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I don't know what to do (5)

1 Name: Cookie : 2015-11-20 06:12 ID:8ryO/lvJ [Del]

I am 14 and I am going out with my boyfriend for like, 2 months and my mom got told about it by one of her friend that works at my school. Her friend showed her a pic of us kissing somehow and my mom is not so happy about it. She isn't against our relationship but she doesn't accept the fact that we have physical contact. Even a hug is too much for her. She wants us to stop hugging, kissing etc. My bf agreed we wouldn't do it again in public and that he would be more careful so I told her that to reassure her. BUT she doesn't believe me and told me she would lecture me every day so that I would stop lying. Ever since I was little, I always lied to my parents because I was scared to anger them with the truth. I know it's bad to lie and stuff but now even when I tell her the truth, she won't believe me! I totally regret lying to her all this time and stuff but I really can't stand a lecture every single day about not kissing and stuff. I just want to cry when I hear that... What should I do?

I also told her that kissing in public is actually normal at school.I'm not trying to show off or anything, it's just normal. But she only says that their are only sluts that do that and bla bla bla. She won't listen to me for anything.

Should I just let her lecture me every day? Should I tell her to go away?

Thanks in advance for all your support ^^

2 Name: Neko : 2015-11-20 06:32 ID:2CJ/1XXi [Del]

First thing you should tell her is that the frind taking picture of people kissing without their consent is a violation of privacy

3 Name: Higekiou : 2015-11-20 07:17 ID:wio5sKge [Del]

I don't think you should lie anymore. I'm sure if you tell the truth, the people who love you will still stand by you :) Oh, and about the lectures, I'm sure that your mother loves you, so if you speak to her, I'm sure she'll understand your point. After all, parents always put what's best for their children as their first priority. And... why don't you speak to your boyfriend first? I'm sure he'll understand :) Good luck~

4 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-20 15:39 ID:kpI8jdKG [Del]

Arighty then. My opinion is:
You sound like an immature and ignorant brat who believes that anyone who opposes her is wrong.

Blunt and rude remarks aside,

tell your mum that you're sorry. Tell her you're sorry for not telling her yourself that you have a boyfriend. She must be pretty pissed that she had to find out the scandalous way. A picture of you and your boyfriend kissing? Ha, I can only imagine the shock she had. C'mon, she's a parent watching her child grow up. Be understanding. For you to get a boyfriend without her knowing is actually pretty bad. Of course she isn't going to believe anything you say to her from now on. When you feel the time is right and she's about to lecture you, sincerely say that you're sorry for you're lying to her for so long and say that you know she is trying to be a good mother. From the way you speak, it sounds as if you're not very close with her. You need to be more open with her so she understands you more.

Because you're only 14, I would normally give you more advice on how to talk to your mum about having a relationship but since you're slightly too young in my opinion, just wait a bit longer until you're 15. If this continues even when you get older, you're free to contact me any time through my email:, though you might not like me due to my frank statement at the beginning.

Anyway, please be considerate and more sensitive for your mother's view on this. Try to understand why she acts she does.

'Tis a good moon.

5 Name: 死の運び手 : 2015-12-02 22:50 ID:pdzFhGDJ [Del]

By the way you talk about your mom, you don't sound very close. Obviously your mom found out about your relationship in a way that she didn't expect. I think you should really talk to her about why you were a bit nervous to tell her and explain what this boy means to you.