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Boyfriend still refers to me as his friend around his other friends... (10)

1 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2015-11-24 22:58 ID:TMyl1LwL [Del]

Me and my boyfriend have been going for a while. Our mutual friends know, our families know, and my friends know. But around his other friends that I'm not friends with he just calls me his friend. It really bothers me and he says he'll eventually tell them but he won't tell me how long or why. It is bothering me.

2 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-11-24 23:53 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

That's not a good boyfriend imo.
Why would he have to hide the fact that he is going out with you? There's no reason for that. I'd say that's a red flag.

Personally, if that were me, I'd dump him esp. since you're saying you've "been going for a while." There's truly no reason for him to hide it. Why would you want a boyfriend who hides the fact you two are going out if everyone is pretty much aware of it?

3 Name: Rykero : 2015-11-25 00:40 ID:CLrVqYgF [Del]

Take it from a guy, I'll give you two options for this, neither are really that good...
1) He is not committed; Basically at all, he's just looking for a f*ck-buddy, or someone to only share physically intimate times with.
2) He's embarrassed to be seen with you; It's probably not you, just his own standards or his own insecurities about himself, involving how he feels about himself, how confident he is, or how he might feel insecure around his friends. If he sees to many flaws in you (from his perspective and judgement), he'll try to hide the fact that you are his girlfriend.

Hope this works out for you!

4 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2015-11-25 23:08 ID:TMyl1LwL [Del]

>>2 I don't want to dump him without a bigger reason. I really like this guy...

>>3 1. I'm sure that's not it. He is demisexual, like me, and can't have a sexual relationship without having a strong emotional connection.
2. I know he's insecure, but he practically showed me off to his family and our mutual friends.

I have my own suspicions as to why he is so reluctant to tell his friends...but I don't want to jump to any conclusions and/or ask him about it, lest I offend him. I just don't know how much longer I should give him to tell his friends before saying something.

5 Name: Lovely : 2015-11-26 01:27 ID:XmcfhI49 [Del]

>>4 you may really like him but does ge like you back? If you like him so much you shouldn't be afraid to communicate

6 Name: Neko : 2015-11-26 01:36 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

When you say 'I don't want to dumb him without a bigger reason,' it means that now you're just looking for a bigger reason to dumb him.

7 Name: Hawkstar59 : 2015-11-27 16:14 ID:DdWef77M [Del]

I don't think its that big of a deal he's probably just shy about it because his friends will tease him about it Or he's like on of my friends who believes friends somehow always screw up relationships for their friends. Don't worry about it

8 Name: Tanaka : 2015-11-27 20:02 ID:SBkQX5NT [Del]

Talk to him and tell him if he's really serious about you. It doesn't seem like it if he refers to you as a friend in front of other friends. Plus, in most cases like these, it could be embarrassment. Just saying.

9 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-28 08:21 ID:q/sj1nMG [Del]

It sure would be funny if you put him on the spot and interrogated him.

Talk to him alone and ask "Do you like me? Or do you want to dump me?" He will have to answer.

If he evades the question and doesn't answer, keep asking him everyday until he answers or after a week of not answering, dump him.

If he does answer and says, "I like you" or "what are you talking about? Of course I like you", then ask him why he won't tell his friends about your relationship. He will have to answer. His answer to this will decide whether you dump him or not.

If he answers with "I think we need to break up" or "I'm dumping you", slap his face as hard as you can and say "Lol. I thought so."

If he answers differently and says "I don't want to talk about it" or avoids the question with a question, tell him you will dump him if he doesn't answer properly, What he does will decide whether you dump him or not.

The threats to dump him will make him react, so here, let him explain himself for why he treats you as a friend around his friends. If his reason is valid, let the situation be and it will solve itself on its own. If he is genuinely just a little shy or embarrassed about telling his friends, just leave it at that; it's nothing big. If he is ashamed of going out with you, dump that scumbag.

If you notice he is lying throughout the questioning, he might very well just be trying to get in your pants. Beware. Though, don't make any false accusations; he might get upset or even dump you.

Males can be solved easily with a simple flowchart. Though, the outcome cannot be controlled, unfortunately.

10 Name: 死の運び手 : 2015-12-02 22:43 ID:pdzFhGDJ [Del]

I think that he may be worried about being teased, just for the fact that he has a girlfriend. I've seen guys doing that to their friends a lot. He may not feel as comfortable around them as he does with your families and other friends and he may feel pressured to act differently in order to have a good appearance for himself (it's not you, just his own self trying to fit in, which isn't bad). Give him sometime, but don't give him forever.