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I'm afraid to keep running away but... (8)

1 Name: Tsunaneki : 2015-11-20 07:29 ID:wio5sKge [Del]

So.. I was confessed to a few weeks back, and I accepted his confession because I was afraid that I would hurt his feelings. I finally told him the truth, with the help with ALOT of people... Now that I told him the truth, he has entered depression... He's even cutting himself! I'm really scared, and I've been avoiding him and his friends. I don't want to keep running away but I really don't know what to do..! What should I do?

I sincerely thank anyone who took up their time to read this, and those who took the trouble to type their responses

2 Name: Abziiee : 2015-11-20 08:00 ID:QUotX2kS [Del]

I really think that you should face him and talk to him. I suggest you tell him that if you hadn't told him your true feelings then you would be lying to him and things would go bad. Try to let him know that you didn't want to hurt him more by lying to him and not returning his feelings.

I really hope this helps :(

3 Name: Neko : 2015-11-20 08:20 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

Its not about her, its about him. Bragging about how noble she is for admitting her mistakes is just blah

Start with an apology. As simple and sincere as possible, don't use fancy words, don't try to make up excuses. Always works best

4 Name: Tsunaneki : 2015-11-20 08:22 ID:wio5sKge [Del]

I'll try my best. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply :).

5 Name: Bakyura : 2015-11-20 10:40 ID:06eOlul6 [Del]

Well.. Confessed how so? I need that information to help...

6 Name: Queenie : 2015-11-20 12:16 ID:4R1d0WJ/ [Del]

Leading him on like that (yes, accepting his confession even though you don't feel the same is leading him on) was a bitch move.

Make sure he receives some help...probably a social worker but honestly, there's not much you can do.

7 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-20 12:41 ID:7HatOq7I [Del]

why not try to confort him or find someone that loves him truly or might want to be with him and make them like closer to eachother or something (i know that is easier said than done) but if u know someone who likes that guy introduce them to eachother

8 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-20 15:06 ID:kpI8jdKG [Del]

It's all your fault, if I'm being blunt. Accepting his confession out of sympathy? Ha! That is one of the cruelest things you do to a man. You severely hurt his pride as well as his feelings. Accepting a confession because you were afraid of hurting him is not kindess; it is an insult. The guy watching you try to apologise to him and seeing you must hurt him a lot. Imagine how bad he feels about you lying about liking him? And what's more, you told him the truths WEEKS later? There is no one to blame but you. The best you can do is find the right time to to talk to him alone and sincerely apologise. However, don't go near his friends. Find him when he is alone otherwise his friends might insult you or treat you badly because of what you did to him. Apologise to him about lying to you. And since he is a dude, boost his confidence and tell him good things about him. Anything is fine, as long as you mean it, because everyone has good points. Don't burst into tears whilst talking to him. He will feel even more bad and possible more depressed. Don't comfort him any more than you need to. He will get the wrong idea. Simply put, tell him you are sorry. He should understand. Don't just expect him to go back to normal the next day. Depression isn't that simple. Wait for some time and he might go back to how he was before he confessed to you.


A more risky and dangerous approach is telling him off.
Get mad at him. Tell him cutting himself is stupid and you won't come to him even if he gets depressed over it. Tell him to forget. However, again, do this when you're alone.

Well that's all you can do. Don't ever make the mistake of lying about your feelings again. You understand, woman?

'Tis a good moon.