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How can I get over her? (9)

1 Name: Nayomi : 2015-11-19 20:26 ID:QsGvh4Iw [Del]

I have a crush on this girl, but i'm not sure if she likes me back???? She is a close friend and we are always together, but she told me that she has a crush on another girl. I want to support her, but she and the other girl rarely ever talk and they don't really have anything in common. Even worse, our friends have been "shipping" them together, and it makes me really freaking jealous. How can I get over this and support her? I just want her to be happy.

2 Name: FREDIRQ !MKDuXHJNdI : 2015-11-19 21:24 ID:VsfyVyN2 [Del]

Respecy and understand that she should love who she loves. Wether you decide to express your feelings or not, you should understand her feelings are just as important as yourown for her. For the time being, find somthing to replace your feeling of her, Like for me, I chose chocolate milk. I know it sounds stupid and childish, but finding things to express my feelings for to vent has helped me get through some pretty hard times. I just got though Basic Military Training, and am in Techschool. And I still have Chocolate milk in my fridge to make me happy on hard times.

3 Name: Boric : 2015-11-19 21:47 ID:rNYQlIjF [Del]

So it sounds to me that you have already chosen to support her. That can be a pretty hard thing to do, but completely possible. I know because I've already been though almost the exact same scenario.

I knew I cared for her, and only wanted her to be happy, so I let her do her own thing, while i still played the role of her best friend. I wish I could say the story ended with us being together, but though watching and observing their relationship i realized that she had some quirks about her that didn't sync with me. I knew then that I was happier being her friend than I would have been being her boyfriend.

So what I'm saying is sometimes you can learn more about a person when your on the outside looking into the relationship. take it as an opportunity to learn, and if the time come around again that she is single, you can make a decision then if you want to take another shot.

on a less serious note. >>2 Air Force? :3

4 Name: Prototape : 2015-11-20 03:55 ID:pJKQ9Qyl [Del]

Just give it time, crushes die out eventually. If you can't get over it, maybe take a step away from her for a while so you can worry about yourself. If you can't support her without being burned, that effects her as much as it does you. Supporting and helping others is good, but if you don't care for yourself every once in a while, you're no good to anyone else.

5 Name: Arisu : 2015-11-20 07:25 ID:vHbpqUqd [Del]

Crushes don't always last. So just give it some time.
Unless you are madly crazily insanely crushing on her, if u want to move on...confess to her but also tell her that u understand that she likes someone else and that u do support her, and that ur only confessing so u can just feel better and get it over with. If u guys are really close then she will understand completely

6 Name: Higekiou : 2015-11-20 07:31 ID:wio5sKge [Del]

Just give the whole thing some time :) If you really want to lift the weight from your shoulders, confess to her. I'm sure she'll understand. I'm sure she'll also be supporting you just like you are supporting her :)

7 Name: Queenie : 2015-11-20 12:49 ID:4R1d0WJ/ [Del]

Time will help you let go. Support her by being a good friend. That's all.

8 Name: Holo the Wise Wolf : 2015-11-20 15:22 ID:kpI8jdKG [Del]

Get over her? Get over her by getting over her. having a crush means wanting to be with that person. What is more important to you? Her happiness or your desire? If you want to be a good friend, you'll learn to lock away your feelings for her until they eventually die. That way, your friend isn't hurt! :) However, doing so requires a lot of will-power. I wish you the best of luck for that.


Your crush's crush might not have a crush on your crush! Your girl might get rejected by the person she likes! Is this a chance? If she does end up being rejected, you can either:


You can go for her yourself and get her to like you while she is sad after being rejected. However, the chance of her accepting your feelings is fairly low so this option isn't recommended.

You can also just comfort her if she is rejected which is the safest choice. Be there for her when she is feeling down and always offer her a shoulder to lean on when she needs it. If you want her to be happy and if you want to be a good friend, this is the way to go. Also, she might come to like you back. You never know.

Simply put, always consider her feelings and do what you think is right. Acting on your own feelings isn't always the right decision. You must be strong.

'Tis a good moon.

9 Name: 死の運び手 : 2015-12-02 22:47 ID:pdzFhGDJ [Del]

I think you should give her time to sort out her feelings; she might really like this girl. It's always difficult in situations like this, almost everyone has faced these problems. I think you should tell her how you feel, but give it time first to see if she sticks with this girl or get's over her.