long as none of it can be traced back to you. Or, like Kokkuri-san suggested, you could play nice, so nice that he/she leaves their new relationship to go back to you, drown him/her in sugary sweetness only to dump him/her in the most humiliating way you can. It would take a lot of patience and cunning. Are you sure this person is worth even more of your effort and time than what he/she has already taken?

Another method of revenge is to move on. Move on and show him/her that you can do so much better. You said that this someone called you 'trash'. Then prove them wrong; that if anyone was 'trash', it was them for being so deceitful, and not you. Focus your energies on more important things than that person. Make them regret letting you go, make them beg to come back but never take them back. Or do take them back and then dump them painfully.

I won't tell you to forgive and forget; those are your own decisions to make. Just that... if you do choose to get your revenge, do it only in equal measures, do not go overboard, and do not get yourself more hurt in the process.

18 Name: mons : 2015-11-27 01:16 ID:JtsS+BI8 [Del]

Something I saw commonly written was that the best revenge is to move on. Let me share why moving on when someone doesn't care about you is somewhat pointless. Well they DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Moving on works if the other person still cares about you. People can only miss what they care for. Another thing that I saw commonly posted was that I am not clear cut. Well let me then shed light. The person is a girl and what she did was that she toyed with my heart. We were close, really close but then she got a boyfriend and proceeded to not treat me with kindness anymore. She posted pictures with her long distance boyfriend and something inside of me snapped. The person I cared most about lied to me. This time just moving on is not enough and my anger is balancing whatever sad feeling that may cause deep depression back. The closest person in my life deliberately hurt me. So I am among for payback because losing sleep and entering a depressive state is not something I want to do. She hurt me and I should hurt her back to the point where her appetite goes away as mine has. Moving on means she wins because she tossed me like garbage and that's what she wants. Hurting her back is the only thing that will bring me closure to the situation.

19 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 01:34 ID:4PpusGVL [Del]

>>18 Did the person physically hurt you irl? or emotionally? This question is relevant to weather or not you have information for me. With proper information, I can hack and/or ddos your attacker for a few days. Meaning, cut off their internet. However, it would be different if they physically attacked you. If it was cyber attacking, I will handle it. If it is IRL, your best bet is learning how to fight, and beating their ass.

20 Name: Neko : 2015-11-27 01:39 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

I think you're mistaking this for technology board.

21 Name: mons : 2015-11-27 01:41 ID:JtsS+BI8 [Del]

It was all emotional hurt and manipulation.

22 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 01:42 ID:4PpusGVL [Del]

>>21 What can I do to help YOU in this moment? Do you want me to hack them? DO you want me to leak their address and phone number? what do you want?

23 Name: mons : 2015-11-27 01:45 ID:JtsS+BI8 [Del]

If you could do that it would be great actually. What would you need?

24 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 01:49 ID:4PpusGVL [Del]

>>23 for most of it, skype.

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 01:53 ID:4PpusGVL [Del]

>>25 thank you. It will be done.

27 Name: mons : 2015-11-27 01:53 ID:JtsS+BI8 [Del]

What can you do with that? If you don't mind me asking.

28 Name: Andrew : 2015-11-27 02:06 ID:4PpusGVL [Del]

>>27 I'm not shutting their internet down, but I have some information that I doubt they would be keen of me spreading. Is there any way you could come to the chat room "Andrewwasgood" in the first link of chatrooms? I will discuss it with you there

29 Name: mons : 2015-11-27 02:08 ID:JtsS+BI8 [Del]

Sure I'll go to the chat rooms.

30 Name: 『  』 : 2015-11-27 03:58 ID:SBkQX5NT [Del]

Let's see. Revenge works like this: Be prepared to become the person who hurt you. Simple. And easy, if you know how to deal with that.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2015-11-27 04:33 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

>>18 From what I can see here, its just one sided love. She viewed you as a friend and nothing else. You stalked her fb, when she stopped talking to you because she got a bf. Have you even try thinking why she didn't pick you instead of him?
Now, your just taking out revenge with petty reasons because you can't handle your dejected emotion.

Unlike you, I take my revenge seriously. The people who hurt me the most are my parents. This is beyond psychological level. I want to kill them with my own hands. I don't want to use poison or anything cowardly because I won't be able to hear their screams of agony if I do that. That's why I always bring a handy dandy knife with me. But I haven't used it yet. I'm just waiting for them to hurt me so much, that 'regret' won't ever comes to my mind when I kill them. And I'm fine being in prison. Its not the same nightmare as being with them.

So now I'm asking you, what's the point of your revenge?

32 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-27 08:45 ID:BpOMjWXQ [Del]

Some of us weaker peps prefer rubbing our success on the people that hurt us. It's the most gratifying kind of revenge and also saves you the hassle of prison, maybe I'm not the best person for this kind of problem 'cuz I live by my own motto "I never have time to make enemies" surround yourself by allies and you can turn the tables every time. They won't ever defend themselves against 10+ people, even if you don't care about them. Manipulation is my kind of revenge, no hands stained and you can have fun at the same time. It truly is the way of sewer rats like me.

33 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-27 15:40 ID:ZPNFttYE [Del]

This is certainly intriguing. Good luck on your revenge. It seems you have some sort of plan with Andrew but are you sure you will be able to go through with this without being caught? How long has it been since she 'fucked you up'. Is she aware that you hate her? Is there a chance she will be suspicious of you after the deed is done? Make sure you do this efficiently. I'd like to knowbthe results afterwards.

'Tis a good moon

34 Name: Hawkstar59 : 2015-11-27 16:22 ID:DdWef77M [Del]

ahahhahahahahahhahahah yo bro why are you linking your own skype address :D

if anyones curious check this out
code seem familiar hmmmm

35 Name: " " : 2015-11-27 23:37 ID:6IhYqtPv [Del]

normally i would say happiness is the best revenge but in your case dig up some dirt on him and if there isnt any make some put him in a situation that when he tries to escape it he digs himself in deeper now how you go about this is up to you

36 Name: mons : 2015-11-28 02:25 ID:Uh7gTVrR [Del]

She is not aware that I hate her. So far I'm an insignificant friend. Also so far I'm aiming at the one relationship she cares about. Her long distance boyfriend. Any ideas on how to effectively break up a couple?

37 Name: Neko : 2015-11-28 03:02 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Gossip and misleading suggestions ofc

38 Name: FindMuck : 2015-11-28 03:07 ID:EHURwyYT [Del]

>>36 It's scary how possessive you are.

39 Name: sid : 2015-11-28 03:41 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

First off its a part of life, get over it. It wont be the first time you get your heart broke. I first thought it was something more substantial, but nope just a heartbreak and not knowing how to deal with it.

I once hated the human race and wanted to lower the population, but that's cause I was constantly beat and picked on as a kid. So a heart break is meaningless for revenge when there is people going through way worse.

40 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-28 07:29 ID:8y26qUR1 [Del]

>>39 Good point Sid. We all go through hard stuff growing up, they'll know what to do with time. Unless they are grown up and in need of some advice, oh well.

41 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-28 08:00 ID:q/sj1nMG [Del]

Lol. Why are people still trying to change his mind.

Seeing as you're so determined, you get a picture of her through social media or whatever, and photoshop her face on a naked woman to make it really realistic or you could go on 4chan and request for a photoshop. Of course, the goal is not to frame her of taking nude pictures but to make her shocked and disgusted that someone would do something like that. Try and get as many photoshopped pics as possible and make an anonymous account on a popularnsocial media service and befriend as many people in your school or as many people who know your ex-crush as possible. When you've friended enough people, post the pictures. All will see. Your ex will be ridiculed and her boyfriend will certainly be affected by this. Do everything anonymously by using proxies online so no one will track you.

Proceed with this if you are sure you won't regret it. Not a flawless plan but results are expected.

'Tis a bloody moon

42 Name: Neko : 2015-11-28 09:04 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Trying to advocate maturity maybe. That's bullshit though.
Oh well, revenge goes as far as the heart sinks.
Good luck with your revenge.

43 Name: X !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-11-28 12:53 ID:CCEMoLQy [Del]

eye for an eye.

44 Name: mons : 2015-11-28 13:25 ID:6JByDhoe [Del]

>41 that's not a bad idea, Holo. Where would I go in 4 Chan? Like where would I write a post for such a thing.

45 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-28 15:42 ID:/TNtFRAd [Del]

>>44 Thankyou

You would have to go on the 'requests' section in 'Misc' and make a thread requesting for a photoshopped nude of your ex there. If you want more help on howbto carry this out, you can contact me through my email or any other method you wish. Rememeber, use proxies when making the social media account.

'Tis a bloody moon

46 Name: OminousBliss !/kYcF1wQTo : 2015-11-28 17:38 ID:w/YnoFuY [Del]

Damn, no way I'm going to tell you to forgive and forget if someone is something really horrible. I usually say to give a second chance but this person sounds like an ass so no. Fuck them back :)

47 Name: Valter Lund : 2015-11-28 20:23 ID:UH7Kgjxf [Del]

Hahaha, now here's something entertaining. The rest of this site seems rather petty when compared to this, although I hope you understand that this problem of yours is, in fact, also petty and you're blowing it out of proportion. In any case, I'll tell you what you do: You get yourself alone with this person who wronged you, lull them into a false sense of security, and then you beat them to the brink of death. Don't kill them, as that's a crime, but a good beating might help you feel better. And hey, if they did something so horrible to you as you've said, then they'll deserve every bit of it, am I right?

Let me know what happens. Heheh.

48 Name: izaya : 2015-11-28 21:48 ID:r4AlQxJc [Del]

you need help? i could help, i could get him/ her physically/ mentally, you wanted the dark side of the dollars? here i am, tell me if you need my help

49 Post deleted by user.

50 Name: izaya : 2015-11-28 22:21 ID:r4AlQxJc [Del]


51 Name: Neko : 2015-11-28 22:58 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Personal vendetta should be done personally.

52 Name: Skadi : 2015-11-29 00:03 ID:DGq70SBq [Del]

1.Forgiving is not passive. Forgiving is a very active, very difficult, and very challenging act to live worth sincerity.
2.Personally, I believe forgiving is the right path to take, but forgiving does not include forgetting. If someone deeply hurt, that's not something that you can forget. That said, you shouldn't hold a grudge. When you can truly forgive someone, you can still remember what happened without holding a grudge.
3.Taking revenge by hurting the other person equally or more, does not provide the satisfaction it seems like it will. Will it may provide satisfaction in the moment and/or right after, that's it; after some time you feel worse than you did before. Trust me, I've tried that route way too many times. It never ends well. The result is just the pain of being wronged, plus the pain of guilt. And now you also are in bed of forgiveness.
I really do understand the never-ending crave for revenge. I understand it too well. But honestly, the best revenge, is not stooping to their level. Take the high rode. And, while I don't think people should boast or be prideful, you can let them know/make it apparent to them that you are the mature one, that you are taking the high rode, and that while they owe you an apology (even if they feel no need to be apologetic), you are choosing to forgive them. And let them know that you are doing so, because you will not sink to their level. Sometimes people need to be told what kind of ass they are.
What ever you do, don't let it be something you'll regret. Don't suffer in silence, but don't go over board and sink to their level. And do, please, understand the amount of strength and courage it takes to forgive someone, especially when they've significantly hurt you.

53 Name: Sid : 2015-11-29 02:57 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Really? First off, GET OVER IT!! That is was life is all about, by dealing with hardships. Secondly, it is really childish, and stupid, to label one as "the dark side of dollars." Really? Who says that shit? All of the "bad stuff" being suggested sounds pretty mundane and normal to me. I was in a dark place in my past and I wanted to lower the human population as much as I could. I was beat constantly as a kid and always picked on in school. So don't tell me how "horrible," this person is when you don't know true horror.

As a kid I lived in fear that my dad would beat me senseless. For he found any reason at all to do so. Try living with someone,you are supposed to rely on, who just degrades you physical and mentally. So don't preach to me about wanting a petty revenge for a heartbreak.

People get murdered, assaulted, raped, abused, etc. I think those are the situations where a "dark side" of revenge comes into play. Not some stupid ass heartbreak.

With that I am done and find this thread stupid and unnecessary. If you want advice on dealing with the heartbreak I would gladly offer it, just not on the petty teenager type revenge.

54 Name: Neko : 2015-11-29 03:29 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Sounds like you got a lot of hate

55 Name: jill : 2015-11-29 05:39 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

I still don't understand why you need take revenge. Most long distance relationship doesn't last long. Why can't you just wait for them to break up and go to her when she needed you most. You can't be considered a friend or boy friend material if all you have in mind is revenge and jealousy.

And all of you who helped him with his revenge, isn't looking in the bigger picture. This is basically a one sided story and have no actual evidence of verbal abuse from the other party. Unless he sends us a photo of her conversation with him that actually is talking bad about him. I will never allow such a stupid thing with this petty reason.

56 Name: Aradjha : 2015-11-29 08:03 ID:W7R+k4JD [Del]

Asking others to help you with personal revenge is indeed only venting in rage and frustration, but let time dull this.
Whatever wrongs you feel have been committed against you, there are wrongs you have committed against yourself. If you can learn from your experience, a negative thing becomes a positive thing.
Churning bitter memories gets you nowhere.
If you want revenge, know that such is the province of the weak-hearted and the victimized. Don't dwell on what is done.
Young love fails because both parties don't have a very good grasp on the forces involved. This is resolved with experience. You're just not one of the lucky few who hit it on the first try.
Life is long, and scars take comparatively little time to heal, and seem much smaller in hindsight. Live your life.
Whatever doesn't kill you...

57 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-29 08:37 ID:EVG28j0n [Del]

Stay strong mons. Do what you feel is right. For you to forgive someone after some people you don't even know told you it's bad would make your hatred shallow and make you look stupid after all those vehement words. Revenge is not the way to go but none of us have experienced the exact pain that you did. Pain is not something that can be measured, after all.

If revenge is truly what you want, then go for it. None of us have the right to stop you. The path ahead of you is not free from regret but continue to move forward after you have fulfilled your revenge and put it behind you. Please post the results of your revenge plan. I need some entertainment.

58 Name: Neko : 2015-11-29 09:03 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Both kind and snarky cruel. Way to go wolfie.

59 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-29 09:59 ID:tguhNuzB [Del]


60 Name: Kiba Jay : 2015-11-29 10:36 ID:035Bm7Eu [Del]

Stay strong . don't give into this god forsaken world. Every thing is fucked up in reality.

61 Name: Dude : 2015-11-29 11:00 ID:0rE4lGYN [Del]

You should just smash his face on the asphalt

62 Name: mons : 2015-11-29 16:05 ID:Mp7E9iBD [Del]

I know its a petty problem. All problems are pretty unless you go through them yourself. Unless someone plays you. And no I never had abused this person ever in my life. Never screamed at them and for damn sure never intended to hurt them. Getting back at someone who has hurt you its a scary thing, of course it is. LIke hell, hurting anyone is a scary thing no matter but when someone hurts you bad enough emotionally that you wake up one morning and realize everything feels different, and they don't feel any remorse that will get to anyone.

Many of you say "Hey SUCK IT UP!" Well its hard to suck it up when that's all one has ever done. Keep sucking it up and while you are at it practice it on your knees because that is what life has to offer to you. What is really petty is when you share love with someone and they just simply get tired of you because you are not some foreign dude that's all exotic and shit. That's really petty but for most its normal to be used to be told lies and its ok if someone leaves because confrontation is tough and consequences are even worse.

Me getting revenge is about hitting an end. Not just walking away but reaching an actual end. Feeling satisfied in a situation where there is no way I can actually feel satisfied as walking away is what she wants. That is what people expect as they just throw you away.

Getting revenge is about being able to say "its not ok" towards someone who stole your voice because they deemed you insignificant under the light of a new boyfriend because you are no longer relevant. She expects me to sit down and smile when my heart is being tore down after all the moments we shared. After I never gave her reason to push me away. There is such a thing as being too nice and such has to stop.

When you see someone you really cared for, like loved, and shared unforgettable moments with, in the hands of another guy and you know they are fucking and no one gives a damn shit about you... well something changes inside of you and of course it isn't nice. It won't give fruit to nice and how can such a situation make anyone nice?

and if it happened to you, would you still consider it petty?

63 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-29 16:40 ID:TNAjY9xj [Del]

*whole-hearted applause*

I've never seen revenge so passionately put into words before.

64 Name: Neko : 2015-11-30 04:53 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Poetic revenge?
Try to write some passionate and dirty things bout her then XD

65 Name: jill : 2015-11-30 06:29 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

>>62 yeah, your right. I wouldn't know unless I experience it. But have you ever wonder what would happen to the receiving end? To the person who was given revenge not knowing the cause of the person anger towards you? To be held grudge for something so incredibly stupid that causes the person to have androphobia? Maybe, I'm just overly sensitive in this case, but why does this person ever deserve to be treated like this? I don't understand you. Please stop this nonsense. I don't want to see another person be ruined again.

And I would still think your problem is petty. People are dying everyday. There's a terrorist attacks in the other countries. Other people might be starving to death. Homeless or Orphaned because of wars. Atleast that person who you say you love is alive.

66 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-30 10:35 ID:PwaDDyqe [Del]


67 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-11-30 12:28 ID:n+DKKamJ [Del]

As the ever-so-funny Youtube comedian, David So says:

"If someone tells me to go kill myself, I'll just live harder haha!"

>>65 Redirection of energy is probably what we want 0.0

68 Name: Orpheus !roGTnOp9kA : 2015-11-30 12:40 ID:2UlTWv5q [Del]

Telling someone that people have things worse in other places is just like saying "your feelings don't matter stop being a little bitch"

It's pretty fucked up even if the revenge thing is a little over the top

69 Name: mons : 2015-11-30 13:11 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

>>65 Ok this is the thing. I do understand that my actions are not deemed good or worthy in any shape or form. Acquiring dirty payback is the cookie cutter definition of a bad person.

This is the thing though. You are talking about the receiving end but I am the receiving end of her games and lies but that doesn't seem to be in any way or form to be disturbing at all. Is it any more normal to play with someone's emotions than to avenge your own hurt emotions? Talking about her being afraid of men because she gets hurt not knowing the cause of it, as if I didn't get hurt and is I know why I would deserve such a treatment.

Also just like >>65 said. Saying that "hey there are other people who die around the world, don't worry about your issues." Is that something you would say to yourself? Heck couldn't you say that since other people die in terrorist attacks and because of that my emotions are nothing because of that, that maybe me hurting her and getting payback is equally insignificant? I mean she is not dying from a terrorist attack after all. Just receiving an after effect of her own bad choices.

70 Name: mons : 2015-12-01 13:23 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

>>24 Hi Andrew when you are available message me back.

71 Name: heheh : 2015-12-01 19:59 ID:UuUcwmN1 [Del]

i need details about where they work, and when you interact with them! what's a normal day like for them? the more info the better the revenge

72 Name: Sid : 2015-12-01 21:22 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

Yes it has happened to me before and I dealt with it like an adult. Of course it hurts more when you don't have the last word, but I've gotten used to it. I was there and revenge was an option, but a stupid one since it DOESN'T really FIX ANYTHING.

You can however move on and make sure you don't make the same mistake(s) twice. Don't fret over something you can't change, but use it as a learning experience.

Write, listen to music, do anything that helps you get your mind off the negativity.

Also don't try to keep them around, like as a friend, if they hurt you too much. If it hurts you just looking at them being with someone else tell them and sever contact with them.

It takes time to fully get over someone you loved, but it happens if you let it go. "Getting revenge," won't do anything except prolong that process of letting them go.

To me it is a petty problem. I've been there and it isn't as bad as other things in my life.

73 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-01 23:50 ID:3q1jsEjM [Del]

I'd just like to say, yes, I've been through heartbreak. I once got dumped just before Christmas because I wouldn't agree to sex. I've also been through much larger problems, like the loss of very dear family members to death. Yes, heartbreaks suck, and they are still a petty problem.

That being said, I still got my revenge.

You want to know how to get the best revenge? Move on and be happy. If there is one thing in the world that the douchebags in our past hate, it's seeing that they didn't affect us. Get over it, come back strong, and if she really makes you that angry, completely cut her out of your life. Don't look at her, don't talk to her, and don't get near her.

Relationships, sex and such are not relevant in life. And yes, I say this to myself all of the time. Focus on school or extra-curricular activities, and succeed in your own life. If she is really as big of a bitch as you make her out to be, then her seeing you unaffected by your heartbreak will screw her up. Here is why:
1) It doesn't look good on her when you two break up and you start doing better with your own life.
2) You seeming unaffected will remind her that she isn't that important, and she doesn't truly have that large of an impact on the world.
3) All of this effort going into your own succession won't make you regret any serious revenge, and will also improve your own life, making you happier.

If you are still feeling raw about her, then vent about your frustrations to a trusted person; friend, sibling, councilor, whatever. Or even post about it here. I'm willing to talk you through it anytime. Don't show any weakness to her though, it will only give her power of you.

I hope you take this advice to heart, and I wish you luck in finding peace.

74 Name: Neko : 2015-12-02 00:09 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Looks like this thread is full of pacifists.
Other than telling him revenge is useless, though, why insult him?
Makes me think like you're all actually jealous of this one's honest crave for revenge. Meow.

75 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-02 00:20 ID:3q1jsEjM [Del]

>>74 I think you are perceiving wrongly here. No one is jealous because this guy wants revenge. While I agree that insulting him won't help, teaching him to screw up some dumb girl's life isn't going to help either.

But yes, I agree that insulting him doesn't help either.

76 Name: jill : 2015-12-02 05:12 ID:wVdRjHmN [Del]

>>69 I can't believe even how many times I try to convince you, you still don't get it. I didn't say your issues are insignificant. I just want you to redirect your action to a different manner. Holding grudges are fine, but the way things now, you're just cyber bullying. There are laws that can make you a criminal out of this. And I'm trying to avoid it. Worst case scenario: she goes to suicide after constant insults of people around her, and people would start blaming you after that. You'll be prisoned for a few years, but you would be regretting from your action.

If you don't want to have your emotions be played by her again, then cut off your ties. What's the point of risking yourself to pain all over again? Have even tried reading other people's post? They have really good advices. But if you still want to go do revenge, please stop dragging other people to your problems. There's lots of tutorials videos in the internet, you can learn things by yourself.

And the last statement "Atleast that person who you say you love is alive." From >>65. That you should be lucky that you haven't suffered having to see your love ones died in front of you.
Probably you won't understand what I mean, cause you haven't experience it yourself.

77 Name: mons : 2015-12-03 11:00 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

OK so yea revenge is bad. Moving on just means that I lost. Getting trampled and smiling saying its ok. That's the right thing. The normal thing. To be an object of convenience rather than a person with feelings. That is normal. It is normal to be played with like a toy and thrown away like trash. That is normal. Its also under norm that because that is what she wants me to do, that is what I should do. In the end,losers are losers and they should just know their place. A Quasimodo type of person. Not even in his own story he can get the girl because he is a shit face, not the perfect blonde knight in armor. That is ok. That is fine. You roll the dice on the type of character you are. If you get hero, you are cool; if you get villain, you are bad; and if you get trash, suck it up.

That is the truth. That is why I can't get revenge.
Does that summarize your belief? Does that version of events make you happy? cause if so remember that one day you will be Quasimodo in his tour. Looking over at how things could have been better. Might have reached the end of the story but nothing came out of it.

78 Name: Neko : 2015-12-03 11:17 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Ah the ever so exciting drama.
Mons, honey, while I think that revenge is ok, Jill had a valid point about cyber bullying there.
There is no justice in revenge, hence it should be done personally. Without other people. Oh well, who cares about a convenient ideal like justice. Revenge loses meaning when you don't do it yourself. When you got other people involved, it kinda leave a bad taste.

79 Name: Orpheus !roGTnOp9kA : 2015-12-03 11:41 ID:2UlTWv5q [Del]

It all depends on the kind of revenge you want. If you seriously want to mess up her life, yeah that's pretty fucked up. But if it's just some kind of prank, I say go for it. Stick gum in her hair or put a boot on her car or something. Something that won't have long term effects.

80 Name: mons : 2015-12-03 12:52 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

Yea there is truth in that. I just hate that there is no positive in my situation. That this person did whatever she wanted and it was is still ok. I appreciate the comments as they are a distraction. Its just depressing to think that someone can use you and leave you as a form of pleasure and there is nothing that can be done about it. Being used is normal in this situation.

81 Name: mons : 2015-12-03 12:54 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

I want to do something about it all. If I don't I am just a loser. That's the name of it for sure.

82 Name: mons : 2015-12-03 13:22 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

For some reason I can't accept that. To be a loser in a story I got dragged on by the fetishes of an "innocent girl". That's why my heart goes to authentic anger and authentically wanting payback. While time will make it better, I would like to know that I wasn't the simple loser in a story but something much more. It is better to lose yourself in those emotions to be spat on the face by someone you loved.

83 Name: Hitsuji : 2015-12-03 15:40 ID:ajlzmTc+ [Del]

mons, you have challenges just like anyone else. The only "winners" as you keep mentioning are the ones that don't dwell in the past. Whats done is done, and you just need to accept that. No matter what you do now, nothing will change what has happened. Whatever you choose to do will forever be printed into history. Choose your actions carefully, because if you regret what you do now in the future, you won't be able to change it. Look at the situation in the other persons eyes. They probably don't know how much they hurt you. When they broke up with you, it most definatley wasn't to hurt you, it was probably because the relationship wasn't matching their personal needs. Try to look at it from their perspective before you can't change your decision, and don't make a mistake. If you are able to look at it from their point of view, and still believe revenge is the best option, and factor in your own potential regret, I won't try to stop you. I just know from experience, us as people let our emotions overpower us, and potentially ruin our lives. Evidence of emotions doing much damage is shown in just about any government out there. World wars i and ii where both caused because the governments let their own emotions overpower them. Don't start a war in your own life, not over something like this. I'm not saying revenge isn't your answer, because you have only given us your emotional outburst, not the facts. Look at the facts and decide whether or not you are too emotionally involved.

84 Name: mons : 2015-12-03 17:53 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

Thanks for the comments. Read every single one. I get that most of you have a good heart and you brought many good points Hitsuji. It is a matter of debate in my own heart and I appreciate seeing things in other perspectives.

For me this whole thing hasn't just been about the one girl but also about the debate whether or not to accept crappy situations from other people. Revenge in this case is a form of rejection. Its to reject a bad moment. Not just about the girl but its about the situation as a whole. That is why for me moving on and forgetting wasn't the first thing I thought of because for me it symbolizes acceptance towards the matter. So in my head when I'm deciding what to do I do think of what am I accepting in my life.

The girl might have not intended to hurt me but at the same time she has an expectation that I am invincible or if its not that, simply irrelevant. Neither is true in this case, as like anybody else I am simply a person. Who loves, who is willing to change and who wants for things to be different for the better. In my search for what's best, I am refusing to accept how it is achieved. People like her and even you have accepted a specific rhetoric where people like me are insignificant because we hold on to emotions or are more willing to show them. A rhetoric the emotions equals unstableness. It becomes cold world as this rhetoric replaces one of family and of understanding. See maybe I wouldn't be so pissed off by her decision if I understood it. If I wasn't thrown away and just talked to maybe I would have understood her place. But the world only works in her favor and the scope of what matters is only what is convenient for her. That's a reason why revenge seems like a logical choice. Its a way to not fade away but to matter in some way.

Maybe things will change but there are no promises that it will be for the better. That's the struggle. While many of you have accepted the move on ideal that one sees all over Facebook propaganda, I simply am trying to figure out how to make a bad moment into somewhat of a good one. Since in the end there was no forewarning and no understanding rather than judgement. Because in the end Hitsuji even if I didn't bring something that this person needed, it all can be fixed with just talking and reaching an understanding. That is how life works. Well not now, people are to dumb, egocentric and conflict avoidant for that, but maybe life could work like that.

85 Name: Neko : 2015-12-03 20:55 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Logic only exists in science

86 Name: Hitsuji : 2015-12-03 20:58 ID:mbc/GM5O [Del]

>>85 All of life revolves around science and math. You wouldn't be posting here without science and math. Therefore, using logic first makes the world go round. I would pick my head over my heart any day.

87 Name: Neko : 2015-12-03 21:02 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Mwahahah point taken. But logic in anything other in science is different from person to person and it's heavily influenced by the heart. Not everyone follows it but the world is always round anyway.

88 Name: Miss Universe : 2015-12-04 11:25 ID:FdXKWWsO [Del]

mons, I'm afraid you've perceived wrongly. You seem to think that accepting and moving is weak when it is, in fact, what the stronger man does. You say that a the world doesn't want you to have emotions, and that is simply not the case. It is good that you feel okay with expressing your anger. However, strength dwells not in the heart, but in the mind. This means that the better you control your emotions, the stronger they are. It's okay to be angry about this; any healthy person would be, but don't let your emotions control your actions, else you will regret it.

Lastly, you seem to think that the whole world is against you, but that is simply not the case. Remember Celty's words: "The world isn't as bad as you think." You appear to believe as though you can control whether or not something good or bad will happen, but that's not how the world works. For a world that you cannot control, you must learn to accept when bad things happen to you, because they will, and dwelling and sulking about it won't inspire any sympathy from the world. You clearly have an artistic and poetic mind, maybe you should try to be more constructive with yourself than destructive as you are trying so hard to be.

Please don't take this as telling you what to do, I am simply offering my best advice as I did in my first post here: >>73

89 Name: Starrz : 2015-12-04 18:10 ID:0sKjaetS [Del]

Sounds then where exactly are you?

90 Name: Starrz : 2015-12-04 18:12 ID:0sKjaetS [Del]

If you near me I'll help

91 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-12-04 18:30 ID:FWS37Bk+ [Del]

Hahaha this is entertaining! The good ol' never ending cycle of 'I disregard all the bullshit you say because you're wrong and I'm right! I have experienced worse things than you, you don't know how I feel!' coming from both sides. Ah, online arguments are funny.

I happen to fall into the pro-revenge category.

So, how's the revenge coming along?

92 Name: Starrz : 2015-12-05 19:50 ID:gKD9veAs [Del]

Did you die?respond! : |
Well then I guess he got fucked up by shizuo heywajima lol jk

93 Name: Rykero : 2015-12-06 15:40 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]


94 Name: Kaori !PZ5E967sao : 2015-12-07 01:05 ID:3vZROkxE [Del]

Lol, how old are you may I ask? I know it's irrelevant, but it's just...yeah.
Are you actually still holding onto anger from November?
Why don't you just be straightforward unlike her and punch her in the titties.
Not to mention, the revenge you do take that was suggested in this thread can most likely be illegal and depending on how shoddy a job you do, she may even have grounds to file a suit against you, or you might get your pure citizen's record tainted. And this thread itself is just incriminating evidence of your potential actions.

Honestly, if you wanted to get revenge and be smart about it, you wouldn't have posted a thread. Lmao, good luck though, bruh.

95 Name: mons : 2015-12-14 17:55 ID:Tnp8KE3V [Del]

yea I am alive and the update is that not much happened. Well I meet Dollars to talk to and made me feel better but nothing happened and it won't. It was a nice way to deal with anger to anonymously type my frustration.

Still feel the whole thing is unfair and just come to see the stupidity of it all. Not just my blood thirst but the whole situation.

Thanks for the comments and for all the Dollars that I met. It was refreshing to talk to all of you and debate. A good thing to do with anger is to let it out and learn from it.